英语人>词典>汉英 : 直线折旧法 的英文翻译,例句
直线折旧法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

depreciation-straight line · straight-line method of depreciation
更多网络例句与直线折旧法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Four methods of depreciation are widely used:Straight-line,Units of output,Double declining-balance and Sum of the yeas digits.


We use the straight-line depreciation method.


And there are two depreciation methods , they are the accelerated depreciation method and the straight-line depreciation method.


Four depreciation methods,which are widely used at home and abroad,are discussed in detail.They are straightline depreciation,sum of years digits depreciation,,fixed rate depreciation and double declining balance depreciation.

主要讨论目前国内外广泛应用的 4种折旧方法,即直线折旧法、年数总和折旧法、双倍余额递减折旧法、定率递减折旧法。

Retained earnings (also called earned surplus or accumulated earnings or unappropriated profit)保留盈余(又称未分配盈余、盈余公积、累计盈余或保留净利)Earnings not paid out as dividends but instead reinvested in the core business or used to pay off debt.

deferred tax 递延税项(指因为采取不同会计原则而造成实际应税所得和会计利润不等的情况,最常见的情况就是根据税法采取加速折旧法,而为了报表好看又采用直线折旧法,这样造成的税差就作为负债出现。

The advantage of Straight-line method is simple and clear,liable to be master,but its defect is don't consider use intensity and level of assets;Under the Sum of the years digits method,the accountant applies a depreciable fraction to the net value of an asset to obtain the depreciation charge for that year.


The straight-line method normally is used for amortizing intangible assets .


更多网络解释与直线折旧法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accelerated depreciation:加速折旧法

直线折旧法--Straight Line Depreciation | 加速折旧法--Accelerated Depreciation | 回收期--Payback Period

average life:平均使用年限,平均寿命

average inventory 平均存货,平均库存 | average life 平均使用年限,平均寿命 | average method of depreciation 平均折旧法,直线折旧法

carrying amount:资产净值(资产-累计折旧-减值)

straight line method 直线法 | carrying amount 资产净值(资产-累计折旧-减值) | rule of thumb 经验法

straight serial bond:平均分期偿付债券

不转让提单 straight bill of lading | 平均分期偿付债券 straight serial bond | 直线折旧法 straight-line depreciation

straight-line depreciation:直线法折旧

salvage value 残值 | straight-line depreciation 直线法折旧 | Internal Revenue Service 国内税收署

straight-line depreciation:直线折旧法

机会成本--Opprtunity Cost | 直线折旧法--Straight Line Depreciation | 加速折旧法--Accelerated Depreciation

straight-line depreciation:直线折旧法:将资产的可折旧额平均分摊到各使用年限的方法

Stockholders' equity股东权益:指一个公司的所有者权益,即... | Straight-line depreciation直线折旧法:将资产的可折旧额平均分摊到各使用年限的方法. | Subordinated debentures 次级信用债券:当一般债权人得到足够的...

Straight-line method:直线折旧法

折旧:depreciate | 直线折旧法:straight-line method | 加速折旧法:accelerated method

Straight-line method:直线法(指折旧或摊销)

直线折旧法 straight-line depreciation | 直线法(指折旧或摊销) straight-line method | 分层选样法 stratified sampling

straightness error:直线度误差

straightline method of depreciation 直线折旧法 | straightness error 直线度误差 | straightness 正直度;正直;直线性