英语人>词典>汉英 : 的古名 的英文翻译,例句
的古名 的英文翻译、例句


Euxine Sea
更多网络例句与的古名相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

D'Alterio, ex singer of Wagooba, a peculiar combo inspired by cinematic-rétro atmospheres with a touch of irony, and one of the very few Italian pens interested in weirdness and so called "apocalypse culture"; Azoth, member of Italian top black metal band Spite Extreme Wing.

团名Ianva,取自热那亚的古名,其意有三:双面神(一面朝向过去,一面朝向未来),拉丁神话的存在与虚无之出入口,以及一战中著名的意大利精锐突击队Arditi的特遣分队Division Ianva。

Magic's beginnings can be traced back to ancient Egypt around 2600 B.C. when, according to legend, a magician was summoned to entertain King Cheops.


In this regard Xunzi's thought is at least six centuries ahead of Porphyry's.


Bodhi from Agrimonia Langapuri, Langkawi is an ancient name.


The outstanding nomenclatural problems in the Palaeozoic arborescent lycopsid Cyclostigma are discussed,which include four aspects:1valid publication and author citation of Cyclostigma;2synonym,homonym,and replacement name of Cyclostigma;3conservation of Cyclostigma;and 4typification of Cyclostigma.


In 1897 the Calced Augustinians, numbering 319 out of 644 religious then in the Philippine province, had charge of 225 parishes, with 2,377,743 souls; the Discalced, numbering about 220, with 233 parishes and 1,175,156 souls; the Augustinians of the Philippine province numbered in all 522, counting those in the convents at Manila, Cavite, San Sebastian, and Cebú, those at the large model farm at Imus, and those in Spain at the colleges of Monteagudo, Marcilla, and San Millan de la Cogulla.

在1897年的Calced奥古斯丁,编号319的644名宗教然后在菲省,已收取的225堂,与2377743的灵魂;的Discalced ,为数约220 ,与233个教区和1175156的灵魂;的奥古斯丁菲律宾该省编号为522的一切,那些指望在修道院在马尼拉,甲米,圣塞巴斯蒂安,以及宿务,那些在大型示范农场危害,以及那些在西班牙的院校蒙特阿古, Marcilla ,圣密德拉鲁阿Cogulla 。

In life, Teron Gorefiend was one of Gul'dan's acolytes.


Taranto direct from Rome, 260 km long,"Apia Street", the ancient land.


Eunice is of Igbo decent precisely from Enugu State but was bo rn as the second female child to a family of 5 children in Lagos State Nigeria .


Indian officials say a high-speed train ran over and killed at least 16 people, including two children, in the western state of Gujarat.

印度官员说,在西部的古杰拉特邦,一辆高速列车压死了至少 16 人,包括两名儿童。

更多网络解释与的古名相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cambria:威尔士的古名 (名)

Cambodian 高棉人; 柬埔寨人; 高棉语, 柬埔寨语 (名) | Cambria 威尔士的古名 (名) | Cambrian 威尔斯的, 威尔斯人的; 寒武纪或系的 (形)


camellia 茶花 | Camelopard 长颈鹿的古名 | Camelopardalis 鹿豹座


drabble /拖脏/弄得满身泥/拖泥溅水行走/ | drachm /古希腊的银币名/重量单位/ | drachma /古希腊的银币名/重量单位/

Egyptologist:古埃及文化和文明的专家 (名)

Egyptian 埃及的 (形) | egyptologist 古埃及文化和文明的专家 (名) | eh 啊!嗯!是吗?好吗? (感叹)

Lois Louis:的女性名 女性

Locke 堡垒,要塞 女性 古英语 | Lois Louis的女性名 女性 | Lokelani 红色小朵的玫瑰 女性 夏威夷



Melrose:梅尔罗斯 佛罗里达州的城名

梅肯 乔治亚州的城名 Macon 70 | 梅尔罗斯 佛罗里达州的城名 Melrose 70 | 奥古斯塔 乔治亚州的城名 Augusta 70




lutepipa 琵琶 | lutetia 巴黎的古名 | luther 路德

paleographic:古文书学的; 古字体的 (形)

paleographer 古文书学家 (名) | paleographic 古文书学的; 古字体的 (形) | paleographical 古字学的; 古文书学的 (形)