英语人>词典>汉英 : 社会保险 的英文翻译,例句
社会保险 的英文翻译、例句


social insurance · social security · security of subsistence
更多网络例句与社会保险相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the above findings, although the metropolis group in Coefficient method did improve income redistribution, other analysis did not achieve the goal of income redistribution.


Actualization of individual account is a transition of social insurance system from pay-as-you-go and social-planning system to the combination of social planning and individual account. It is desired to deal with the defrayal crisis caused by the increasingly severe situation of aging of the population as well as to realize individual rights to own their own accounts. It is also the prerequisite to the market-oriented investment and operation of the funds in individual accounts in order to preserve and increase the value.


In the case of countries belonging to the EEC, their social security system is linked to Britain 's by a reciprocal agreement.


The endowment insurance system is an important part of the social insurance system, and it is also the basis content of the whole social insurance system.


Accordance with the "total quantity is not increasing," the principle of integration of the original coal, agriculture, and the Social Security Administration of autonomous institutions, re-formation of the autonomous region of unemployment insurance, old-age pension management center, medical and industrial injury insurance, transaction management birth center, the social insurance fund management center 3 to run one institution, improve the social insurance system, to enhance the ability to lay the foundation for social insurance.


Article IX of the social insurance payment unit registration fee to change or termination unit in accordance with the law should be changed or terminated since the date of 30 days, to the social insurance agencies to change or cancellation of the social insurance register.

第九条 缴费单位的社会保险登记事项发生变更或者缴费单位依法终止的,应当自变更或者终止之日起30日内,到社会保险经办机构办理变更或者注销社会保险登记手续。

It includes: the inference of the legislation and the scarcity of the system; incompleteness of the scope covered by the legislation; the unhealthiness of the system of the personal account; the existing mechanism recede the manipulation character; too high proportion of the social insurance charge; the feebleness of the executing mechanism.


The authority should combine private employees with social insurance system veritably and propel the process of our social insurance system.


Based on the proper definition of social insurance disputes, the paper tries to carry on an analysis on disposal systems of social insurance and their current situations in China and points out that, as commercial insurance, due to the weak status in disputes, insurants are often the side whose interests are damaged.


The speeding up of the process of urbanization implies that there will be a lot of agricultural population changing into urban population. One necessary requirement is to provide a path to enter the social security system for those who are mainly engaged in non-agricultural industries but live in rural areas. However, due to the non-agricultural populations not participating in the social insurance system, it is hard for them to accumulate the insurance fund. Because of the dual urban and rural social security system, it is difficult for the social insurance to link up.


更多网络解释与社会保险相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

FICA abbr.Federal Insurance Contributions Act:(美国)联邦社会保险捐款法

steam蒸煮 | FICA abbr.Federal Insurance Contributions Act (美国)联邦社会保险捐款法 | live on v.继续生活, 以...为主食, 靠...生活

FICA Federal Insurance Contribution Act:联邦社会保险捐款法

there was a cave in in one of the mines. 其中的一个矿井塌了 | FICA Federal Insurance Contribution Act 联邦社会保险捐款法 | give generous tips 给了丰厚的小费

social security and medicate:社会保险和医疗

social circle 社会圈 | social security and medicate 社会保险和医疗 | social security foundation 社会保险基金

social security system:社会保险制度

而不是卷了钱就跑了的骗子(事实上,风险投资钱被骗的事件还时有发生)第二次世界大战后,经过罗斯福和杜鲁门两任总统的努力,美国建立起了完善的社会保险制度 (Social Security System)和信用制度(Credit System),

social insurance:社会保险

甚至在19世纪80年代,亦即德国实施"社会保险"(social insurance)的最初阶段,个人就已不仅被要求加入社会保险以自行抵御一些风险(对于这些风险,如果人们不加入保险,国家就必须向他们提供救济),而且还被强迫通过政府统一管理的组织去获得这种保护.

Statutory Social Insurance:法定社会保险(含养老、医疗、失业、工伤和生育保险)

* 节日礼金Festival Packet | * 法定社会保险(含养老、医疗、失业、工伤和生育保险)Statutory Social Insurance | * 住房公积金计划 Housing Fund Program

the social insurance:社会保险

vocational training 职业培训 | the social insurance社会保险 | labor disputes劳动争议

social insurance fund:社会保险基金

社会保障基金(social security fund),如果可以分类的话,可以简单分为社会保险基金(social insurance fund)和社会福利基金(social welfare fund),当然SSF具有更仔细的分类.

Social Insurance Funds:社会保险基金

风险投资基金:Venture capital funds | 社会保险基金:social insurance funds | 证券投资基金:security-investment funds

social security number:社会保险号码

美国公民美国人都是有社会保险号码(Social Security Number)的,国际学生没有,这就需要去有关社会保险部门开一个证明文件,说这个人没有工作,所以没有SSN.