英语人>词典>汉英 : 电荷密度 的英文翻译,例句
电荷密度 的英文翻译、例句


charge density · charging density
更多网络例句与电荷密度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that the charge density of PVAm is higher in acidic solution than in basic solution.


The structure and bonding nature of the borames are analysed by neans of the electron density patterns eleceron densiry difference patterns.


Using a perturbation method, these linearized equations are solved for a composite sphere with the charge densities of the rigid core surface and of the surface layer as the small perturbation parameters. Analytical expressions for the settling velocity and electrophoretic mobility of the composite sphere in closed form have been obtained from a balance among its hydrodynamic, electrostatic, and/or gravitational forces.


In this work, cationic kraft pulp was prepared by grafting copolymerization using acrylamide and cationic monomer [2- ethyl] trimethyl-ammonium chloride.


The results suggested that the exponential variation of volumetric charge density with the bulk electrolyte concentration is more favorable to describe the membrane potential and to evaluate the induced fixed charge density.


This showed that the electron density of a quinoid ring increased. The peaks of the quaternary carbon atoms of the benzene rings, which were adjacent to the quinoid ring, also shifted to higher field. But the peaks of other C atoms shifted to lower field.

NMR结果表明苯胺低聚体掺杂后主链上的电荷重新分布,环上的H原子上的电子被C原子吸引,电荷密度降低,在〓 NMR中谱峰向低场移动。C原子的谱峰也相应发生变化,醌环上电荷密度增加,全部C原子的峰向高场移动,与醌环相邻苯环受其影响季碳峰移向高场,非季碳峰移向低场。

The grafting rate and surface charge density of the pulp were also influenced by the reaction temperature, they increased from 20℃ to 50℃ and reached the maximum value at 50℃.


The grafting rate and surface charge density of the pulp increased when the amount of ceriumammonium nitrateinitiator increased from 2% to .


In the 2A1 distorted trigonal bipyramid structure ,the single non equivalent Ga atom has the population of 4s 4p ,while the two equivalent Ga atoms have the population of 4s 4p .this compares with a Ga population of 4s 4p in the undistorted D3h structure ,hence the jahn-teller distortion causes depletion of the charge density on the 4s orbital of the non-equivalent Ga atom, and enhancement of charge density on the 4s orbital for the two equivalent atoms .an opposite trend is observed for the 4p orbitals of these Ga atoms .the P population for the two equivalent atoms is 3s 3p .the populations of the other 2B1 state with the edge-capped tetrahedral structure are similar with the exception that all three Ga atoms have similar but not identical populations .

在2A1被变形的三角bipyramid结构,唯一非等效Ga原子有4s 4p的人口,而二个等效Ga原子在未变形的D3h结构有4s 4p 。this的人口和4s相比4p的Ga人口,因此jahn出纳畸变在non-equivalent Ga原子的4s轨道导致电荷密度的取尽,并且电荷密度的改进在4s轨道为二个等效原子。an在趋向对面对这些Ga原子4p轨道被观察。the人口为二个等效原子是另一个2B1状态3s 3p 。the人口与边缘加盖的四面体结构是相似的P 除之外全部三个Ga原子有相似,但不相同人口。

As to the higher Landau levels, we conducted systematically calculations for the various possible ground states, such as the Laughlin liquid, the composite fermion liquid, the Wigner crystal, and the charge density wave . We find that when the Landau level index N≥2, the fractional quantum Hall states are ruled out and the CDW and Wigner crystal dominate. An exception occurs at around v=4+1/6, where the composite fermion liquid may be more energetically preferable than the CDW and the Wigner crystal states. This result provides a new explanation to the so-called re-entrant integral quantum Hall effect. In fact, the feature of isotropically metallic property at this filling is discerned from the experiment.


更多网络解释与电荷密度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

charge density:电荷密度

因此其电荷密度(charge density)极高,甚难想像光光的质子能在水溶液中单独地存在,或在电场中以有限的速率游移. 一般以为附著在水分子上而成带水的氢离子H3O+(hydronium ion),或H3O+.3H2O存在於水溶液中. H3O+的容积和水分子的容积差不多,

surface charge density:面电荷密度

电荷密度 volume charge density | 面电荷密度 surface charge density | 线电荷密度 linear charge density

surface charge density:表面电荷密度=>表面電荷密度

surface charge coupled device 表面电荷耦合装置 | surface charge density 表面电荷密度=>表面電荷密度 | surface charge effect 表面电荷效应

space charge density:空间电荷密度

space charge compensation 空间电荷补偿 | space charge density 空间电荷密度 | space charge distortion 空间电荷畸变

linear charge density:线电荷密度

linear approximation 线性近似 | linear charge density 线电荷密度 | linear collider 直线对撞机

linear charge density:线性电荷密度

linear characteristic 线性特性,直线特性=>直線特性 | linear charge density 线性电荷密度 | linear chelatropic reaction 线性螯合反应

charge density wave:电荷密度波

比如说,在铂(100)的重构表面上,我们发现表面电子有很强地形成电荷密度波(charge density wave)的倾向(10). 原因是当重构发生时,表层的原子密度远高过下层,导致表层浮起来,使其近似於一个二维系统. 造成金属或半导体的表面重构或结构相变的原因很多,

charge distribution:电荷密度

电荷守恒 charge density | 电荷密度 charge distribution | 电荷分布 charge to mass ratio

density of surface charge:面电荷密度

density of electrons 电子密度 | density of surface charge 面电荷密度 | density of total electro magnetic energy 总电磁能量密度

electric surface density:表面电荷密度

表面电荷 surface charge | 表面电荷密度 electric surface density | 表面涂层 surface coating process