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相切的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tangent  ·  tangential

更多网络例句与相切的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Either of two points on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator.


With the Lagrange multiplier method , the minimum distance of the center of a circle and a quadric surface was provided and the tangency condition of curve and surface was given.


The word horizontal is applied only to the plane which is tangent to the ground-level equipotential surface.


A curve that is tangent to each of a family of curves.


Also the constructed curve is a shape-preserving curve for the original curve. We can also adjust the shape of curves by parameters of trigonometric uniform polynomial curve to approach the polygon closer. The general trigonometric polynomial curves with m degree and C(superscript 2m-1)(m=1, 2, 3) continuity are further presented.

除了通过切点参数,还可以通过三角均匀多项式曲线参数来调整曲线形状,使所得曲线更加逼近多边形,并可进一步、类似地可构造与给定多边形相切的C(上标 2m-1)(m=1, 2, 3)连续的m次三角多项式曲线。

Outrigger extension for added stability during hard cuts.


Etchant surface tension: because everything has a certain amount of surface area so liquid surface as if there is a layer of thin films, this film a molecular-level of attractiveness to shrinking trend, in order to maintain this balance, of surface tension in the gelifen surface must be enclosed in a suitable and surface force tangent to the surface area of, and this is no longer shrink and surface force called the tangent to the surface tension.


Avoid using input elements that are tangent to each other since this may result in geometric instabilities in the tangency zone.


When it appears, release the mouse button to place the endpoint of your line coincident and tangent to the second circle.


Astronomy either of the two celestial points at which the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic.


更多网络解释与相切的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arc w/Tangent to Curve:与曲线相切的圆弧

Curve 曲线倒角 | Arc w/Tangent to Curve 与曲线相切的圆弧 | Dynamic Arc Fit 动态弧形倒角




nonsymmetry 非对称 | nontangential 不相切的 | nontrivial element 非平凡元素

surface tangent:与造定的曲面相切

10、 CurVature: 与相邻自由曲线的斜率在端点处设置为曲率相等 | 11、 Surface Tangent:与造定的曲面相切 | 12、 Disconnect:取消连接


tachometer转速计,转速器 | tamperproof 防止窜改,可防止乱摆弄 | tangent 正切;切线,接触的, 切线的, 相切的, 离题的


并删除(Trim)第8步生成的两条线,得到图5-20,完成绘制;(5)如图7-13,采用line命令,绘制一条30 ,并与小圆互相切的线段,该线段的起点可以采用切点(TAN)方式捕捉;假设用户的应用程序在设计轴时需要对轴的材料,


或者,在您选取"选取截面"(Select Sec)时,如果要使混合与任何曲面在第一端相切,可定义"相切"(Tangency). 注意:创建第一个壁时,请在草绘截面之后,指定材料厚度并单击"确定"(OK) 完成特征的创建. 关于螺旋扫描 通过沿螺旋轨迹扫描截面可创建螺旋扫描.


可以选取"曲率"(Curvature)、"半径"(Radius)、"相切"(Tangent)或"位置"(Position) 类型的出图. 根据选取的出图类型,所选曲面或面组上的横截面显示在 Pro/ENGINEER 图形窗口中. 在"示例"(Sample) 框中选取"质量"(Quality)、"数目"(Number) 或"步

tangential:相切 相切

tangent a. 相切(的)n. 切线 切点 | tangential 相切 相切 | Taper Faces 倾斜面 锥形面

tanged washer:有柄舌的垫圈

tanged fuel rack bearing;装有柄脚的燃油齿条轴承 | tanged washer;有柄舌的垫圈 | tangent;切线,正切,相切的