英语人>词典>汉英 : 畸形小头 的英文翻译,例句
畸形小头 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与畸形小头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

IUGR; microcephaly; choroid plexus cysts; facial dysmorphism; cleft lip; micrognathia; ear, nose, and throat abnormalities; cataract, microphthalmia cardiac anomalies; diaphragmatic hernia; omphalocele; clenched hand; clubhand; rocker bottom feet; prominent heels


Such viruses also cause a disease of infants characterized by circulatory dysfunction and microcephaly.


In addition, microcephaly, congenital narrow cranial disorders, cretinism, Down's syndrome and other disorders will lead to the head deformity in children.


Herpes simplex virus infection to the fetus through the placenta, pregnancy first 8 weeks of infection and occurrence of fetal malformations can generally mainly small head, small eyes, chorioretinitis, crystal turbidity, heart abnormalities, limb abnormalities, intrauterine growth retardation, cerebral dysgenesis, hydrocephalus, corneal cataract formation of the liver, splenomegaly, pneumonia and so on. 2, diagnosis:(1) direct examination, electron microscopy examination herpes fluid, can be found herpes virus-like particles.


Just check blood alpha-fetoprotein in pregnant women, and found that neural tube defects (such as hydrocephalus, cerebral meningocele, spina bifida, microcephaly, no brains abuse, etc.) and some role.


Pregnant women, lack of folic acid can cause fetal neural tube defects such as spina bifida, spinal Meningocele, no brains infants, microcephaly, hydrocephalus.


Refers to Down's syndrome (Down's syndrome, dementia-like伸舌) screening, that is, pumping blood or amniotic fluid do villus cells, and then do Karyotype analysis, such as the emergence of 21 - trisomy map, you can diagnose fetus for Down syndrome. 2, AFP Chinese name for the AFP, such as maternal and fetal amniotic fluid were increased AFP confirmed fetal neural tube defects, namely spina bifida, spinal Meningocele, no brains infants, microcephaly, hydrocephalus.


Upper limb reduction defects ranging from subtle phalangeal abnormalities to oligodactyly, IUGR, micrognathia, cardiac abnormalities, microcephaly, and ambiguous genitalia


So little impact on this child. 2, pregnant women drinking, a great impact on the fetus, alcohol can slow fetal growth, but also caused malformation; some statistics, more alcohol intake of pregnant women, their children 1 / 3 more than the existence of different degrees of defects, such as small head , small eyes, chin, short, flat symblepharon narrow, short body, heart and limbs, or even deformities.


Head-to cry as a result of chromosomal abnormalities, metabolic diseases, intrauterine infection, caused by factors such as intrauterine malnutrition, fetal pregnancy in 5 months, there has been slow brain development, and head circumference at birth is slightly smaller than the normal newborn, Before the chimney, or close to the closure of small, aging face and normal bone development on both sides of the frontal and temporal bone upward, flat occipital bone, the head of the Department appears to be even smaller than the head tip, it is also known as the cusp deformity.


更多网络解释与畸形小头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


microcephalia 小颅 小头 小头畸形 | microcephalic 小头的 | microcephalicidiocy 小头白痴


San Diego)和Scipps转译科学研究所(Scripps Translational Science Institute)的科学家,共同参与的研究计划,针对近年来相关的文献,进行分析比较,找出被科学家怀疑和畸形小头(microcephaly)症发生,具有高度风险相关性的基因,


(二)小头畸形(microcephaly)常见胎儿期的有害环境因素引起. 脑部和颅骨和发育都有障碍,发育完成后脑重不超过1000克,头颅最大周径不超过47cm,额部和枕部平坦、狭小,顶部略呈尖形,和发育完整的面骨形成强烈对照. 头皮增厚,头发粗密.

Microcephaly; Microcephalism; Smallness of the head; Nanocephaly:头小(畸形); 矮头(畸形)

Microcephalic fetus 头小畸胎 | Microcephaly; Microcephalism; Smallness of the head; Nanocephaly 头小(畸形); 矮头(畸形) | Microcheily; Smallness of lips 小唇(畸形)


microbiology微生物学 | microcephalia畸形小头 | microcephalus小头者

microcephalia:小颅 小头 小头畸形

microcentrum 中心粒团 | microcephalia 小颅 小头 小头畸形 | microcephalic 小头的


小颌 micrognathia | 小头畸形 microcephalus | 小眼畸形 microphthalmia

microcephalus:小头者 脑小畸形

microcephalophis 小头蛇属 | microcephalus 小头者 脑小畸形 | microcephaly 小头 小头畸形 头小畸形


\\"母山羊\\",\\"nanny goat,she-goat\\" | \\"小头畸形\\",\\"nanocephalia,nanocephaly\\" | \\"小躯干(畸形)\\",\\"nanocormia\\"


nanocephalus /头小畸态/ | nanocephaly /小头畸形/ | nanocircuit /毫微电路/