英语人>词典>汉英 : 痛定思痛 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与痛定思痛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recall a painful experience, my decision chats with the passionate video that has temptation most this one firm enrols QQ group, each district makes friendly center, chatting room wants flow, there is exhaustless flow as much over there, although tired can want to results is become only.


Afterwards, colleagues wring their hands and wonder how such malfeasance can be avoided in the future.


The feeling of painfulness only serves to remind me to be strong-willed.


Don't let your one feet to be stacked in the past.


Fortunately, the prisoners did not wake up tomorrow a strong responsibility to hold possession, but after weighing the pros to thank him and let him have a reason to punish should have, both with each other when they meet again, said with regret, is willing to bear all of the results, This more or less eliminates the tubes out strong negative impact of the unit, Meng-Tsan Chiang had been staying during the observation accompanied by his side, and she said that the experience of his own daughter grow up, easy to deal with the problem is almost evening look, see Meng-Tsan Chiang not to return to En Yu's intention and asked if she could make Li Xing Yang months and come back to take in order to blot Fortunately, her childhood years to save some special scenarios, winter vacation has just come, I heard that Li Xing see his uncle to bring his mother, Yang months are excited, and bags large and small to pack a lot of things, is like home for Spring Festival is not the general, Qi-line anomalies that Meng-Tsan Chiang's trip goes well, hope she will take the opportunity to go out a chance to get a rest, if the Yang on call around, do not worry too much too tired, know that it is easy to Xi's idea, plus there are plum star escort, they did not say much else, then, and chose to send two men to the station early morning, because in a hurry to go to work, no more leave time to say good-bye to the unit.


The national industry to revitalize the valve industry to develop there must be implementation of technical innovation, and adjustment of product structure, we must dare to research and development of high technological content and high added value of labor standards with international leading valve products, such as control valves and automatic valves class regulating valve, three-wide convergence, three shunt valve, safety valve; ball valve type metal seal welded, high-parameter large-diameter valves; and power station supercritical C12?


更多网络解释与痛定思痛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

impassioned and forceful:痛快淋漓

try to steal a chickens only to end up losing the rice偷鸡不着蚀把米 | impassioned and forceful痛快淋漓 | recall a painful experience痛定思痛

Korean Air:韩国航空

上世纪九十年代, 韩国航空(Korean Air)的飞机接二连三地往下掉, 以至于美国驻韩国部队禁止其人员乘坐该公司的航班. 痛定思痛, 韩国航空在外界的帮助下对它的飞行员进行去韩国化的文化培训

pop music:流行音乐

突然发现自己早已被一堆糜烂不堪的所谓"流行音乐"(Pop music)给湮埋,难怪最近发现自己"俗"到不可以容忍. 痛定思痛,决定从现在起放弃流行音乐,放弃那些我所谓钟爱的歌手和"My Favorite Songs",让耳朵从此享受古典的洗礼.

Not worth mentioning:微不足道

213. 痛改前非thoroughly rectify one's errors | 214. 痛定思痛draw a lesson from a bitter experience | 215.微不足道not worth mentioning