英语人>词典>汉英 : 睑板 的英文翻译,例句
睑板 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tarsi  ·  tarso

tars- · tarso-
更多网络例句与睑板相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To improve the achievement ratio of surgery on chalazion and investigate simple operative approaches for reducing its relapse.

目的 为提高睑板腺囊肿手术的成功率,探讨减少睑板腺囊肿复发的简易手术方法。

Methods Management with carbol spreading on the capsule walls of chalazions was employed to 950 chalazion patients and observed its efficacy.


Chalazion is a granuloma that forms in the eyelid due to blocked secretions from the Meibomian gland.


Objective To improve the achievement ratio of surgery on chalazion and investigate simple operative approaches for reducing its relapse.Methods Management with carbol spreading on the capsule walls of chalazions was employed to 950 chalazion patients and observed its efficacy.

目的 提高睑板腺囊肿手术的成功率,探讨减少睑板腺囊肿复发的简易手术方法方法对950例睑板腺囊肿采用石炭酸涂睑板腺囊肿的囊壁,观察其疗效。

Methods For 15 cases of recurred cicatrical entropion after Hotz operation, except of superior edge, Inferior edge and fundal part, excise mostly tarsus, suture inferior margin of the skin excision on the levator aponeurosis, make extropion after operation.


objectiveto evaluate the result of using rectangular advacement flaps for repairing the eyelid defects at the edges of palpebra.methodswe have used rectangular or double rectangular advacement flaps to repair the defects of theantieror margin of eyelid in 36 cases.to repair the posterior margin defects ,when the defects of thetarsal plates were shorter than 5mm,the tarsal plates were closed directly , longer than 5mm ,sliding tarsal palpebral conjunctive flaps were to be used.resultsin 36 cases all of the flaps were survived with primary healing, slight scar, no absence of eyelashes, no notch deformity at the edge of palpebra, no trichiasis.


Methods A skin incision 3-4cm away from upper lid margin to the place 1cm aboe the superciliary arcy was made in operation.

距上睑缘 3~4mm皮肤切口,向上潜行剥离至眉弓上 1cm ,在上睑眉弓皮肤下与骨膜之间制作 2cm向下滑动的额肌瓣,将额肌瓣和上睑睑板缝合固定。

Under a magnification of 87X, what this SEM reveals is the anatomical configuration of what is termed the leg's "tarsal chain", which comprises the tarsus, and pretarsus or claw.

根据放大87X ,扫描电镜显示这是解剖配置所谓的腿的"睑板链",其中包括睑板和pretarsus或爪。

Decrease in serum estradiol level after ovariectomy leads to reduce of lipid quality of the meibomian gland acinar epithelium, which is one of causes for the dysfunction of meibomian gland.


Methods Designs was made for the predetermining double eyelid lines according to the appearance of eyelid and different style of faces. A middle incision about 15 mm was made on the middle 1/3 of the upper eyelid after local anesthesia.


更多网络解释与睑板相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


睑板腺囊肿(chalazion)又称霰粒肿,是睑板腺管道的阻塞,腺体的分泌物潴留在睑板内引起的一种无菌性慢性肉芽肿炎症. 有一纤维结缔组织包囊,囊内含有睑板腺分泌物及包括巨噬细胞在内的慢性炎症细胞浸润. 在病理形态上类似结核结节,

chalazion:睑板腺囊肿, 霰粒肿

二、睑板腺囊肿(霰粒肿)(chalazion)(一)病因:因睑板腺排出管道阻塞,分泌物潴留,刺激周围组织而形成的睑板慢性肉芽肿. 多见于青少年或中壮年. 可能与该年龄阶段睑板腺分泌功能旺盛有关. 发生在上睑者居多. (二)临床表现:本病进程缓慢,

chalazion forceps:睑板腺囊肿镊

chalazion curette 睑板腺囊肿刮匙 | chalazion forceps 睑板腺囊肿镊 | chalazion knife 睑板腺囊肿刀

chalazion forceps:睑板腺肿囊镊

chalazion curette 睑板腺肿囊刮匙 | chalazion forceps 睑板腺肿囊镊 | chalazion knife 睑板腺肿囊刀

chalazion curette:睑板腺囊肿刮匙

chalazion 睑板腺囊肿 | chalazion curette 睑板腺囊肿刮匙 | chalazion forceps 睑板腺囊肿镊

chalazion curette:睑板腺肿囊刮匙

chalazion 睑板腺肿囊 | chalazion curette 睑板腺肿囊刮匙 | chalazion forceps 睑板腺肿囊镊


(图30-5A、B)上睑的脂肪分布层次以睑板(tarsus)为标志为:(一)眶隔(orbital septum) 又称睑板阔韧带或眼睑睑板韧带,是由睑板向缘弓延伸的一层很薄而又富于弹性的结缔组织膜,与睑板一起共同封闭眶口,该膜可随眼睑运动而活动.

blepharoadenitis:睑板腺炎 睑板腺炎

blepharitisulcerosa 溃疡性睑缘炎 | blepharoadenitis 睑板腺炎 睑板腺炎 | blepharoadenoma 睑腺瘤 睑腺瘤

Meibomian gland carcinoma:睑板腺癌,睑板腺癌

Meibom''s gland 睑板腺,睑板腺 | meibomian gland carcinoma 睑板腺癌,睑板腺癌 | meibomian gland infarct 睑板腺梗塞,睑板腺梗塞

tarsomalacia:睑板软化 睑板软化

tarsocheiloplasty 睑缘成形术 睑缘成形术 睑缘重建术 睑缘重建术 | tarsomalacia 睑板软化 睑板软化 | tarsomegaly 巨跟骨 巨跟骨