英语人>词典>汉英 : 番石榴 的英文翻译,例句
番石榴 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
guava  ·  guavas

psidium guajave
更多网络例句与番石榴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results showed that Golden chinese banyan, Osmanthus, Macaranga, Scandent schefflera, Lalang grass, Taiwan mulberry, Coral bean tree, Common camptotheca, Guava and Malabar chestnut have significantly higher deposition of dust storm particulate than normal time.


It must be the best Sauvignon Blanc in the world.


Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shal

55:13 松树长出代替荆棘。番石榴长出代替蒺藜。这要为耶和华留名,作为永远的证据,不能剪除。

In place of the thornbush, the fir tree will come up; In place of the brier, the myrtle will come up; And it will be to Jehovah as a name, As an eternal sign that will not be cut off.

55:13 松树要长起代替荆棘;番石榴要长起代替蒺藜;这要为耶和华留名,作为永远的记号,不能剪除。

In addition 1 cup of the fruit provides 63% more of possium than you'll find in a banana.


ObjectiveTo study an extraction technology for total flavones from leaves of Psidium guajava L.


This studys objective is:(1).To explore the leaf of the Psidium guajava and its extract effect on rotavirus in vitro.(2).to study the leaf of the Psidium guajava effect on rotavirus in vivo.


The drinking of potions of decoctions of the leaf of the guava plant,Psidium guajava L.,as well as chewing of the fresh leaf,had been employed in the treatment of acute diarrhoeal diseases in folk medicine,especially in tropical areas of the globe,such as Brazil,Guangdong and guangxi in China.


Results of acute treatments of oral glucose tolerance test showed that the plasma glucose levels of the diabetic Wistar rats administered, both of guava fruit water or alcohol extracts, with 200 or 400 mg/kg BW were lower than the control group (fed with equal volume of saline solution) after 30 minutes gavages. It is considered that the extracts containing protein, lipid and diet fiber may defer the stomach and small intestines to get empty and interfere or delay the sugar absorption and then increase the glucose utilization in diabetic rats.

结果显示糖尿病鼠不论灌食番石榴果实之水及乙醇萃取物粗萃物200或400 mg/kg BW的剂量,於OGTT第30分钟后的血浆葡萄糖值均比糖尿病控制组显著降低,推测原因可能与番石榴粗萃物所含的蛋白质,脂肪及膳食纤维延缓胃和小肠的排空,具有干扰或减缓葡萄糖的吸收,因而促进体内组织细胞对血液中葡萄糖的利用有关。

Summary: Regard guava as raw materials, adopt the organic solvent to extract the law, pass the single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment, to influence many phenol draw abstraction pharmaceutical kind of quantity, draw pharmaceutical volume mark, draw time, draw temperature factor go on the discussion compared with material liquid,etc., the ones that confirm much phenol of guava draw the craft parameter bestly: Volume mark 70% ethanol according to material 1:10 volume ratio of liquid, 70 ℃lay reflux draw 40min in temperature, many abstraction amount of phenol can reach 62.35mg/g be thing.


更多网络解释与番石榴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

greengage:青梅 guava 番石榴

grapestone葡萄核 | greengage青梅 guava 番石榴 | Hami melon哈密瓜


P.S.这次马来西亚的另一大收获是过足了狂吃当地水果的瘾,很多国内天价的水果在那里便宜得惊人,比如说:莲雾(Java apple),红毛丹(rumbutan),山竹(mangosteen),番石榴(guava)等我在国内难得奢侈一下的水果.


grapefruit葡萄柚 | guava 番石榴,芭乐 | Hami cantaloupe,honey-dew melon 哈密瓜

Guava Leaf:番石榴叶

Ground Beeltle 土鳖虫 | Guava Leaf 番石榴叶 | Gynura Root 红背三七

guava powder:番石榴粉

grape seed powder 葡萄籽粉 14.00mg | guava powder 番石榴粉 7.00mg | kiwi powder 奇异果粉 7.00.mg

guava juice:番石榴汁

guarinite 片榍石 | guava juice 番石榴汁 | guava 番石榴


piscidia番石榴 | piscidicacid番石榴酸 | piscina鱼塘


[科属]:桃金娘科(Myrtaceae)番石榴属(Psidium) [特性与特征]:常绿小乔木或灌木,高5~番石榴的功效12m,没有直立主干,根系发达. 单叶对生,叶背有绒毛并中肋侧脉隆起. 花单生或2~3朵聚生叶腋,花两性,雄蕊多数,雌蕊1枚.

Psidium guajava:番石榴

番石榴(Psidium guajava)为桃金娘科番石榴属植物,原产于热带美洲,我国的温带及亚热带地区在200多年前已有种植. 番石榴叶由于其叶子的强抗氧化能力,受到科学家们的关注. 番石榴叶能软化血管、降血脂和血糖,降低胆固醇;同时具有耐缺氧,迅速解除疲劳的功

Psidium guajava L:番石榴

以东山月拔和二十一世纪这2个品种为试材,研究了番石榴(Psidium guajava L)果实的发育动态规律.结果表明:番石榴的果实发育呈现双"S"型;果实重量和果核重量的发育呈显著的正相关;推测果实发育后期为进行果实产期调控的关键时期;