英语人>词典>汉英 : 瞄准手 的英文翻译,例句
瞄准手 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与瞄准手相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With a laser sight, a combat knife in a quick-releasesheath, a flashlight, a grappling hook, two differentradios, a portable tracking device, an attache case,a pair of binoculars, a combat harness, and some gum.


The only element I was missing was the Big Bang tower model, so I decided to make a low poly version...not highly detailed because it was supposed to be a background element, most of the detail would have been given by a texture.


226Signor Maffei, passionpale, in liontamer's costume with diamond studs in his shirtfront, steps forward, holding a circus paperhoop, a curling carriagewhip and a revolver with which he covers the gorging boarhound.


The bombardier was entitled to believe he was over the target even though he did not know how the bombsight was constructed.


Bombardier: The member of a combat aircraft crew who operates the bombsight and drops the bombs.


Eighth Air Force headquarters, unhappy with the results of previous forays, attributed the errors to a shortage of time for the lead bombardier set his Norden bombsight once his plane began its run from the IP to bombs away.


Follow-the-pointer dials provide level indication from the stable vertical in Plot or from an auxiliary stable element in the after fire control station, when the pointer is unable to keep his telescope crossline on the target or horizon.

当高低瞄准手不能将目标或水平面稳定在瞄准镜十字分划上时,炮塔内的同步指针刻度盘(follow-the-pointer dial)将显示由绘图室的垂直稳定器或后部射击指挥所的辅助稳定装置测出的水平面。

Through realizing auto-adjustment of equilibrator inner pressure,this system control hand-wheel force effectively and improve operation capability and aim speed of artillery.


In order to do that, take the anchor from the left side of the opened hatch and hook in to the part which is visible on the right from time to time the hand pointer will change into something resembling a gunsight.


The USMC version of the M16A4 features a handguard with four Picatinny rails for mounting optical sights, laser pointers, night vision, forward handgrips, removable carry handle and flashlights.


更多网络解释与瞄准手相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而升降舵是最好的控制速度的方式,您才算是真正了解了怎样飞行. 轰炸机所有的轰炸机都至少拥有一个炮手位置. 另一个比较特殊的位置就是投弹手位置,通常是位置2,在这个位置可以对投弹瞄准器(Bombsight)进行操作和投掷炸弹.


尤其当射箭选手锁定瞄准的目标时,方面必须持续伸展将箭拉过夹箭器(clicker),方面持弓手(bow arm)又必须稳定的锁住目标,因而常容易在配合产生失误,导致在放箭时,箭会有较大的偏离.


gunlayer 瞄准手 | gunlock 板机 | gunmen 枪手

EMExtended Mags:(弹夹强化)弹夹容量强化

TMThermal(热能瞄准镜)对手呈白色出现于视野中 | EMExtended Mags(弹夹强化)弹夹容量强化 | TKTactical Knife(战术军刀)手握军刀,省去拔刀时间

EM Extended Mags:(弹夹强化) 弹夹容量强化

TM Thermal(热能瞄准镜) 对手呈白色出现于视野中 | EM Extended Mags(弹夹强化) 弹夹容量强化 | TK Tactical Knife(战术军刀) 手握军刀,省去拔刀时间

Stolen Ambulance:被偷的救护车 (偷这个干吗)

Hostage Situation 解救人质 (注意瞄准绿色的) | Stolen Ambulance 被偷的救护车 (偷这个干吗) | Find Jack the Ripper 找到jack开膛手 (......)

Stolen Ambulance:被偷的救护车

Hostage Situation 解救人质 (注意瞄准绿色的) | Stolen Ambulance 被偷的救护车 | Find Jack the Ripper 找到jack开膛手


aim 目标 | aimer 瞄准手 | aimless 无目的的

aimed launcher:(瞄淮目标的)定向发射装置

aimafibrite || 血纤维石 | aimed launcher || (瞄淮目标的)定向发射装置 | aimer || 瞄准手

The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target:弓箭手拉紧弓弦将箭瞄准靶子

3. The archer can bend a strong bow.这个射箭运动... | 4. The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.弓箭手拉紧弓弦将箭瞄准靶子. | 5. a girl with long hair tied back in a bow.长发用蝴蝶结...