英语人>词典>汉英 : 眼球 的英文翻译,例句
眼球 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
eyeball  ·  eyeballed  ·  eyeballs  ·  Eyeball

更多网络例句与眼球相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods The optical calculation was taken as the following by using the parameter of Gullstrand model eye:①The refraction of silicone filled eye in non-accommodative status;②The refraction of silicone filled eye in non-accommodative status;③The aniseikonia analysis when one eye filled with the silicone oil;④The IOL power re-calculation.


RESULTS: In the 1105 girl students examined, the average interpupillary distance was 59.27mm in the normal eyesight group and 59.35mm in the myopia group, without significant difference by statistical treatment.


In addition, there is a "pseudo-myopia", which due to excessive use of regulatory role For example, in children, adolescents reading, the reading with the eye too close a distance, it is bound to increase the regulatory role of the eye, causing ciliary muscle function to enhance or spasm, this occurrence of myopia in school, and family to learn some of the irrational factors , for example, a natural classroom lighting, lighting, lighting, seating, seated, excessive use eyes, pay attention to eye health, eye fatigue is closely related to myopia is divided into mild myopia (-3D below); moderate myopia (-- 3D - 6D),-6D or more as high myopia, myopia authenticity required to wear appropriate glasses, children and adolescents need to be fully dilated in the absence of regulating state optometry, refraction measured by the eye itself, after the age of 18 , in the myopia progression-free circumstances, do radial keratotomy to correct myopia.


Results Among the 62 cases, 23 were simple orbital wall fracture and the other 39 were complex orbital fracture.

结果 62例眼眶骨折中23例为单纯眶壁骨折,其中18例术前有复视,19例出现Ⅰ级或Ⅱ级眼球运动障碍;术后12个月时,仅5例残留Ⅰ级或Ⅱ级复视,5例有Ⅰ级眼球运动障碍。39例复合性眼眶骨折中,其中36例术前有复视,38例发生眼球运动障碍;术后12个月时,29例有复视(6例为Ⅲ级复视),22例有眼球运动障碍。

The orbital fracture may lead to many serious consequences including diplopia, enophthalmos and disturbance of ocular movement.


Results:Incidence rate of restricted ocular motility, diplopia and enophthalmos were 63.2%, 62.3% and 59.6% respectively; The incidence of optic nerve injury, lacrimal injury and rupture of the globe was 15.8%, 15.8% and 12.3% respectively.


Conclution Enophthalmos usually appeared in the second and third week, and it tended to steady until the third month. The ratio is 1.0 between the expansion of the orbital volume behind the axis of the globe and the degree of enophthalmos. The ratio measurement may predict the occurrence and the final degree of the enophthalmos , may provide precise parameter for implant's volume . It has very important clinical significance.


Results In early stage group, 5 of 60 cases appeared enophthalmos in first week(8.33%), 48(80%)cases appeared in second week, 53(88.33%)cases appeared in third week. No significant difference was found in second week and third week(χ2=1.563, P<0.001. There were significant difference between the first week and second week(χ2=62.484,P<0.001 ,the first week and third week(χ2=76.885,P<0.001). There was significant linear correlation between expansion of the orbital volume behind the axis of the globe and the degree of enophthalmos(r=0.994,P<0.001,with each 1.0ml expansion in the orbital volume behind the axis of the globe causing approximately 1.0mm enophthalmos.

结果:早期组60例患者中,5(8.33%)例患者在1周内出现眼球内陷,48(80%)例在2周内出现内陷, 3周时有53(88.33%)例呈现出内陷;2周时出现眼球内陷的例数与1周时有显著性差异(χ2=62.484, P<0.001),2周时出现眼球内陷例数与3周时无差异(χ2=1.563, P>0.05),1周时出现眼球内陷例数与3周时有显著差异(χ2=76.885,P<0.001),后部眶容积增大与眼球内陷的比值约为1.0,两者之间呈正相关(r=0.994,P<0.001),即后部眶容积每增加1ml,产生1.0mm的眼球内陷。

In this study,we investigate the efficacy and safety of intraocular use of fluconazole in the treatment of ocular fungal infection. Ten patients with intraocular fungal infections were examined. Among these patients , eight were infected with keratomycosis with intraocular spreading, one had postoperative fungal endophthalmitis after cataract operation with an intraocular lens implant, and another suffered from endogenous fungal endophthalmitis.


In our study, panophthalmitis (26.9%) and retinoblastoma (18.8%) were the most common causes of evisceration and enucleation respectively.Infections of the eye contributed to 72.0% of eviscerations while tumors contributed to 51.8% of enucleations.


更多网络解释与眼球相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ocular bobbing:眼球浮动

昏迷中的自发性眼球运动多半为双眼水平性浮动这种运动表明小脑和脑桥受损害与正常的反射性眼球运动意义相同"眼球浮动"(ocular bobbing)是指双眼快速向下运动和缓慢向上运动的一种状态表明双眼水平运动机制受到损毁系双侧脑桥病损的特

Ocular elephantiasis:眼球象皮病; 眼球肥厚

Ocular cancer; Cancer of eye 眼癌 | Ocular elephantiasis 眼球象皮病; 眼球肥厚 | Ocular malformation 眼畸形

enucleation scissors:眼球摘除剪

bulbar compressor 眼球压迫器 | enucleation scissors 眼球摘除剪 | enucleation spoon 眼球摘除匙

enucleation spoon:眼球摘出匙

enucleation scissors 眼球摘出剪 | enucleation spoon 眼球摘出匙 | enumcleation hook 眼球摘出钩

Evisceration of eyeball:眼球内容物剜除术

眼球剜出术 Enucleation | 眼球内容物剜除术 Evisceration of eyeball | 眼球伤口之修补- 巩膜穿孔 Repair of eyeball wound- scleral peforation


第二节 眼球突出 (exophthalmos) 眼球突出是眼眶疾病的主要症状之一,其原因颇多. 眼球在眶内的正常位置是由眶内诸组织相互之间作用而维持的. 如球后组织中的血管及脂肪,

extraocular muscles:眼球外肌

眼球外肌(extraocular muscles)眼球周围有七块随意肌,均属骨骼肌. 其中有提上睑的提上睑肌和运动眼球的四块直肌、两块斜肌,各直肌共同起自视神经管周围的总腱环,向前行分别止于眼球赤道前方巩膜的上、下、内侧和外侧. 3、下直肌(rectus inferior)位于眼球下方,


相反眶炎症后的结缔组织牵引,眶脂肪的耗损,交感神经支配的平滑肌松驰或眶骨骨折等则可引起眼球内陷(enophthalmos). 1111眼球突出或眼球内陷是指眼球在眶内的位置异常,应与某些眼球过大或过小所致者相区别. 1111眼球突出可用眼球突出计测量.

myoclonus:眼球震颤阵挛症 眼球震颤阵挛症

nystagmus 眼球震颤 | myoclonus 眼球震颤阵挛症 眼球震颤阵挛症 | nystaxis 眼球震颤


phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis 晶状体过敏性眼内炎 | panophthalmitis 全眼球炎,曾用名"全眼球脓炎". | phthisis bulbi 眼球