英语人>词典>汉英 : 石破天惊 的英文翻译,例句
石破天惊 的英文翻译、例句


The breaking of rock frightens the heaven. · admirably wonderful · devastating event · earth-shattering and heaven-battering
更多网络例句与石破天惊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And there was a flash at the center of the demonic horde, at the center where the casters chanted andscreamed and prayed. It was a rip in the universe, this time a bright rip, as if a doorway into the sun itselfhad been opened. The energy spiraled outward, and the demons did not even have time to scream as itovertook them, burning them out and leaving the shadows of their afterimage as their only testament.


With a cry of triumph, the people gave their sanction to one of the boldest exploits which our


In building Ci to interview, still admit,"All enterprises can be replaced finally ", so he himself can face up to a future that does not have Microsoft, because somebody is devoting oneself to to bring some kind of innovation that has interest of remarkably original and forceful, be like him himself going up 70 time place does the century in that way.


His shooting rate is very exact and and sharp, and it is well-known for his wise imagination , and when he glides in the sky , and sometimes his drop shot is very remarkable and forceful like thunderbolt , and sometimes is very gentle and elegant like catkin .


You then feed back society with all your money, which is earth-quaking.


He voted in the accuracy, breaking sharp, and most commendable is the human foot in the air glider when he hit upon an idea that the imagination of his dunk like Perak sometimes as a ground-breaking, and sometimes like the same flexibility Xu beautiful.


At that time, a friend introduced me Zinedine Zidane, I thought he is the best and his show actually no one can make again, his movements are so elegant - taking the ball like a stroll in the garden, passing the opponent is so easily and smoothly, his long-range shoot is the ground-breaking, penalty kick--every shot hits the target.


There are 1,198 seats in the theater, all the seats are new installations of comfortable and luxurious sofas. Seamless large metal screen, a new automatic projector, excellent docoding effect, lifelike sound, all these will lead you to a new realm. Shijie theater is one of the preem theaters in Guangdong Province , South China Cinemas.


Michelle Reis is undoubtedly beautiful, she was in band and even the Hong Kong media described as earth-shaking great beauty.


Yet Juventus President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli has sensationally revealed that the transfer has yet to be completed.


更多网络解释与石破天惊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alcatraz Island:阿卡特兹岛 又恶魔岛 位于旧金山湾内 原是一所关重罪犯的监狱 参看电影:石破天惊

Homo Sapiens 智人 人类早期始祖 现在仍存在 | Alcatraz Island 阿卡特兹岛 又恶魔岛 位于旧金山湾内 原是一所关重罪犯的监狱 参看电影:石破天惊(The Rock) | dead ahead 直向前


克里斯汀- 迪奥(CD)早在1946年已成立但第一支香水Diorissimo是1956年才推出的. 1985年的Poison轰动一时,一则取名"毒药"有石破天惊的效果,二则迪奥在维士康堡为配合Poison的推出而举行的晚会,盛极一时. 主人要求嘉宾必须穿上紫水晶颜色服装.

Cutthroat Island:选自电影《石破天惊>


Til Kingdom Come:直到来世

12 twisted logic (扭曲的逻辑) | 13 til kingdom come (直到来世) | 滚石乐队最新专辑:石破天惊the big bang


3、>(Leon) 最"石破天惊"之语:玛蒂达:"莱昂,我想我是爱上你了,这是我的初恋,你知道吗?" 点评:情窦初开的叛逆少女惊人地用成人的口吻向朝夕相伴、年龄悬殊的冷血杀手莱昂表达了爱慕之情. 它一方面标志着玛蒂达正由单纯走向成熟,


纳氏的母语为俄文,四十岁才搬到美国,>(Lolita)是他以英文写出的名作,我每回读它、每回都感到佩服,尤其是那无懈可击、石破天惊的第一段:至于旧金山市立公共图书馆(San Francisco Public Library)内的"书籍艺术与特藏区"(Book Arts & Special Collections),


狄拉克方程"无中生有、 石破天惊"地指出为甚么电子有"自 旋"(spin), 而且为甚么"自旋角动量"是1 / 2而不是整数. 初 次了解此中奥妙的人都无法不惊叹其为"神来之笔",是别人无法想到 的妙算. 当时最负盛名的海森伯(W. Heisenberg ,

Wind Talker:风语者

天马流星槌变成摩托流火链了......;勇闯恶魔岛或者叫石破天惊(the rock),有肖恩康奈利助阵,编剧还说得过去,但还是没有把我所喜欢的凯奇表现出来,很多人都说经典,也确实经典,但我个人认为还是稍欠点感觉;风语者(wind talker),我向来不喜欢战争片,

Air Gallet:石破天惊

石破天惊(Air Gallet) 街机游戏rom压缩包内是街机游戏rom 石破天惊(Air Gallet)您正在下载的是石破天惊(Air Gallet) 街机游戏rom

Search for Spock:第三部:石破天惊

第二部:可汗怒吼 . Wrath of Khan | 第三部:石破天惊 . Search for Spock | 第四部:抢救未来 . Voyage Home