英语人>词典>汉英 : 白熊 的英文翻译,例句
白熊 的英文翻译、例句


sea bear · white bear · snow bear
更多网络例句与白熊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The only exception to this rule is if you have a trained, working livestock guardian dog, like a Great Pyrenees or an Anatolian Shepherd.


Big dogs like the Anatolian shepherd or Great Pyrenees can guard them from hostile animals.


At last I fell asleep with a new doll and a white bear in my arms.


The body color of the white bear is a protective color, whatever enemies are difficult to find it.


The greatest numbers of bears loafing in the area are typically found in September and October, just prior, during and after the time Kaktovik residents hunt bowhead whales.


You would be really hard pressed to find a Gay Senior or a Chub or a Visible Minority at any of the gay scenes mentioned above.


I m glad that we on here are being so responsible to let people know that owning a Pyr is not all fluffiness and hugs .


Maybe the reason people find it difficult to suppress the idea of a white bear is that it's an unusual thought.


The scientists found that the ship's builder, Harland and Wolff, in Belfast, struggled for years to obtain adequate supplies of rivets and riveters to build the world's three biggest ships at once: the Titanic and two sisters, Olympic and Britannic.


Their nature also allows them to be trained for therapy work as well, where many Great Pyrenees are trained to visit hospitals and nursing homes where they help to en-richen the lives of those they meet.


更多网络解释与白熊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bear hug:拥抱大白熊 中国台湾

097 Dad 爸爸 英国 3 | 150 Bear Hug 拥抱大白熊 中国台湾 3 | 169 Father and Son 合同父子 中国 5

polar bear:白熊

在某些场合汉语的的"白"字指的是颜色,但在英语对应词中并无white一词:"白菜(Chinese cabbage),"白熊"(polar bear),"白蚁"(termite). 在另一些场合,"白"字与颜色毫无关系,表示"待劳、(in vain),如:"白费事"(all in vain,

Pyrenean Mastiff:(比利牛斯獒犬)

国内很多犬舍所为了迎合大白熊爱好者对于"白和高大体重"的理解,用高加索、比利牛斯獒犬(Pyrenean mastiff)等体形更大的犬类繁殖而成. 这种犬不论头版、体态、气质还是性格,距离真正的大白熊犬相差甚远.

Great Pyrenees:大白熊犬

几世纪以来,大白熊犬(Great Pyrenees)在比利牛斯山脉一带用来保护羊群,驱退那些袭击羊群的熊或狼,还曾一度被用于战场. 它的祖先是一千多年前来自亚洲地区的西藏獒犬,后来与这里土生土长的土著犬交配而成. 15世纪,此犬被用于警卫方面,

Great Pyrenees:大白熊

肩高在28CM以下,所有的肩高指的都是成犬身高,贵宾犬的特点就是不掉毛,没有体臭,是单一色系,(就是身上不应该有别的颜色,红就是红,白就是白).聪明所有犬种中智商排第2,极好训练.大白熊(Great Pyrenees)和贵宾犬一样都是原产地法国的狗狗,

white bear:白熊

骑警6月间也在利斋拿东南的白熊(White Bear)保留区开枪杀死21岁男子,沙斯卡川印第安部落联盟酋长约瑟夫(Lawrence Joseph)因此指责骑警行事剽悍,他预备在周四召开记者会,评论清水河沙丘部落事件.

white bear:白熊; 北极熊

white ant 白蚁 | white bear 白熊; 北极熊 | white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡

Natural Arbutin mask:草本美白熊果素面膜

17.百合茉莉滋養醒膚香療面膜 Jasminum officinale mask | 18.草本美白熊果素面膜 Natural Arbutin mask | 20.夏日淨油調理面膜 Purfying Mask

snow bear:白熊

snout 猪嘴 | snow bear 白熊 | snow blindness 雪盲

snow bear; polar bear:白熊

白手长臂猿 gibbon | 白熊 snow bear; polar bear | 斑马 zebra