英语人>词典>汉英 : 知觉对象 的英文翻译,例句
知觉对象 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与知觉对象相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main findings were as follows: 1. The results revealed that the conjunction of agreement and inconsistency among family members was found in a family. The phenomenon showed that in " the sameness has the differentness" and between "the differentness has the sameness", and it is the special result of system measurement. 2. It proved the system theory including "one adding one are not two", existence of subsystems. 3. Every family member has different perception to the same dyad relationship, so the subject should use the units of whole family, including father, mother, and one child or more. 4. The same members of this family had different perception to different dyad relationship, so the content of instrument should include different dyad. 5. In regard to analyzable methods of family system, the variance is between family members, and it is not adaptation to using average method and variance method.


Therefore there must be in the objects perceived the substratum which represents time in general.


In a word, being realistic or non-realistic, being self-displined or being heteronomous are the prominent differences of "pure intent object" and "pure aesthesia object".


Ingarden brings forward that literature works is a "pure intent object" when he reviews the existing manner of literature works, while Dufrenne regards the taste object as a "pure aesthesia object".


The fundamental cause of the differences is that Ingarden is deeply influenced by Husserl who views the conscious activities as the intelligent ones, so the "pure intent object" is equal to intelligent object in Husserl's eyes; while Dufrenne is greatly affected by Merleau-Ponty who amends Husserl's pure consciousness and conseders it as pure aesthesia, so the so-called "pure aesthesia object" is a sensible object, Dufrenne commences criticizing against Ingarden and on the basis of that.


Able to relate new percepts to past experience .


The object of perception.able to relate new percepts to past experience.


Just as one object can give rise to multiple percepts, so an object may fail to give rise to any percept at all: if the percept has no grounding in a person's experience, the person may literally not perceive it.

正如一个对象可以引起多种percepts ,所以一个对象可能无法产生任何知觉在所有:如果没有接地知觉在一个人的经验,该人可能确实不认为它。

Also, it is substrate for temporal integration of informations from which unitary and coherent percepts are established. The range of perceived present represented a basic temporal organization of humans\' motion behaviors, as well as providing a temporal window for the activities of conscious information processing.


Perceivers and targets' personality characteristics had moderate effect on both accuracy and meta-accuracy; Participants whose content of internet chatting was more true were judged more accuratly, and had more accurate metaperception; Unlike researches using face to face interaction, traits' observability had negative effect on accuacy and meta-accuracy;Traits' desirability tended to reduce the accuracy and had no significant effect on meta-accuracy; Though gender had no significant effect on accuracy and meta-accuracy, there were noteworthy sex differences in the content of interpersonal perception.


更多网络解释与知觉对象相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


既然时间不能被单独地知觉(wahrgenommen)到,那么在知觉的对象、即在诸现象中就必定可以遇到这个基底,它表象出一般时间(Zeit überhaupt),并且在它身上,一切变更或同时并存都可以通过诸现象在领会(Apprehension)中与它的关系而被知觉到.

artistic value:艺术价值

Ingarden)区分了"艺术价值"(artistic value)和"审美价值"(aesthetic value),前者是客观存在的,后者是在欣赏者的审美经验中突显的. 杜夫海纳(M. Dufrenne)区分了"艺术作品"(art work)和"审美对象"(aesthetic object),前者是非知觉对象,

artistic value:价值

Ingarden)区分了"艺术价值"(artistic value)和"审美价值"(aesthetic value),前者是客观存在的,后者是在欣赏者的审美经验中突显的. 杜夫海纳(M. Dufrenne)区分了"艺术作品"(art work)和"审美对象"(aesthetic object),前者是非知觉对象,


indigenous 本土的 | percept 知觉的对象 | intercept 中途阻止, 截取


percentum 百分比 | percept 知觉对象 | perceptible 可察觉的


percept 知觉对象 | perceptible 可察觉的 | perceptibly 可察觉


percept 知觉对象 | perceptibly 显然地 | perceptibly 可知觉

focused attention:集中注意

特征整合理论认为对客体的识别分为前注意(preattentive)和集中注意(focused attention)两个加工阶段. 第一个阶段是不需要注意参与的,容量很大的并行加工过程,该阶段用于对同时呈现于视野内的所有知觉对象的基本特征进行特征登记;

individual object space:个人的对象空间 个人的对象空间

individual need 个人需要 | individual object space 个人的对象空间 个人的对象空间 | individual perceptual space 个人知觉空间


然,noema不可混同于对象(objet). 吾有一有关树之知觉,其对象即此树,然其noema,则为相关之全部,树及树之述谓,如绿树、被感知的、被回忆的、被想像. 在noema之中,吾人区分出一核心(Kern, noyau),即某个X,一切述谓皆相关于此X. 此核心,