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盐渍的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The process technique and production testing of acidity cure agaricus bisporus with commix soup of acetic acid glacial and common salt was studied.


By employing indicators as soil PH, conductance and salt content, different soil salinity degrees are plotted out. There arc 9 types of salinisation levels in Fukang oasis. Within them, the strong saline soil and solonchak are the main types, which, with regards to latitude and from the lower of diluvial fan to desert, distribute in turn as middle saline soil, strong saline soil, solonchak, strong saline soil, solonchak and non- saline distribute.


From these researches as above, this paper found a new method to analysis salty soil road engineering properties by phase equilibrium theory, which provides a new angle of analysis on salty soil properties, experiment and engineering practice in these ways as follows:(1) Analysis the disadvantage of traditional salty soil experiment;(2) Analysis the disadvantage of current salty soil definition by phase equilibrium theory, and gives the chart of distinguish salty soil by the condition of hydrography and climate change;(3) Analysis the mechanics of subgrade frost boiling based on the change rule of liquid content;(4) Based on the change rule of ingredients content and volume in salty soil, analysis the mechanics of subgrade salt heaving and the restraining method by adding sodium chloride.


Because of the uncertainty of indexes in the process of classifying solonchak soil,the entropy value theory is applied to combining the traditional fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for salt-affected soil classification.


The unfrozen water content is negative exponent relation with temperature, direct proportion with density and water content.


Fresh edible fungi and seaweeds, vegetables in brine sauce and steamed bread were main contributions of dietary exposure of sulfur dioxide for the populations in countryside.


The examination made known, when consistence of acetic acid glacial at the 2%, dairy salt concentration 8%~12%, the best way was to be elected.


Through the analysis of salt-affected soil and effect of dispersion after changing the content of salt-affected thing, we conclude that using the soil block test, pin pole test is effective for assessing the dispersion because of affecting by high sodium ion .


Investigate the assisting of the relation and soil and groundwater monitoring data among the surface feature and image established the relation of the spectrum characteristic with surface feature ,using two kinds of classification and improved post-classification, methods lies two respects: 1Salt steep spectrum luminance value curve of ground higher than surface feature average luminance value curve obviously, and other surface feature luminance value lower than or have around average luminance value curve little wave water body mean the land water areas among them obviously, including the river and surface of water , surface of water of the reservoir and hole pool surface of water By view trend of the

从计算结果得出,盐渍地上的NDVI 值分布在一定范围内,这样就可以取一定的阀值,将反射率较低的盐渍地提取出来。根据盐渍地分布与地下水的相互关系,对分类后的图像进行处理,提高了精度。2 充分利用遥感与GIS 技术在地学分析中的优势,计算各类盐渍地面积、荒漠、水体面积变化,分析近三十年来研究区土地盐渍化动态变化的规律,包括面积变化、盐渍化程度的变化,分析大范围时间尺度上土地盐渍化动态发展的整体趋势。

The market's clamorous labyrinth of stalls showcases all manner of seafood—from live sea eel to pickled octopus—and reflects the well-ordered confusion of Japanese society.


更多网络解释与盐渍的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cashew nut:腰果

主产品坚果,即腰果(cashew nut). 果仁是营养丰富的美味食品,含脂肪48%,蛋白质21%,淀粉10-20%,糖7%,以及少量矿物质和维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2,多用于制腰果巧克力、点心和油炸盐渍食品. 腰果仁油...在体内可以由含硫氨基酸代谢转变而来.


根据植物的耐盐能力,可将植物分为盐生植物(halophyte)和甜土植物(glycophyte). 盐生植物是盐渍生境中的天然植物类群,这类植物在形态上常表现为肉质化,吸收的盐分主要积累在叶肉细胞的液泡中,通过在细胞质中合成有机溶质来维持与液泡的渗透平衡.


heatingvalve热值;卡值 | heatronic高频电加热的 | heavilysalted重盐渍


拥有千亩生态型农场,从事蔬菜水果农副产品的生产加工,主要产品中日合作"远藤稥NDO"牌渍物(腌菜tsukemono),"EDF"盐渍竹生姜(take shoga),冷冻青竹叶(sasa),保鲜杨梅(yamamomo),柿子(kaki),青梅(ume),荞头(rakkyo) 等,


kempner diet 一种少盐的米食制品 | kench 堆盐渍;盐鱼堆 | cench cure 层迭醃制(法)

salt lick:盐渍地

康普生先生决定让凯蒂前往弗兰区?里克(French Lick,印第安纳州南部一疗养胜地)换换环填,借以摆脱与达尔顿?艾密司的关系. 家人把空箱子从阁楼搬下来准备行装. 空箱子的声音使昆丁想起棺材,又从"里克"(Lick)想到了"盐渍地"(salt Lick).


(4)560 玛琪琳(Margarine)之主要成份为何?牛乳羊乳牛羊混合乳植物性脂肪. (2)562 培根(Bacon) 是以何种方法制造的?加热法盐渍法糖渍法脱水法. (3)565 玛琪琳(Margarine)中通常添加何种色素?


pickle 腌黄瓜 | pickled 盐渍的 | pickledstinking 烂醉如泥的


salientrelief 显著的地形起伏 | saliferous 盐渍化的 | saliferousclay 盐渍土

saliferous soil:盐渍土

"盐渍化的,含盐的","saliferous" | "盐渍土","saliferous soil" | "盐沼地","salina solonchak"