英语人>词典>汉英 : 神经小体 的英文翻译,例句
神经小体 的英文翻译、例句


nerve corpuscles
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The implantation nerve regenerated Meissner corpuscle in grafting skin,which were distributed in dermatoplasty borderline.The volume of re-generative Meissner corpuscles was58%of normal,relative gray degree was80%,and the regenerative rate of Meissner corpuscles was60%,40%and35%respectively in skin of palm,arm and eyelid.


The repetitiveness,the selfsameness,and the ubiquity of modern mass cultureTheodor Adorno


RESULTS: The mild traction group showed angulus anterior individual neuron slightly engorged, neuron and nerve fiber morphous was normal essentially; individual substantia alba demyelinates in fragmentis; medullary sheath and auxiliary fibers of nerve root were hydropsia slightly without conspicuous myelinolysis. The moderate traction group demonstrated myelinolysis change in the spinal cord, and neurofibras lined up chaos, auxiliary fibers disaggregated, neuron dropsy, tigroid body disappeared with karyopycnosis and anachromasis in neurons; nerve root showed myelinolysis. The severe traction group displayed a great demyelination region; anterior motor neurons with karyopycnosis and anachromasis; myelinated nerve fiber of nerve root shrinked, decreased in number, with severe demyelination changes.


Results Denatured necrosis occurred on the surface of hypothalamic periosteum with no cells and there was a large amount of starchy bodies and hydrops in foci with angiectasis of choroid plexus and necrosis and calcification in tunicaintima of vesicles,and mitochondria in the nerve synapse disappeared and part of anteroposterior membranes ...

结果 慢性SZ患者下丘脑部室管膜表面变性坏死、无细胞,病灶中有大量淀粉样小体和水肿,脉络丛血管扩张,管壁内膜有坏死和钙化;神经突触内大部分突触小泡和线粒体消失,部分前后膜模糊不清。

Mushroom bodies and antennal lobes in Oxycetonia jucunda were conspicuous. Calyces and lobes of the mushroom bodies.were much developed. In contrast, calyces of Ambrostoma quadriimpressum and Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata were extremely undeveloped. However, the postretinal fibres and circumpharyngeal nerves of Ambrostoma quadriimpressum were highly developed. In the three beetles, 5-HT immunoreactivity was present in all neuropils of the brain and the suboesophageal ganglion. The pattern of 5-HT immunoreactivity and the localization of immunoreactive somata which often clustered into groups were similar among these beetles, while the immunoreactivity intensity was distinct, especially in the lamina.


RESULTS The degenerative changes of nerve ending in Meissner's corpuscles were observed after 1 month of denervation, and the basic structure of the corpuscles had no obvious changes. After 3 months, the axons of corpuscles were disappeared, and the volume of corpuscles was shrunk. The basic structure of nerves was disappeared, and the lemmocyte and neurolemma plate were changed after 5 months.

结果 失神经1个月时触觉小体内的神经末梢已有溃变,触觉小体的基本结构无明显改变;3个月时轴突消失,触觉小体的体积开始萎缩;5个月时神经结构消失,膜细胞及其膜板亦开始改变;8个月时触觉小体内胶原纤维含量逐渐增多;12个月时触觉小体内膜结构与膜间基质完全消失,被胶原纤维代替。

In experimental animals, exposure to a common herbicide, rotenone, induces features of Parkinsonism; mechanistically, rotenone-induced destruction of dopaminergic neurons has been attributed to its inhibition of the activity of neuronal mitochondrial complex Ⅰ.


Objective To study the pathogenesis and clinical symptoms of patient with central type of interˉvertebral disc protrusion manifested intermittent claudication as the mainly clinical presentation,so as to reach the early diagnosis and treamtmet in time.Methods In58cases,X-ray film,lumbar discography,CT examinations were done to confirm the diagnosis,then total laminectomig was performed to reveal the vertebal body without involving small arˉticular process.Intervertebral tissue was excised via duralotomy approach in2cases in remaining56cases,through right and left longitudinal syndesmotomy to resect the nucleus pulposus of lumber intervertebral disc.Results In58cases treated by operation,the operative findings were in according with the X-ray and CT examinations ofpre-opˉeration.

