英语人>词典>汉英 : 硬癌的 的英文翻译,例句
硬癌的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It is composed mostly of embryonal carcinoma, but there are scattered firmer white areas that histologically are teratoma.


To describe a case of intradural metastasis from a renal cell carcinoma spread to the cauda equina, and review the pertinent medical literature.


Results:The results showed that the incidence of scirrhous carcinoma of breast was 2% of the total breast cancers,and the 5-,10-year survival rates were 53.6% and 38.4% respectively.


It is this marked increase in the dense fibrous tissue stroma that produces the characteristic hard "scirrhous" appearance of the typical infiltrating ductal carcinoma.


This collagenous component gives the neoplasm a hard "scirrhous" consistency that is palpable.


All the LOH on 〓 and 〓 was observed in invasive ductal carcino- ma, carcinoma simplex, medulary carcinoma and scirrhous carcino- ma, no deletions at these sites were observed in any invasive lobular carcinoma and others. These results imply an etiological difference.P53 gene is a hot point gene in the occurrence and development of breast, cancer. PCR-SSCP analysis was performed to detect P53 gene point mutation in the region between exon 5 and 8, 5 of 12 (41. 6%) stage I breast cancer patients contain mutation of P53, 3 of 5 patients were accompanied by 〓 deletion. These results suggested that point mutation and allelic loss of P53 gene are two vi- tal genetic events in earlier stage of breast tumorigenesis.


One patient developed a painful umbilical nodule 1.5 years after an uncomplicated colectomy. Another suffered an indurated umbilical nodule associated with an obstructive sigmoid colon cancer.


The yellow-white nodules had the typical morphology of conentional renal cell carcinoma, clear cell type.


更多网络解释与硬癌的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mumps orchitis:流行性腮腺炎性睾丸炎

流行性腮腺炎性睾丸炎(mumps orchitis)为约1/4的成人流行性腮腺炎可并发睾丸炎,而青春期前儿童患者合并睾丸炎者较少. 病变的睾丸在急性期呈间质水肿及中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞和组织细...发现一侧睾丸肿大,质硬如石,应高度怀疑睾丸癌的可能,


scirrhous 硬癌的 | scirrhus 硬性癌肿 | scissile 易裂开的

scirrhus:硬癌 (名)

scirrhous 硬性癌的 (形) | scirrhus 硬癌 (名) | scission 切断; 分离; 分开 (名)


腺样囊性癌(adenoid cystic carcinoma)又称为圆柱瘤(cylindroma). 约占唾液腺恶性肿瘤的27%. 40~60岁多见. 无明显性别差异. 腺样囊性癌生长缓慢,病期较长,呈圆形或结节状,质地中等硬. 由于此瘤呈浸润性生长. 肿瘤浸润周围神经可引起疼痛和神经麻痹.


4.膀胱痛(cystalgia )疼痛位于耻骨区,多由急性尿潴留所致. 1.阴茎肿块(mass of penis)阴茎头肿块是阴茎癌的主要特征,多呈菜花状、易出血、有恶臭. 小男孩包皮内可有包皮垢形成扁圆状硬块;阴茎海绵体肿块多为阴茎硬结症.

linitis plastica:革囊胃

需与慢性消化性溃疡鉴别(3)浸润型(infiltrating type)癌组织在胃壁内局部弥漫性浸润生长,与周围组织无明显界限,弥漫浸润时胃壁增厚、变硬、皱襞大多消失、弹性减退、胃腔缩小,形状如同皮革制成的囊袋,称为革囊胃(linitis plastica).


scion 幼芽 | scioptic 用暗箱的 | scirrhous 硬癌的


scioptic 用暗箱的 | scirrhous 硬癌的 | scirrhus 硬癌

scirrhous:硬性癌的 (形)

scion 幼芽, 子孙 (名) | scirrhous 硬性癌的 (形) | scirrhus 硬癌 (名)


scirrhus 硬癌 | scissile 易切断的 | scission 切断