英语人>词典>汉英 : 相向 的英文翻译,例句
相向 的英文翻译、例句


opposite direction
更多网络例句与相向相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One man is driving up a steep ,narrow mountain road, and one woman is driving down the same road.


The results showed that high-energy ball milling led to a drop in the crystallinity of the CMs and a decrease in the size of graphite planar micro-crystals,implying a higher structural amorphism caused by the high energy ball milling.


Judicatory independently is a rule of law society of inside request, satisfy the social member's need to the performance to have the important meaning towards guaranteeing the judicial assize of fairly, justice, support social order,.


They, as the saying goes, were "at a word and a blow" with their best friends.


The attacks in an unfinished skyscraper started flying eagle on the 2nd through the building disguised as a computer engineer security checks, building color guard OHara fan attempted petty-minded manner, in order to achieve our goals at violence and bullying, entanglement, secret service secretly sent to eliminate them all the killer is ready, waiting for an opportunity to start, Eagle One, on the 2nd trapped in the skyscraper began in cardiac shock force of self-help.


So we've actually come, to physical blows, huh?


For when he had carried the consulship for a friend of his, against the pursuit of Sylla, and that Sylla did a little resent thereat, and began to speak great, Pompey turned upon him again, and in effect bade him be quiet; for that more men adored the sun rising, than the sun setting.


For when he had carried the consulship for a friend of his, against the pursuit of Sylla, that Sylla did a little resent thereat, began to speak great, Pompey turned upon him again, in effect bade him be quiet; for that more men adored the sun rising, than the sun setting.

因为8 Tt t 8。 com 有一次庞拜为他底一位朋友争执政官之职,与苏拉所推举之人竞选,竟而获胜。在苏拉对此表示不满而开始争吵的时候,庞拜简直反唇相向,叫他不要多言,"因为8 Tt t 8。 com 拜朝日的人多过拜夕阳的人"。

With increasing the annealing temperature, the crystal structure changes from anatase to rutile and the crystallite size increases.


A device and method for preparing compound nano fiber endless tow, which contains feeding material liquid to pair of electric spinning nozzle on frame, each nozzle respectively applied with high dc voltage with opposite polarity, each pair of nozzle jetting out nano fiber with opposite electric charge, said nano fiber attracting and colliding each other to form compound nano fiber, then forming nano fiber endless tow after drawing and stretching, the first opposite set pair of electric spinning nozzle jetted compound nano fiber endless tow is stretched down and used as acceptor which covered by the nano fiber jetted by second pair of nozzle an d forming two layers of compound nano fiber endless tow after drawing and stretching, in turn to get multilayer compound nano fiber endless tow after drawing and stretching by godet roller.


更多网络解释与相向相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antithetic updip 相向上倾 | antithetic 反向的 | antitone 反序

antithetic updip:相向上倾

antithetic tilt block 对偶倾斜断块 | antithetic updip 相向上倾 | antithetic 反向的

antithetic shear:对偶剪切

antithetic fault 反向断层 | antithetic shear 对偶剪切 | antithetic slip cleavage 相向滑动劈理



break the ice:破冰

因为他打破了种族隔阂,"我是第一个破冰(break the ice)的人,所有的白人女孩、爱尔兰女孩都爱上我",每次迈克尔出席颁奖典礼,所有观众都是为他热切而来,这让白人记者不满,开始编造古怪的故事,磨刀霍霍相向.

There's no point in talking vicious:惡言相向是沒有用的

I'll burn bridges anyway 反正我已經斷了退路 | There's no point in talking vicious 惡言相向是沒有用的 | I've achieved my own survival 我已成就我的劫後餘生

And another by the steps, and they marvelled at each other:榻上庭前屹相向

玉花却在御榻上 There was one Jade Flower standing on the ... | 榻上庭前屹相向 And another by the steps, and they marvelled at each other. | 至尊含笑催赐金 The Emperor rewarded you with smiles and with ...

Cause she's the only one who|never badmouthed me to the press:因为只有她没有在面对媒体的时候对我恶言相向

The only one in here worth|a good goddamn is her... | 'Cause she's the only one who|never badmouthed me to the press.|因为只有她没有在面对媒体的时候对我恶言相向 | She's the only one|who understands|她是...

No more cosing fists:再没有拳脚相向

There's a lesson in that 那不见效 | No more cosing fists 再没有拳脚相向 | No more face to hits 再没有当头棒喝

Your daddy the war machine:妳那暴力相向的父親

They're all gonna fade away 他們終究會過去 | Your daddy the war machine 妳那暴力相向的父親 | And your momma the long and suffering 妳那長期受苦的母親