目的 对呈间歇性跛行主要临床表现的中央型椎间盘突出症患者的发病机制和临床表现进行研究,达到早诊断、早治疗方法对58例患者进行X线拍片,腰椎碘造影,CT扫描检查,根据检查结果确诊后,采用全椎板切除显露椎体,未累及小关节突,2例经硬膜切开入路切除间盘组织,余56例经从双侧用神经剥离子带棉片将硬脊膜带神经根向中线剥拉至显露圆形突出物止,分别从左右纵韧带摘除髓核。

We postulate that the "ridged band", with its unique structure, tactile corpuscles and other nerves, is primarily sensory tissue and that it cooperates with other components of the prepuce.

我们认为,Ridged Band是一个特殊的结构,包含了触觉小体以及其他神经,是包皮上的主要敏感组织而且它和包皮的哦其他部分协作。

The inferior ganglion is formed near the jugular foramen by glossopharyngeal nerve . The tympanic branch emerged from the inferior ganglion of the GphN and enters the middle ear through the tympanic canaliculus . A second small branch , this one to the carotid body , leaves Glossopharyngeal Nerve soon after it exits the skull .


更多网络解释与神经小体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




四、垂体 垂体(hypophysis)位于颅底蝶鞍垂体窝内,为一椭圆形小体,重约0.5g. 垂体由腺垂体和神经垂体两部分组成,表面包以结缔组织被膜. 神经垂体分为神经部和漏斗两部分,漏斗与下丘脑相连,包括漏斗柄和正中隆起. 腺垂体分为远侧部,

free nerve endings:游离神经末梢

–痛觉:游离神经末梢(free nerve endings) –温度觉:冷觉 Krause 球状小体,热觉 Ruffini 小体. –触觉:毛囊周围的神经末梢,触觉小体(meissner),触盘 (merkel).. –压觉:Paccini 环层小体. 本体感受器: 深感觉, 接受来自肌肉 (神经肌梭) 肌腱 ,


神经元 胞体(Soma)(物质合成部位,代谢中心) 突起(),分为:树突,轴突,轴丘 突触小体():末梢膨大的部分 始段():轴突起始的部位. 基本功能:接受信息,整合信息,传递信息,神经-内分泌功能.


这类神经纤维较细,无髓鞘,其轴突终末分支常呈串珠样膨体(varicosity). 它是与效应细胞建立突触的部位. 膨体内有许多圆形或颗粒型突触小泡,圆形清亮突触小泡含乙酰胆碱,颗粒型突触小泡含去甲肾上腺素或肽类神经递质. 神经元胞体是细胞的营养中心,

bulbule:珠芽, 小鳞茎

bulbul | 夜莺 | bulbule | 珠芽, 小鳞茎 | bulbus corpuscle | (神经)球状小体


3.小胶质(microglia)又称小胶质细胞,是神经胶质中最小的一种细胞,胞体细长或椭圆形,核小,呈扁平或三角形,染色深. 突起细长有分支,表面有许多小棘突(图1-47). 小胶质来源于血中单核细胞,具有吞噬功能. 当中枢神经系统损伤时,

neuroepithelial body:神经上皮小体

神经膜细胞neurolemmal cell | 神经上皮小体neuroepithelial body | 神经分泌细胞neurosecretory cell

psammoma bodies:砂粒小体

脑 膜 瘤 meningioma | 砂粒小体 psammoma bodies | 神经母细胞瘤 neuroblastoma

tigroid body:神经虎斑小体

密闭容器 tight container | 神经虎斑小体 tigroid body | 分糪(植物) tillering