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瘘的 的英文翻译、例句


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All the patients had no facial nerves injuries, no limitation in mouth opening and no mastication difficulty. Conclusion The buccinator musculomucosal island flaps pedicled superior-anteriorly and posteriorly are trustworthy and safe for palatal fistula repair. It can be transferred conveniently to repair fistula of any position.


Methods From 1989 to 1997,69 hypospadias fistulae in 54 patients were repaired with different methods.


Objective:To explore the etiology and treatment of cholecystolithiasis combined with cholecystocolonic fistula or cholecystoduodenal fistula.


most endothoracic anastomotic fistula happens 3~13 days after esophagogastrostomy with critical conditions, timely diagnosis and proper treatment including operation can shorten the disease course and greatly decrease the mortality.


RESULTS: The morbidity of this kind fistula was 1.83%(4/219) in our hospital. All the 5 patients suffered fistula 1-13 days after esophagogastrostomy; bronchopleural fistula occurred in 2 patients.


Methods Modification I:Transverse incision was chosen on epigastirc,a piece of about 3×5 cm fascil strip with pedical as well as bilateral anterior and posterior sheath of recus and peritoneum was pulled through transverse mesocolon functioning as the supporting stick of traditional loop ostomy.The colon of ostomy was buried subcutaneously,stoma was opened instantly or secondarily depending on the patients′s condition.


Pancreatic and biliary duct fistula are the most severe and common complication following pancreatoduodenectomy. To prevent this complication, anastomosis should be appropriately performed and drainage of the pancreatic and bile duct is crucial.


Purpose: To explore further improvement of method in treating anus fistula, by observing curative effect of incision thread-drawing adding hemostasis by compression and sutura in anus fistula, and comparing the cure effect of treatment group with control group, so that the cure effect of incision thread-drawing adding hemostasis by compression and satura was verified and was affirmed.


Cases happened in 76 cases suffering the not prophylactic terminal ileum stoma patients and the patients was concrescence after treating with colon transversum stoma, abdomen-perinaeum association ectomy, nutrition and partly washing.


the prophylaxis group and not prophylaxis group has contrast the stoma fistulae happen in the low-set rectal cancer protected anus operation.


更多网络解释与瘘的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

esophageal atresia:[食道闭锁]

先天性食道闭锁(Esophageal atresia)是一种复杂而少见的先天性畸形,Thomas Gibsontu于1696年首先报道该病,自Vogt 1923年全面介绍食管闭锁及其伴气管瘘的各种病理类型以及Haight和Towsley 1941年第一次成功地进行食道吻合加气管食道瘘(TOF)修补术以来,


3.2.3 冠状动脉瘘 冠状动脉瘘(CAF)是指冠状动脉主干或其分支与某一心腔或血管之间存在的异常通道. 多为右侧冠脉-右心系统(右心房、右心室、肺动脉)瘘. 右侧冠脉-右心系统瘘者,出生后右心系统压力减低,

fecal fistula:粪瘘

[概述] 粪瘘(fecal fistula)是指生殖器官与肠道之间形成的异常通道. 在妇产科临床中最常见的是直肠阴道瘘. 滞产形成的粪瘘有时并发尿瘘. 此外也可有小肠、结肠阴道瘘. 生殖器官瘘管是一种极为痛苦的损伤性疾病. 由于尿、粪不能自行控制,

Fibrin Sealant:纤维蛋白粘合剂

肠切除、肠吻合是腹部外科常用的手术方式. 近年来文献报道各种肠吻合口瘘的发生率为0~17.4%[1]. 许多学者试图用生物或物理等方法促进肠组织合成胶原和吻合口愈合. van der Ham等[2]在结肠吻合术后局部用纤维蛋白粘合剂(fibrin sealant)预防吻合口瘘取得一定疗效.


窦道(sinus)和瘘(fistula)都是狭窄不易愈合的病理性管道,其表面被覆上皮或肉芽组织. 窦道和瘘不同的地方是前者可发生于机体的任何部位,借助于管道使深在组织(结缔组织、骨或肌肉组织)的脓窦与体表相通,其管道一般呈盲管状;

internal fistula:内瘘

肠瘘可分为内瘘(internal fistula)和外瘘(external fistula)两类. 肠内瘘是指肠管之间或者肠管与其他脏器之间出现的病理性通道,肠内容物不流出腹壁,如小肠间内瘘、小肠结肠瘘、小肠胆囊瘘、小肠膀胱瘘等. 肠管与体外相通则称肠外瘘. 临床上,

percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy:经皮内镜胃造瘘[术]

是X线检查.上消化道内镜检查术上消化道内镜检查术胃食道返流性疾病.消化性溃疡癌肿上消化道出血经皮内镜胃造瘘术(Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy)食道癌的姑息治疗其他适应症胃食道返流性疾病食管炎是上消化道常见的疾病.食管性疼痛有时与心脏病混淆,


在泪囊鼻腔造瘘术(dacryocystorhinostomy)普遍开展之前,角膜溃疡经常发生在鼻泪管阻塞的患者. 摩拉克氏双杆菌(Moraxella liquefaciens)角膜溃疡摩拉克氏双杆菌(双杆菌)角膜溃疡导致无痛性的卵圆形角膜溃疡,通常位于角膜下方,

rectovaginal fistula:直肠阴道瘘

直肠阴道瘘(rectovaginal fistula)是指直肠与阴道之间的病理性通道,又称粪瘘. 表现为粪便积于阴道内,经阴道排出,稀便时更明显,也有极小瘘孔虽未见粪便自阴道排出,但有阴道排气存在. 由于病变部位局部解剖的特殊性和复杂性,直肠阴道瘘往往导致患者难言的病痛,


4. hemorrhoids:(常用复)痔 | 5. fistulas: (常用复)瘘,瘘管 | 6. rectal:(解)直肠的,近直肠的