英语人>词典>汉英 : 申明 的英文翻译,例句
申明 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pled  ·  pleaded

更多网络例句与申明相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sometimes, finally, he is an acosmist: he denies that the external world exists except in so far as it is thought to exist: or he affirms that we create our own external world out of our own thoughts.

有时候,最后,他是一个acosmist :他否认外部世界的存在,除在至今,因为它被认为是存在的:或他申明,我们创造我们自己的外部世界是出于我们自己的想法。

I'll address the attitude part of the equation today.


All the input data for each vertex in the individual primitive is available (i.e. 3 vertices for triangle), plus adjacent vertex data if applicable/available.


Then I tell you, can download here all many pieces of 600 original intent, affix a few pieces to have representative colourful plan, declare: To prevent to ban, the server is put in abroad, these a few pieces are to do processing act against one's will , want to look to look through the link below, but the gateway for breakthrough home IP, download red fox shedding to see please implement, cannot open otherwise.


Actually you can even get around the declare before omit ampersand rule by using the subs.pm pragma, or by pre-declaring as in a script like:#!


The stream element MUST possess both a streams namespace declaration and a default namespace declaration (as "namespace declaration" is defined in the XML namespaces specification ).

流节点必须有一个流的命名空间申明和一个缺省命名空间申明关于流的命名空间和缺省命名空间详细信息见第11.2节Namespace Names and Prefixes

Namespace Declarations === The stream element MUST possess both a streams namespace declaration and a default namespace declaration (as "namespace declaration" is defined in the XML namespaces specification ).


For detailed information, please refer to "Trusteeship Agreement" and "Donation Agreement".


This is based on a number of assumptions, both stated and unstated, that are being invalidated by current events.


The simplest shader variable declaration includes a type and a variable name, such as this floating-point declaration

最简单的 Shader 变量申明包括类型和变量明,比如浮点数的申明如下

更多网络解释与申明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dont count to me:别指望我! 版权申明:本站文章均来自网络

Dont be so fussy! 别挑剔了! | Dont count to me! 别指望我! 版权申明:本站文章均来自网络. | Dont fall for it! 不要上当!

exculpation:辩白; 申明无罪 (名)

exculpate 使无罪, 辩解, 分辩 (动) | exculpation 辩白; 申明无罪 (名) | exculpatory 辩解的; 辩明无罪的 (形)

exculpatory:申明无罪的 申明无罪的

excusable homicide 可原谅的杀人 可原谅的杀人 | exculpatory 申明无罪的 申明无罪的 | exhibit 呈物,证物 呈物,证物


excusable homicide 可原谅的杀人 | exculpatory 申明无罪的 | exhibit 呈物,证物


exculpate 申明无罪 | exculpatory 辩白的,申明无罪的 | felony 重罪

protestation n.f:抗议,申明,宣誓,保证

protestant, e n.,adj. 新教徒,抗议者,新教的,抗议的 | protestation n.f. 抗议,申明,宣誓,保证 | protocole n.m. 礼仪,礼宾司,议定书

Temporary Redirect:申明请求的资源临时性删除

"307" : Temporary Redirect 申明请求的资源临时性删除 | "400" : Bad Request 错误请求,如语法错误 | "401" : Unauthorized 请求授权失败

term sheet:条目申明书

Tenor票期;合约期 | Term sheet条目申明书 | Tick size价格变动单位

You gotta go on the record:你必须发表正式申明

They're gonna get you, Stephen, one way or another.|他们无论如何不会放过你的,史蒂芬 | You gotta go on the record.|你必须发表正式申明 | Swing the spotlight back on them.|将焦点转向他们

I will go on the record:我会发表正式申明

linking Sonia's death to PointCorp.|联系起来的证据 | I will go on the record.|我会发表正式申明 | I will shout this thing from the rooftops.|我会将这件事公诸于众