英语人>词典>汉英 : 直截了当地 的英文翻译,例句
直截了当地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
directly  ·  plump  ·  plumps  ·  plumped

straight from the shoulder · sans phrase · without preamble
更多网络例句与直截了当地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She blamed him,not directly but by insinuation .


更多网络解释与直截了当地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

put it bluntly:直截了当地

9. believe it or not 信不信由你 | 10. put it bluntly 直截了当地 | 11. take a chance v. 冒险

a cold shoulder:冷淡

straight from the shoulder 直截了当地,一针见血地 | a cold shoulder 冷淡 | a chip on one"s shoulder 好斗

right off the bat off the cuff:立刻迅速地答复

伸出援手出力go to bat for give the shirt off one's back | 立刻迅速地答复right off the bat off the cuff | 直截了当地right off the bat make no bones about straight from the shoulder pull no puches

The military operation was to round up the enemy spies:这次军事行动是围歼敌特

round up 兜捕 | The military operation was to round up the enemy spies. 这次军事行动是围歼敌特. | round about 大约, 不直截了当地

Sans phrase:干脆地/直截了当地

sans /没有/在外/外部/ | sans phrase /干脆地/直截了当地/ | sansalid /磺脲磷/

straight face:不露表情的脸,没有表情的脸

Storm in a teacup 大惊小怪 | Straight face 不露表情的脸,没有表情的脸 | Straight from the shoulder " 狠狠地, 直截了当地, 一针见血地

straight from the shoulder:狠狠地, 直截了当地, 一针见血地

Straight face 不露表情的脸,没有表情的脸 | Straight from the shoulder " 狠狠地, 直截了当地, 一针见血地 | Strain every nerve 竭力

straightforwardly:正直地; 直截了当地; 坦率地 (副)

straightforward 一直向前的; 正直的; 径直的; 老实的 (形) | straightforwardly 正直地; 直截了当地; 坦率地 (副) | straightforwardness 坦率; 直率 (名)

without circumstance:直截了当地,不讲虚套地

with circumstance 详细 @#HB6 B | without circumstance 直截了当地,不讲虚套地 b/#SkxW#S | without omitting a single circumstance 毫不遗漏地 %}.4c8

without omitting a single circumstance:毫不遗漏地

without circumstance 直截了当地,不讲虚套地 b/#SkxW#S | without omitting a single circumstance 毫不遗漏地 %}.4c8 | Circumstances alter cases. [谚]环境不同人也变,人的行为因时因地而异;此一时彼一时...