英语人>词典>汉英 : 种族歧视的 的英文翻译,例句
种族歧视的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与种族歧视的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You know why House thinks I'm a druggie?- This is gonna be a racial thing, isn't it?


Is this to say that racial insensitivity and racism don't exist in Singapore?


It was impossible, however, for her to remain totally unscathed by the pain of racial injustice in the Jim Crow South.

然而,在 Jim Crow South ,她不可能一点都不受到种族歧视的伤害。

He led many non—violent demonstrations against racial discrimination.


He was a victim of racial discrimination.


It's a racial stalemate we've been stuck in for years.


Because he won't survive playing in such a racially motivated city.


If the racism of his party, the Rhodesian Front, was less crude than that practised in Portugal's African possessions, and less formalised than in South Africa, it was racism just the same.


LAN RICKMAN: Absolutely, because he was completely color blind in that sense.


Alleging racism is one of the most serious accusations that can be made in football.


更多网络解释与种族歧视的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


broad construction:广义解释(指对宪法) | busing:公车接送学生.(反种族歧视的手段之一) | coattail effect:裙带关系影响

Chinaman's chance:机会渺茫(美国社会中种族歧视严重,中国人的命运可想而知)

Fat chance! --- 没戏!(Not a chance. No way.) | Chinaman's chance --- 机会渺茫(美国社会中种族歧视严重,中国人的命运可想而知) | chance of a lifetime --- 千载难逢的机会

racial discrimination:种族歧视

对有色的少数民族产生歧视,"种族歧视"(racial discrimination)是美国美国民权运动(Civil Rights Movement)以后的民权高涨,迫使不少大学在录取新生时预留一些名额(quota)给少数族裔学特别严苛,形成了一个"倒转歧视"(reverse discrimination)的现象,

racial discrimination:种族歧视 种族歧视

种族歧视 种族歧视(racial discrimination) 资产阶级根据种族和民族特征,划分人们的社会地位和法律地位,限制和侵犯其他种族的基本权利和自由的现象. 在阶级社会里,种族歧视实质上是阶级问题. 种族歧视在古代即已存在,但其现代形式是从资本原始积累时期开始的,

Jim Crow South:种族歧视的南方

总体上,我比以前好了,至少比生活在种族歧视的南方(Jim Crow South)的祖先更关心别人、同情别人了. 不是因为我自己的道德修养提高了多少,而是因为我生活在一个道德更加高尚的世界,一个靠书籍形成和改善了的世界.

You're in the right city. You didn't say anything overtly racist:你来对地方了,你并没有公开的 说过任何种族歧视的东西

Well done, you're a star. You didn't wet yo... | You're in the right city. You didn't say anything overtly racist.|你来对地方了,你并没有公开的 说过任何种族歧视的东西 | You didn't pull your dick out and...

Quick Quetzal:敏捷的绿咬鹃

Pedophile Parrot恋童癖的鹦鹉 | Quick Quetzal敏捷的绿咬鹃 | Racist Rooster种族歧视的公鸡


去年曾拒绝向打击涉及儿童色情活动的美国政府当局提供用户搜索数据的谷歌公司(Google Inc.)8月31日称,公司同意按照巴西法院的命令,提供有助于确认那些被指控为参与鼓励种族歧视(racism)、恋童癖(pedophilia)和憎恶同性恋(homo

Racist Rooster:种族歧视的公鸡

Quick Quetzal敏捷的绿咬鹃 | Racist Rooster种族歧视的公鸡 | Stiffy Snake窒息的蛇

manacles of segregation:种族隔离的镣铐

* cripple: 跛子. 这里意思是"无能为力" | * manacles of segregation: 种族隔离的镣铐. | * chains of discrimination: 种族歧视的锁链.