英语人>词典>汉英 : 着褐色 的英文翻译,例句
着褐色 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
embrown  ·  embrowned  ·  embrowning  ·  embrowns  ·  imbrown

更多网络例句与着褐色相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was alone by the well where the shadow of the tree fell aslant, and the women had gone home with their brown earthen pitchers full to the brim.


Where the shadow of the tree fell aslant, and the women had gonehome with their brown earthen pitchers full to the brim.


Laks and Verhey reported that WPCs containing more than 50% weight ratio were degraded by brown rot Gloeophyllum striatum L.

Laks 和 Verhey 报告 WPCs 包含超过 50%重量比藉着褐色腐烂是被降级的 Gloeophyllum striatum L。

The time interval of the pigmentation of JBM and JBW were nearly the same, both began to pigmentize 30min after moulting, and the body color was stable until 6h after moulting, the pigmentation of obdomen was slower than wing pad. After 6h, JBW was totally brown, and JBM was black, JBW was black only one or two days before emergence.


The driver was a young man of three or four-and-twenty, with a cigar between his teeth; wearing a dandy cap, drab Jacket, breeches of the same hue, white 'neckcloth, stickup collar, and brown driving - gloves - in short, he was the handsome, horsey young buck who had visited Joan a week or two before to get her answer about Tess.


The driver was a young man of three or four - and - twenty , with a cigar between his teeth ; wearing a dandy cap , drab jacket , breeches of the same hue , white neckcloth , stickup collar , and brown driving - gloves - in short , he was the handsome , horsey young buck who had visited joan a week or two before to get her answer about tess . mrs durbeyfield clapped her hands like a child . then she looked down , then stared again


Under Van Norden's desk it is stained with brown juice.


Combination PET and CT scans, which spot tissues that have slurped up the radioactive glucose, revealed caches of brown fat in the neck, chest, and abdomen in all but one of the men, indicating that the fat fired up during exposure to cold.


He has receding brown hair, his customary designer stubble and azure-blue eyes.


Even more compelling is the man who runs the place-a hazel-eyed ex-Marine who's as used to giving orders as Irene is to ignoring them.


更多网络解释与着褐色相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


海象抵御严寒的秘诀就是那厚厚一层的、被称作鲸脂(blubber)的脂肪,以及一层厚厚的、褶皱的、几乎无毛的棕褐色皮肤. 海象是逆戟鲸(killer whale)和北极熊的猎杀对象. 对于遵循着传统生活方式的爱斯基摩人来说海象对他们是很重要.

Brassica oleracea:羽衣甘蓝

59.羽衣甘蓝(Brassica oleracea)十字花科. 二年生草本. 叶片层层重叠着生于短茎上,叶色丰富. 是深秋及冬季花坛好材料. 60.杜鹃(Rhododendron simsii)杜鹃花科. 落叶或半常绿灌木,叶面疏生硬毛,叶背密被褐色细毛. 可观赏及药用.


但是比较奇怪的是如其它很多旅游景点一样,它的山顶也是一个国家森林公园,而且是以保护蹄兔(dassie)为主的. 这些兔子看起来有点像褐色的大老鼠,可是据说基因却同大象非常类似,真是怪哉. 而且都被宠坏了,见人一点都不怕,瞪着眼睛看人,


embroil 使卷入 | embroilment 搅乱 | embrown 着褐色


embroil /使卷入/牵连/ | embroilment /混乱/纠纷/争执/ | embrown /着褐色/使成淡黑/


embroilment 搅乱 | embrown 着褐色 | embryectomy 胚胎切除术


embroilment /混乱/纠纷/争执/ | embrown /着褐色/使成淡黑/ | embryo /胚胎/


embrown 着褐色 | embryectomy 胚胎切除术 | embryo 胚胎


它混合着石英的结晶体,云母的闪光,长石 (Feldspar) 的淡红色的和褐色的颗粒. 不知道多少年前,它在火山流液热烈熔解中形成,现在却又冷又硬,变成矽氖铝钾镁铁的寄生体. 一片褐红和粗棕色遮盖了一切,像印石上一片天然褐色山水纹缕那样原始,

Pelvetia siliquosa:鹿角菜

7.鹿角菜(Pelvetia siliquosa)藻体深褐色. 柄甚短,向上多层叉状分枝. 成熟期枝端膨大为生殖托,生于潮间带岩石上(见图). 8.海带(Laminaria japonica)藻体大,褐色,分带片、柄、固着器三部分. 由叉状分枝的根构成固着器固着在低潮线的岩石上.