英语人>词典>汉英 : 白人 的英文翻译,例句
白人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
haole  ·  honkie  ·  honky  ·  paleface  ·  buckra  ·  buckras  ·  mzungu  ·  ofay

white man or woman · the white race
更多网络例句与白人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The people manning it, from another Afrikaner outfit with similar views to Mr Terre'Blanche's, were collecting registrations for an all-white election next year.


The thesis then demonstrates from four aspects the decline of the big families reflected in the two works—the Compson\'s family and the Grierson\'s family, namely the financial decline of their plantation, the collapse of Puritanism, the perturbation of the white superiority concepts and the fall of traditional matrimonial concepts.


An offspring of a Quadroon and a White parent; a person who is one-eighth Black.


A person having one white and one Black parent.an offspring of a Quadroon and a White parent; a person who is one-eighth Black.


A person whose ancestry is one-eighth Black.an offspring of a Quadroon and a White parent; a person who is one-eighth Black.


Andrews develops his study in a large tripartite system: the black slave author and the white medium (the white transcriber, the white editor and publisher); the black slave author and the white reader; the black slave author and the abolitionist social milieu.


Mrs Clinton won 72% of the votes of white Catholics in the Pennsylvania primary—a nine-point improvement on her performance among whites as a whole and a 13-point improvement on her performance with white Protestants.


All those little snippets about nooses and lynching and chuck and jive seem to imply that the white feminists, white politicians and white journalists think racism is old and over with.


However, I went downthus two or three days, and having seen nothing, I began to be alittle bolder, and to think there was really nothing in it but myown imagination; but I could not persuade myself fully of this tillI should go down to the shore again, and see this print of a foot,and measure it by my own, and see if there was any similitude orfitness, that I might be assured it was my own foot: but when Icame to the place, first, it appeared evidently to me, that when Ilaid up my boat I could not possibly be on shore anywherethereabouts; secondly, when I came to measure the mark with my ownfoot, I found my foot not so large by a great deal.


All marriage between a white person and a Negro , or between a white person and a person of Negro decent , to the third generation , inclusive , or between white person and a member of the Malay race ; or between a person of Negro decent , to the third generation , inclusive , and a member of the Malay race , are forever prohibited , and shall be void.

第一条是《异族婚姻法Intermarriage 》:所有在白人与黑人之间,或者白人与黑人的第三代后裔之内,或者白人与马来人种,或者在黑人的第三代后裔之内,与马来人种的婚姻,当为永久性的禁止之。

更多网络解释与白人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


无意中看到一个有关南非白人的记录片视频,节目里说,自南非种族隔离政策结束后,成千南非白人(Afrikaner)陷入贫困. 他们指责政府歧视白人,偏爱雇用黑人. 而官员说,政府要照顾的是贫穷者,而至今在南非的绝大部分贫困者仍旧是黑人.


honk 雁叫声 | honkie 白人 | honky 白人

honkie:白人 (名)

honkey 白鬼 (名) | honkie 白人 (名) | honky 白人 (名)


nonwatertight /不隔水的/ | nonwhite /非白人的/非白人/ | nonyielding /非可缩性/


quadroon 四分之一的混血儿 | quadroon 白人与半白人之混血儿 | quadrumana 四手动物

white supremacy:白人种族至上主义 白人种族至上主义

whereabouts 下落 下落 | white supremacy 白人种族至上主义 白人种族至上主义 | wildlife 野生动植物 野生动植物

white trash:穷苦白人, 贫穷白人的后裔

white tie 社交场所要求男人穿正式晚礼服并带白领结的 | white trash 穷苦白人, 贫穷白人的后裔 | white wedding 白色婚礼, 新娘穿白纱礼服的婚礼

whitey:白人; 白人社会 (名)

whitewing 清道夫; 苍头燕雀 (名) | whitey 白人; 白人社会 (名) | whither 到哪里, 什么目的 (副)

Hey, fuck you, whitey:嘿 去你的 白人佬

White kids that want to be white.|白人小孩就应该做白人 | Hey, fuck you, whitey!|嘿 去你的 白人佬! | Okay, you are all set.|好了 都安排好了

baaskaap:白人统治, 白人优越

baas || 老板 | baaskaap || 白人统治, 白人优越 | Baathist || 叙利亚社会党党员 叙利亚社会党的