英语人>词典>汉英 : 看成 的英文翻译,例句
看成 的英文翻译、例句


consider as · look upon as
更多网络例句与看成相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

M aster: Well, it is so because you take the job as a job instead of cultivation.


The dairyman himself had been lending a hand; but Mr Crick, as well as his wife, seemed latterly to have acquired a suspicion of mutual interest between these two; though they walked so circumspectly that suspicion was but of the faintest.


At the basis of analysis of influencing factors of settlement and collapsibility of loessal foundation, it was subjected that the deformation should be thought of as a system that many factors worked and influenced together, specially a grey system.


The integer 62 953(see Fig.4-1)could be seen as a collection of digits stored on the page in a left-to-right order.Each digit一6,2,9,5,and 3一could either be considered to be atomic or be viewed as collections of dots of ink(suppose we are using a dot-matrix printer).

整数62 953(见图4-1)可以看成是一个储存在本页上,由一组按从左到右排列的数字汇集,每位数字(6、2、9、5和3)既可以看成是原子,也可以看成墨点汇集(假设我们使用点阵打印机)。

Secondly, the analytic expressions of the error band boundary line for the s model of line segment are deduced, the parameter equations of the error band boundary are gotten.


Reading is a socially determined activity, and the viewer must not be understood as a free-floating individual, but as a subject in ideology.


It is a multi-subjects and a multi-layers issue to interdict drugs from external countries. It can be seen as an issue of health and also a diplomatic issue; it is not only a lawful one and foreign trade, but an issue of social and global.


I love you, You regard my ignorance as tangibly , It is hearty and brave to regard as, I love you, You regard mine sillily as persistently , It is dogged and insisting on to regard as.


You need the right to warn off intruders, to consider my house your own and me your person and yourself my own dog.

你需要 唬走擅闯者的权利,把我的房子看成是你自己的把我看成是你的人把你自己看成是我的狗。

Scientific and scholarly research should not be conceived "scientistically" in the sense just mentioned, but rather be conceived as a fallible, but self-improving activity, i.e."as organized skepticism".


更多网络解释与看成相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yeah, an ass A-hole, all the way:是啊,把我看成混蛋,肯定是的

Yes, an ass... A-hole|知道,把你看成混蛋 | Yeah, an ass A-hole, all the way|是啊,把我看成混蛋,肯定是的 | You are a piece of work|你还真不简单啊

Yes, an ass... A-hole:知道,把你看成混蛋

If you back out, you know what I'll look like to the partners?|如果你现在放弃 你知道股东会怎么看我... | Yes, an ass... A-hole|知道,把你看成混蛋 | Yeah, an ass A-hole, all the way|是啊,把我看成混蛋,肯定是...

not referring to client as the " amputee:(不要把患者看成残疾人)

? B.nursing care plan ( 护理计划) | ? 1. not referring to client as the " amputee "(不要把患者看成残疾人) | ? 2.foster independence(强调独立)

antithetic:别看成真实 的

hubris 狂妄的 (不是谦卑的) | antithetic 别看成真实的) | fussy 琐碎的(不是迷惑的)

be considered as a whole:被看成是一个整体

不论其形式如何in whatever form, | 被看成是一个整体be considered as a whole | 基本教育这个概念the notion of 'fundamental education'

be regarded as:被看成是

personality chips 个性芯片,性格芯片 | be regarded as 被看成是 | rather than 而不是,与其...不如...

be viewed as:被......看成是

it is no exaggeration to say 可以毫不夸张地说 | be viewed as 被......看成是 | rather than 而不是

Consider something as something:把什么看成什么,是固定用法

Consider something as something 把什么看成什么,是固定用法 | 1. I'm not following you.(我听不懂你的话. ) | 2. You made it worse.(你让事情变得更糟. )

You are viewing the Concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure:你把上帝看成一个有限物,一个可以测量的东西

You argue there is Life and then there is... | You are viewing the Concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. 你把上帝看成一个有限物,一个可以测量的东西. | Sir, Science can't even ex...


identify vt.认出,鉴定;认为...等同于(with) 1- 02 | identify...as 把...看成 2- 10 | identify...with 把...和...等同起来 1- 02