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眼外的 的英文翻译、例句


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Objective To investigate the clinical features, causes of blindness and diagnosis of Vogt Koyanagi Harada syndrome Methods The data of 157 patients with VKH syndrome were reviewed and analyzed Patients were carefully examined with slit lamp, ophthalmoscope, three mirror lens, fundus fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography and HLA typing Results Headache was noted in 73 5% of these patients Simultaneous involvement of both eyes occurred in 80 8% of these patients Chroiditis,papilledema and edema of the retina adjacent to the optic nerve were noted in 100% of these patients in the posterior uveitis stage, whereas recurrent granulomatous anterior uveitis (98 4%),"sunset glow" fundus (95 8%) and Dalen Fuchs nodules (71 2%) were the common ocular findings in the recurrent anterior uveitis stage The common causes of blindness were papillitis, exudative retinal detachment and complicated cataract in the posterior uveitis stage, anterior uveal involvement stage and its recurrent stage Poliosis (36 3%) and alopecia (35 0%) were the most common extraocular findings Early irregular patches of fluorescence, followed by localized hyperfluorescent spots were the typical findings of FFA Dilation of choroidal vessels and leakage of ICG from the choroidal vessels were the common ICGA findings The prevalence of HLA DR4 and HLA DRw53 in patients (54 9% and 71 8% respectively) was significantly higher than that in controls (14 7% and 38 2% respectively) Conclusions VKH syndrome is characterized by chroiditis, papillitis or neuroretinitis in the posterior uveitis stage, followed by a generalized uveitis with a typical recurrent granulomatous anterior uveitis Extraocular findings and relevant examinations including FFA, ICGA and HLA typing are helpful to the diagnosis of VKH syndrome

目的探讨Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada综合征患者的临床特征、盲目原因及诊断等有关问题。方法对在1996年1月至2000年12月间就诊资料完整的157例VKH综合征患者进行回顾性分析,并对裂隙灯、眼底镜、三面镜、荧光素眼底血管造影(fundus fluorescein angiography,FFA)、吲哚青绿血管造影(indocyanine green angiography,ICGA)及人类白细胞抗原分型等检查结果进行分析。结果 VKH综合征最常见的前驱症状为头痛(102例,73.5%),双眼同时患病118例(80.8%);后葡萄膜炎期眼部主要表现为脉络膜炎、视乳头及附近视网膜水肿(100.0%);前葡萄膜炎反复发作期眼部表现为复发性肉芽肿性前葡萄膜炎(128例,98.4%)、晚霞状眼底改变(95.8%)及Dalen-Fuchs结节(71.2%);后葡萄膜炎期、前葡萄膜受累期及前葡萄膜炎反复发作期导致盲目的主要原因分别为视乳头炎、视网膜脱离及并发性白内障;毛发变白(36.3%)及脱发(35.0%)是最常见的眼外表现;炎症活动期FFA典型表现为斑驳状高荧光,ICGA发现脉络膜血管扩张、通透性增高等改变;VKH综合征患者HLA-DR4及HLA-DRw53的阳性率(54.9%及71.8%)显著高于正常对照组(14.7%及38.2%)。结论 VKH综合征患者在后葡萄膜炎期眼部典型表现为双侧脉络膜炎、视乳头炎或神经视网膜炎,随后出现以反复发作的肉芽肿性前葡萄膜炎为特征的全葡萄膜炎。眼外症状及相关的辅助检查包括FFA、ICGA 及HLA分型等有助于VKH综合征的诊断。

Methods EOM specimens were obtained from 12 patients with severe TAO and 10 healthy subjects within 1 hour after accidental death and the paraffin-embedded sections were observed by streptavidin-peroxidase immunohistochemical methods.

方法收集手术治疗的12例严重的TAO患者的眼外肌组织标本及10例健康人意外死亡1 h内取出的眼外肌组织标本,4%中性甲醛固定24 h,石蜡包埋组织,作连续切片,采用免疫组织化学链霉卵白素·过氧化物酶连接法对12例严重TAO患者及10例健康人的眼外肌石蜡组织切片进行光学显微镜观察。

No TSHR protein was found in the healthy subjects. Conclusion High TSHR expression in the EOM of TAO patients indicates that as a common antigen between the orbit and thyroid, TSHR play a key role in the pathogenesis of TAO.


