英语人>词典>汉英 : 矮几 的英文翻译,例句
矮几 的英文翻译、例句


pier table
更多网络例句与矮几相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to install the electrothermic Board, silica gel used for blocking the release version of silica gel used for blocking the General selection of grass-roots level to 1-3 mm in thickness of the aluminum plate. Silica gel layer from the aluminum plate between the bond strength directly linked to silica gel used for blocking the version of the service life, if the silican layer from the aluminum plate between the bond strength is not high enough, the high temperature and high pressure easy to crack.


In this research , by using of genomic in situ hybridization , random amplified polymorphism DNA technology and three specific SCAR molecular markers, the author analyzed wheat hybrid generations carrying the desired genes that were resistant to take-all, BYDV and/or powdery mildew, and developed some alien chromosome addition and translocation lines that were important in breeding practice, and some specific molecular markers that could be applied in marker-assisted selection.


Wear of the cam requirements apertognathia welding and replacement parts, disability and in disturbthe, avoid regulation disorder after a series of technology failures, at the same time according to the operating instructions for motorised offset press relations table may require adjustments to the data sheet transfer very lucky to have teeth, drum, delivery of dental clishion three parts in informention begnawing paper delivery must be adjusted in line with a sheet transfer very lucky to have teeth, drum, delivery time dental clishion Zhang arterious, Mr.


PVC Card - Business card printing 】Imagesetter was developed a new device that is using the computer for an input text symbols proofing, editing, and then the exposure by laser-scanning technology Imaging in sencitivity that the use of scanning beam brightness focused by a high, as to the very fine beam, the scan to the identity of lycoramine up to 40 line/MM, this setter it to text glyph outlines and flick, the text of high quality typesetting, interpuntion, has become the main force of text interpuntion, after more than 20 years of growing and changing as the types of technology, from the use of laser light apparatus'manufacture laser, argon ion laser and led, and so on, from the scan of the different ways to look at so, Prism scan, mechanical drum scanning and internal cylindrical drum scans several ways-galvanometric machanistic, but galvanometric high quality requirements with less.


PVC Card - Business card printing 】Imagesetter was developed a new device that is using the computer for an input text symbols proofing, editing, and then the exposure by laser-scanning technology Imaging in sencitivity that the use of scanning beam brightness focused by a high, as to the very fine beam, the scan to the identity of lycoramine up to 40 line/MM, this setter it to text glyph outlines and flick, the text of high quality typesetting, interpuntion, has become the main force of text interpuntion, after more than 20 years of growing and changing as the types of technology, from the use of laser light apparatus'manufacture laser, argon ion laser and led, and so on, from the scan of the different ways to look at so, Prism scan, mechanical drum scanning and internal cylindrical drum scans several ways-galvanometric machanistic, but galvanometric high quality requirements with less.


Use CORELDRAW with version, to increase the speed if the file is bigger, with more graphics version, it is a couple of small version of the base map in one piece, the amount of information to reduce the file, improving output speed, note the text not to bitmaps such as text converted to bitmap will affect the accuracy of the text.


Silver Forestry dwarves from the castle cupola furnace Fort Valley and only a few across the road, perhaps with the wizard has signed Dwarves good snatched gold after sharing agreement.


Huangshan in the five main peak of the ridge top ten a few scattered dark gray oval granite boulders, high to low, short people who can stand on it jumped as high as non-frame ladder can not be on the top.


From Germany Brigitte Heinrichs creates a low lying table centre; Colleen Smith shows 6 ideas using hydrangeas; Norwegian, Kristin Voreland , explains how to make your own mechanics and colourful design; Eileen Avery-Scott comes up with an original technique to experiment with; Wendy Andrade uses a new machanic for her autumnal design; Jouni Seppanen takes part in our new challenge the designer series; Australian Mark Pampling completes his series on using sandpaper in arrangements; Teresa maria Ineke Turangan AIFD uses her skills to link high fashion with flowers and New Zealand's Rhonda Hall reveals how to use seasonal berries for the WOW factor!

