英语人>词典>汉英 : 登上王位的 的英文翻译,例句
登上王位的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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But, father king Lao Hamlet died suddenly, father's younger brother Crowdy Si mounts the throne, the mother remarries the new king and so on a succession of unfortunate news, has attacked him heavily.


Of course, not all offshoots of the Hapsburg line are weak as their Spanish cousins. The Austrian Habsburgs, and other European nations, may not be entirely willing to see a Frenchman or French nominee as King of Spain. No matter.


When he came to the throne in 2005, Abdullah's friends predicted a spurt towards modernity and a less illiberal society.


Two men shall hold the sceptre, one after the other, and a Horned Dragon will serve them both.


He took on an unenviable task, like a leader taking on the throne amid great turmoil.


These numbers, if we begin at August 13, 3114 BC, will give us a date in the 7th century that corresponds to the date Pakal took the throne in Palenque.


Of course, not all offshoots of the Hapsburg line are weak as their Spanish cousins.


Following the death of King George V in 1936, the Prince of Wales, George's elder brother, ascended to the throne as Edward VIII, but abdicated in less than a year's time to marry the twice-divorced American Wallis Simpson.


Hsin-dynasty was overthrown in the hands of the Ministry of the Chao Phraya Festival Jideng on the throne, he is the King Rama I, King (Rama is the one from phao thai folk hero Fushui), which is currently in Thailand dynasty, that is today's King of Thailand Bhumibol Peng A degree Tak of the ancestors.


Richard II, who ascended to the throne as a young man, is a regal and stately figure, but he is wasteful in his spending habits, unwise in his choice of counselors, and detached from his country and its common people.


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bottom joint 底节理 | enthroned 登上王位的 | spark lag 火花延迟