The supply came from the internal ophthalmic,external ophthalmic,superficial temporal and malar arteries.


In order to get accurate three-dimensional data of extraocular muscles that can be used to build an acceptable static display model of the eye, the anatomic structure of the extraocular muscles was analyzed and the rough shape of the muscles had been grasped.


Genes related to myogenesis, stem cells and apoptosis were detected at high levels in normal human EOMs, suggesting that efficient and continuous regeneration and/or myogenesis may be a mechanism by which the EOMs remain clinically and pathologically spared in diseases such as DMD.


Genes related to myogenesis, stem cells and apoptosis were detected at high leels in normal human EOMs, suggesting that efficient and continuous regeneration and/or myogenesis may be a mechanism by which the EOMs remain clinically and pathologically spared in diseases such as DMD.


Background The clinical course of thyroid associated ophthalmopathy,the autoimmune disease of retro-ocular tissues,is well known.During the active state, TAO is characterized by oedematous swelling and dysfunction of the extraocular muscles,and expansion of orbital connective tissue.Unfortunately,muscles remain thick during the subsequent inactive phase,causing persistent proptosis,making it impossible to assess disease activity by imaging techniques which provide only size information.

研究背景:甲状腺相关性眼病(thyroid associated ophthalmopathy,TAO)是一种球后组织自身免疫性疾病,处于炎性活动期的患者眼部可表现为眼睑肿胀、眼肌肥厚、眶内容物扩张,即使进入非炎性活动期,眼外肌依旧肥厚,最终导致眼球突出。

Theoretically, it might be possible to put slow-release TNF alpha inhibitors just outside the eye, so you wouldn't hae to hae frequent injections.


In 13 eyes undergone vitrectomy, reattached retina was found in 12; visual acuity improved in 9, kept still in 3, and was unknown in 1 because of the patient ′s noncooperation.


更多网络解释与眼外的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

extraocular antennae:眼外触角

extraocular 眼外的 | extraocular antennae 眼外触角 | extraocular photoreceptor 眼外光感受器


extraocular photoreceptor 眼外光感受器 | extraofficial 职权范围外的 | extraordinaire 杰出的

extraocular muscles:眼外肌

眼外肌(extraocular muscles)是附着于眼球外部的肌肉,与眼内肌(睫状肌、瞳孔开大肌和括约肌)系相对的名称. 眼外肌是眼球运动的横纹肌,每眼各有6条,按其走行方向分直肌和斜肌,直肌4条即上、下、内、外直肌;斜肌两条是,上斜肌和下斜肌.


(二)眼震(nystagmus) 眼肌有规律的舒缩运动,称为眼震. 眼震是前庭受刺激的主要体征,中枢或眼肌的病变也可引起眼震. 前庭系统受生理或病理性刺激所引起的眼震称前庭性眼震. 小 脑和颅后窝病变、眼球与眼外肌及其运动核的病变也可引起眼震,


1杄协同肌(synergist)每根眼外肌在不同的位置有其不同的主要作用,四根垂直肌还有其副作用. 当一根眼外肌在施行其主要动作时,尚有其它眼外肌的副作用来协助完成. 这些参与协助的眼外肌称为协同肌,例如外直肌主要动作是外展,

extranuclear:核外的; 胞质的 (形)

extraneous 无关系的, 外来的 (形) | extranuclear 核外的; 胞质的 (形) | extraocular 眼睛外面的; 眼外的 (形)


28. lenses 晶状体(1ens) | 30. extraocular 眼外的 | 31. fundus 底,基底

extraocular:眼睛外面的; 眼外的 (形)

extranuclear 核外的; 胞质的 (形) | extraocular 眼睛外面的; 眼外的 (形) | extraordinarily 格外地 (副)

Extraocular Muscle:眼外肌

四、教学重点:眼球(eyeball)与中耳鼓室(tympanic cavity)的构成五、教学难点:眼外肌(extraocular muscle)的运动与内耳(internal ear)的构成为本次实习课难点.