来自德国的 Brigitte Heinrichs 制作了矮几桌中心的设计装饰; Colleen Smith 展示了6款绣球花设计;挪威设计师 Kristin Voreland 教你如何制作色彩缤纷的作品; Eileen Avery-Scott 带来原创设计技巧; Wendy Andrade 用新的工具做了秋季设计; Jouni Seppanen 接受我们的邀请加入我们的设计师队伍;澳大利亚设计师马克。帕林在插花中用砂纸完成了他的系列作品;美国设计师协会会员 Teresa Maria Ineke Turangan 运用他的技巧完成了非常时尚的花艺作品;新西兰设计师 Rhonda Hall 用季节性浆果制作表现了让人惊喜的设计因素。

According to home in the past to filter the tricolors of low-temperature disperse red 3B, dispersing yellow blue RGEL 2BLN and decentralized; and now filtered disperse decentralized low-temperature, the red yellow E-3R, brilliant blue E-4R E-4B, improvements to the content of the tricolors of dyes and include black, several dyes, makes it easy with all kinds of chromategraphy, the amount of dye to the content of the factory is reduced to a minimum.


更多网络解释与矮几相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


让桥上守卫的武士(warrior)撤到中部驻防的武士那里,派村里 的几个弓箭兵(archer)和一个矮人(dwaf)前去支援. 将武士分两组两翼排开,弓箭兵在 中间一字排开,矮人在弓箭兵侧前方使用手雷攻击僵尸并逐步向后方撤退,以便由弓箭兵尽 量将僵尸射杀.


达米阿那( Damiana)是墨西哥和中北美独有的一绿色矮树,早在几个世纪以前当地的土著就发现,以这种植物为食物的山羊的生殖能力就特别的强,当地人用这种很苦的树叶浸在他们的茶里面在房事前使用,结果当地的土著的生殖器特别发达,

Describe her:高个?矮个?金发?描述一下她

-She's won some beauty contests. -No.|- 她赢过几场选美比赛. -... | Tall? Short? Blonde? Describe her.|高个?矮个?金发?描述一下她. | Well, she's blonde. Nice height. Nice eyes.|好吧,她是金发, 高矮合适,...

red dwarf star:红矮星

原来这颗灰暗的'太阳' 就在我们不远处, 就我看到的资料, 这暗淡无光的红矮星(red dwarf star) 就在我们太阳的一至三光年的距离左右, 但近这几年, 这颗星已迈向她的死亡边沿, 在始踏入棕色矮星(brown dwarf) 的行列.


最高等级是藩王城堡(Fort),有高墙堡垒,石门宝殿,夸张的还会有护城河(如阿格拉堡). 其次是王公贵族的住所,叫做维拉(Vilas)或者玛哈(Mahal). 一般围绕城堡而建,虽然也精工细刻,气势上却比藩王城堡矮了几截. 第三等级就是富商的哈维里,

grassland:草 场

总体上说,该地的冻原有如下几种:干旱的稀树圆丘(huock)(表明此处曾是古老的海底),布满苔藓的小丘(hillock),被一米多高的矮柳(dwarf willow)包围的草地(meadow),葱翠的草场(grassland),众多湿润的沼泽(其上有冻原池塘散布),


总体上说,该地区的冻原有如下几种:干旱的稀树圆丘(hummock)(表明此处曾是古老的海底),布满苔藓的小丘(hillock),被一米多高的矮柳(dwarf willow)包围的草地(meadow),葱翠的草场(grassland),众多湿润的沼泽(其上有冻原池塘散布),


据推断,有些星星老化时会膨胀(swell)成为一个红巨星(red giant star), 然后它的外层(outer layer)脱落,剩下一个走向消亡的矮星(dwarf star). 不过,这个矮星仍会经过几十亿年才最终从人类的视野内淡出(fade).

dwarf wainscotting:矮护壁

矮桁架 low truss | 矮护壁 dwarf wainscotting | 矮几 low tea-table

red giant:红巨星濒临死亡的低温恒星,直径已经膨胀到太阳的几十倍甚至上百倍

red dwarf红矮星低质量的主序星,比太阳小得多,冷得多,也... | red giant红巨星濒临死亡的低温恒星,直径已经膨胀到太阳的几十倍甚至上百倍. | red supergiant红超巨星濒临死亡的大质量恒星,温度很低,直径为太阳的上百倍...