英语人>词典>汉英 : 禁止吸烟的 的英文翻译,例句
禁止吸烟的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

non-smoking · smoke-free
更多网络例句与禁止吸烟的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Public smoking bans are spreading, and so is the demand to stop smoking.


In spite of that, there are still some people smoking cigarettes in sight of "NO SMOKING".


I'm afraid all these offices are non-smoking offices.


It remains to be seen how easy it will be to enforce the new regulation as non-smoking signs and laws are generally given short shrift in China.


This is a smoke free building.


Promote the education and publicity of smoke free


M: And would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?


British publicans have always had the right to ban smoking.


On Wednesday, the tobacconists went on strike against a new anti-smoking law.


On Wednesday, the tobacconists went on strike against a new anti-smoking law.


更多网络解释与禁止吸烟的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(由1992年第9号第2条增补)(c)就根据第3(1A)条指定的禁止吸烟区而言,指作出该项指定的主要高级人员; (由1995年第68号第37条增补)"广告"(advertisement) 指以任何方式向公众作出或行将向公众作出的公告;"机构"(agency) 指附表3第2栏所


antismog | 防烟雾污染的 | antismoking | 反对吸烟(的)禁止吸烟(的) | antismut | 禁淫秽书报的

Please come down from your bicycle:(请从你的自行车上下来. )

Smoking is prohibited if you will be fined 50 yuan.(禁止吸烟,违者罚款50元) | Please come down from your bicycle.(请从你的自行车上下来. ) | If you have trouble find police.(有困难,找警察)

May I use your pencil:我能用一下你的铅笔吗

I think it will. / I don't think it will. 我想会. /我想不会的. | 92.May I use your pencil? 我能用一下你的铅笔吗? | 93.No smoking! 禁止吸烟!

No Smoking:禁止吸烟

迈耶还在进取号的舰桥上挂上了一块"禁止吸烟"(No Smoking)的标牌,他对此回忆道:"每个人都对此大发脾气[......]我解释说'他们为什么要在未来不再吸烟?他们已经抽了四百年了,你们难道觉得他们在后面两百年里戒得掉?

passport control:入境检验

No smoking except in designated area 除指定区域外,禁止吸烟. | Passport control 入境检验 | Please leave your luggage with you at all times 请随身携带你的行李.

passport control:入境检查

No smoking except in designated area 除指定区域外,禁止吸烟 | Passport control 入境检查 | Please leave your luggage with you at all times 请随身携带您的行李


smoking cessation clinic 戒烟门诊 | smoke-free 无烟的/禁止吸烟的 | tobacco epidemic 烟草流行

staff smoking room:员工吸烟室 (办公室是禁止吸烟的)

Do you think you could give me directions? 你能给... | staff smoking room 员工吸烟室 (办公室是禁止吸烟的) | be prominently located in a well-established and fast-growing corporate area 位于闻名遐迩、发展...

outlawed smoking in the house:室内禁止吸烟

This company employs more people than any other outfit in the city.这家公司雇用的人员多于市... | outlawed smoking in the house. 室内禁止吸烟 | The shoe manufacturer had several outlets. 那家制鞋厂商有几...