英语人>词典>汉英 : 稀疏集 的英文翻译,例句
稀疏集 的英文翻译、例句


nondense set
更多网络例句与稀疏集相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is proved that if'sparse NP complete sets under polynomial-time Turing reductions exist'then 'SAT is polynomial-time non-adaptively search reducible to decision', and that if 'P is not equal to NP'then either'SAT is not polynomial-time non-adaptively search reducible to decision'or'SAT is not polynomial-time truth-table reducible to bounded approximable sets', and that if'P is not equal to NP'then'sparse complete sets for NP under polynomial-time disjunctive reductions do not exist'.


This approach not only inherits the advantages of absolute density based algorithms which can discover arbitrary shape clusters and are insensitive to noises , but also efficiently solves the following common problems: clustering results are very sensitive to the user-deflned parameters, reasonable parameters are hard to be determined, and high density clusters are contained fully in coterminous low density clusters. With this approach, incremental clustering can also be supported effectively by defining the affected sets and seed sets of the updating objects in this approach.


1 Day after injury ruptured capillary could be seen in ganglion cell layer, 4 weeks after injury cells in each layer arranged sparsely and disorderedly, in some RGCs chromatin became dense, 8 weeks after injury the cells in each layer became fewer and large amount of RGCs without nucleus could be seen.

3光镜下伤后1 d视网膜神经节细胞层出血,伤后4周视网膜各层细胞稀疏、排列欠整齐,GCL散在核染色质浓集、边聚的节细胞,伤后8周视网膜各层细胞明显减少,GCL内大量空化节细胞。

A new algorithm Eclat~+ was brought out, which is an improvement of Eclat and show good performance with a lot of datasets. We compare the two vertical formats, Tidset and Diffset.


The method includes the following steps: firstly, a spherical neighborhood of present sample points is established by using the geometric spherical-modelling theory and all the sample points contained in the spherical neighborhood are adopted as candidate neighbor points, thus not only preserving the effectivity of the dimension reduction capability when data sets are sparse but also getting the advantages of low-sensitivity to isolated points and good stability of the preserved topological structure; then a data relevance matrix more matching semantics can be obtained by relevance measurement based on route clusters to update the candidate neighbor points in the spherical neighborhood and optimize the regular neighborhood space of the present sample points, thus improving the phenomenon that the dimension reduction of sample sets provided with folded curved faces is apt to suffer the integrated-structure distortion in case of heterogeneous data distribution.


Sparsity of source data sets is one major reason causing the poor quality.


In a graph-theoretic version for a graph G,it is to find a set F of added edges such that the graph G+F is chordal and |F| is minimized.Here the minimum value |F| is called the finll-in number of G,denoted as f.


The fill-in minimization problem comes from the elimination process of sparse matrix computation. In a graph-theoretic version for a graph G, it is to find a set F of added edges such that the graph G+F is chordal and |F| is minimized.


Hours after infusion, the radioactivity accumulation appeared in lung, and it revealed that the infused cells distributed mainly in lung, and some appeared in liver, spleen, kidney and bladder. 6 hours after infusion, the radioactivity in lung diminished compared with that at 3 hours after infusion, and bilateral kidneys imagine appeared intensively. 9 hours after infusion, the radioactivity in lung appeared reduced significantly than that at 3 hours after infusion, and liver imagined increasedly, intestine tract imagine appeared in several rats.


In this paper, the generator model of constant transient voltage and the invariableness impedance model was used, and the saliency of generator is included; through the analysis of the characteristic of the network equation calculation in the transient stability analysis, a new node ordering algorithm is proposed. Better initial value can accelerate the convergence rate of the networking equations, reduce the number of iterations, thus to cut down the amount of calculating time.


更多网络解释与稀疏集相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


满足的图,称为稀疏(sparse)图;反之,称为稠密(dense)图. 简单图G中长度为奇数和偶数的圈分别称为奇圈(odd cycle)和偶圈(even cycle). 边割集(edge cut set):边集,若G删除了后不连通,但删除了的任意真子集后G仍然连通. 则称点割集.

weighted graph:赋权图

若图的边有一个权值(weight),则称为赋权边,所形成的图称赋权图(weighted graph)或网络(network). 用三元组G(V,E,W)表示网络. 其中W表示权集,它的元素与边集E一一对应. 满足的图,称为稀疏(sparse)图;反之,称为稠密(dense)图.