英语人>词典>汉英 : 票 的英文翻译,例句
票 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
ticket  ·  ticketing  ·  ticketed  ·  tickets

更多网络例句与票相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Electoral vote 选举人票 The state has 25 electoral votes which is not a small sum.


The electoral vote was 379 to 159, as I lost three states I had carried in 1992, Montana, Colorado, and Georgia, and won two new ones, Arizona and Florida, for a net gain of nine electoral votes.


Nearly 50% of consumers are still from the traditional buying ticket agency, other person tickets from the site, often also called line送票Service.


Customer Ticketing: First, a customer fetches a number ticket from the ticketer machine which is been placed in the bank hall, the number ticket has such information as the number of calling out, number of waiting people at present, ticket printing time, etc, the system replaces the customer to queue automatically according to this number.


To confirm your reservation with the ticket 1, the day of booking and the day of the vote送票: In the civil aviation system after successful booking, customer service center will provide you with the confirmation in accordance with the manner with you to confirm the booking of flights and prices, and you need送票time for you送票; the event booking is unsuccessful, call center phone will notify you as soon as possible, so please be sure to keep you filled in Tel flow 2, the first book, not counting: If you would like to book machine bit later on the ticket, please indicate your deadline for the final out of votes (if you requested time limit for the final out of votes and the provisions of airline tickets contravene the time limits, the call center will be promptly notified of your final votes in the time limit), if not to specify you may be required to bear the loss Refund; Because the airlines have the right to cancel any reservations unbilled bit machine, so when you out in the final period of time decided to vote the ticket, please immediately notify the call center phone, we will call the day of your again for you to confirm your reservation slots previously the case.

确认预订与出 1、当天预订并当天出:在民航系统中订位成功后,客服中心将按照您提供的确认方式与您确认所预订的航班以及价格,并按您所需要的送时间为您送;万一订位不成功,客服中心将会尽快电话联系通知您,故请务必保持您所填的联系电话畅通 2、先预订,不出:如果您希望先预订机位稍后出,请注明您最后出期限(如果您要求的最后出时限与航空公司之规定出时限抵触时,客服中心会及时通知您最后出时限),如果不注明您有可能需要承担退损失;由于航空公司有权取消任何预订未出的机位,因此当您在最后出时限内决定出后,请立即电话通知客服中心,我们会在您来电当天再为您确认一下您先前预订的机位情况。

One Way Ticket to hell and back Bought a one way ticket to hell and back One way ticket to hell and back Bought a one way ticket to hell and back I'm always trying to keep my vices under wraps But a coach load of mutes would appear talkative chaps They seemed fit to join me for a couple of hits But my septum is in tatters And I've still got the runs Burn for a moment then you kick like a mule Strangers are agreeing that it was rocket fuel Several massive chocking lines of glorious gak Bought a one way ticket to hell...


But this tie is elusive, imperfect as the election that produced it because when you are shuffling through 6 million votes and double-punched ballots and hanging chads and missing postmarks and the whole archaeology of human frailty, every count by machine or by hand yields a different result, each so close as to be all but meaningless.


E-ticket description, according to aviation stakeholders description: universal access to e-ticket "purchase tickets" paved the way for the use of electronic voting, would not have been the traditional ticket ticket delivery, tickets, payment and a series of procedures can as you need range, departure, arrival, the departure date, fare levels and other options, bank transfer can be easily purchased electronic ticket, and then to counter without the need to pay the tickets.


We reproduced the Munsell chips whose hues are 5R, 5YR, 5Y, 5GY,5G, 5BG, 5B, 5PB, 5P,5PR and values are 3, 5, 7, and chromas are 2, 4, 6, 10 using the sublimate printer. We then calculated the color differences ΔEab between the reproduced chips and the standard chips.

而Munsell色为目前工业设计及平面设计等各行各业最常用的色,因此我们以Munsell 色中的十个主色相、彩度C=2,4,6,10、明度V=3,5,7的色为本研究的标准色样,用热升华式印表机进行色彩复制,再计算出复制色与标准色的CIELab色差,以探讨热升华印表机复制Munsell色的可行性。

My company free of charge 送票 Beijing by new and old customers and praise!


更多网络解释与票相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dishonoured bill:兩- 拒付票據;退票 港- 不兌現匯票 台- 未兌現票據;拒付票據;退票

dishonour a cheque 兩- 退 內- 拒絕承兌支 台- 拒絕兌付支 | dishonoured bill 兩- 拒付據;退 港- 不兌現匯 台- 未兌現據;拒付據;退 | disposal of assets 兩- 處置資產 台- 處分資產

clean bill:光票

因付款人须凭汇承兑,并承担到期付款的责任.而持人必要时可 凭承兑的汇贴现或经背书转让.二,汇的种类 1,按有无附有货运单据,可分为光和跟单汇(CLEAN BILL) 光是不附带货运单据的汇.光的流通完全依靠当事人的信用,

booklet ticket:冊頁車票,本式車票

1129 booklet of coupon tickets 售頁車本,本式車本 | 1130 booklet ticket 冊頁車,本式車 | 1131 boom 吊桿

coupon bond:附息票债券

Coupon 息;本息;股利 | Coupon bond 附息债券 | Coupon register 息登记薄

pay and display parking space:凭票停车位;凭票泊车位

pay and display machine 凭泊车机 | pay and display parking space 凭停车位;凭泊车位 | pay on return 回程缴费

Drawee Bank:受票银行;付款银行

drawee受人;匯付款人 | drawee bank受銀行;付款銀行 | drawer出人;發

Drawee Bank:兩- 受票銀行 港- 付款銀行 台- 受票銀行;付款銀行

drawee 兩- 受人 內- 付款人 港- 匯付款人 | drawee bank 兩- 受銀行 港- 付款銀行 台- 受銀行;付款銀行 | drawer 兩- 出人 港- 發人 台- 發人;出

Sight draft; Sight bill:見票即付票據

Sight bill; Sight draft 見即付據 | Sight draft; Sight bill 見即付據 | Sign test 符號檢定

discounted bill:兩- 貼現票據 台- 折現票據;貼現票據

discount yield 兩- 折扣收益率 | discounted bill 兩- 貼現據 台- 折現據;貼現據 | discounted cash flow 港- 現金流量折現;貼現法 台- 現金流量折現

Sight bill; Sight draft:見票即付票據

Sickness funds 疾病基金 | Sight bill; Sight draft 見即付據 | Sight draft; Sight bill 見即付