英语人>词典>汉英 : 甲胺 的英文翻译,例句
甲胺 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
methylamine  ·  monomethylamine  ·  carbinamine

更多网络例句与甲胺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In rabbit plasma, there were two kinds of SSAO, which could catalyze the oxidative deamination of methylamine into formaldehyde, had significantly different kinetic parameters.


Dialkylmethylamine was produced through the reaction of fatty alcohol with methylamine as one of the products of dimethylamine disproportionation.


Five Butenafine's analogues were designed and synthesized according to the structure-activity relationship and operating mechanism of benzylamine antimycotics.

根据苄胺类抗真菌化合物的构效关系、作用机理,设计合成了 5个布替萘芬类似物,N (2 氯 5 吡啶甲基) N 甲基 1 萘甲胺,N ,N 二(4 叔丁基苄基) 1 萘甲胺,N (4 叔丁基苄基) N (2 氯 5 吡啶甲基) 1 萘甲胺,N ,N 二苄基 4 叔丁基苯甲胺,N (2 氯 5 吡啶甲基) N 苄基 4 叔丁基苯甲胺

The key intermediate 3-methylaminopiperidine was synthesized from 3-methylaminopyridine by two methods,formylation and lithium aluminium hydride reduction or condensation with triethyl orthoformate and sodium borohydride reduction,and then hydr...


The key intermediate 3- methylaminopiperidine was synthesized from 3-methylaminopyridine by two methods, formylation and lithium aluminium hydride reduction or condensation with triethyl orthoformate and sodium borohydride reduction, and then hydrolysis.


The company mainly produces: ammonia, dimethylformamide, formamide, N-dimethylformamide, mixed methylamine, isopropylamine.


Methamidophos affected the mean ratio of ovigerous to non-ovigerous females and the mean mictic rate significantly but had less effect on the total resting egg production, while 17β-estradiol was in adverse.


The intermediate which obtained from oximation of 7a-e reacted withmethyl N-(2-bromomethylphenyl)-N-methoxycarbamate to synthesize oxime ether methyl carbamate 3a-e.

以邻位卤代苯甲醛和3-丁烯-2-醇为原料通过钯催化&一锅法&反应合成了2-乙酰基茚7a-e,7a-e 肟化之后和N-(2-溴甲基苯基)-N-甲氧基氨基甲酸甲酯反应合成了肟醚类氨基甲酸甲酯3a-e,进一步胺解之后得到了肟醚类氨基甲酰甲胺3f-j。

In this paper, the improvement of synthetic method of 2-acetylaminotropone is introduced. 3-Acetyltropolone reacted with low concen-tration methylamine solution and solvent was directly evaporated in reduce pres-sure to give 2-acetyl-7 -methylaminotropone in good yield. The compound reacted with phenyltrimethylammonium tribromide to give two new compounds.


The results show that 60Co-γ ray radiation has the most remarkable effect on the degradation of organophosphorus pesticides such as fenitrothion, parathion, methyl-parathion, phorate and chlorpyrifos and the maximum degradation rates are over 85%. The degradation rates of methamidophos, acephate, malathion ,dimethoate are slightly inferior to them and the optimum degradation rates is just only 34.70%. At the same time, the contents of soluble total sugars, glucose, fructose, sucrose and total sugars in apple juice decrease unconspicuously, but the total acid content in apple juice and its color value and clarity increase. Based on a comprehensive consideration of the 60Co-γ radiation effect on the actual degradation of organophosphorus pesticides in apple juice and its main chemical and physical indexes, organophosphorous pesticides residue will be decreased to a lower level with radiation dose of about 5 kGy but the main chemical and physical indexes of export apple juice can not be affected.

结果表明: 60Co-γ射线辐照处理对苹果汁中杀螟硫磷、对硫磷、甲基对硫磷、甲拌磷、毒死蜱降解效果最为显著,最高降解率均在85%以上;对苹果汁中甲胺磷、乙酰甲胺磷、马拉硫磷和乐果的降解效果不显著,最高降解率仅为35%;在0~9 kGy辐照剂量范围内降解苹果汁中有机磷农药的同时,会使苹果汁中的可溶性固形物、葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖及总糖含量轻微降低,苹果汁的总酸度有所增加,苹果汁的色值及透光率提高;综合分析60Co-γ射线辐照对苹果汁中有机磷农药的实际降解效果及对苹果汁主要理化指标的影响,选用5 kGy的辐照剂量已完全使苹果汁中的有机磷农药残留降低到一个很低的水平,又不会对苹果汁出口主要理化指标造成影响。

更多网络解释与甲胺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dimethyl formamide:二甲基甲 胺

二甲基甲酮 DIMETHYL GLYOXIME | 二甲基甲 胺 Dimethyl formamide | 二甲基甲 胺 DIMETHYL FORMIDE


N-甲基甲 胺 N-Menthyl Formamide 99% | N-甲基甲 胺 n-METHYL FORMAMIDE | N-甲基葡萄胺 n methyl glucamine

N-Menthyl Formamide:甲基甲 胺

N-甲基二乙醇胺 N-Methyldiethanolamine | N-甲基甲 胺 N-Menthyl Formamide 99% | N-甲基甲 胺 n-METHYL FORMAMIDE


茎叶还含胆碱(choline),甲胺(methylamine),组胺(histamine),酪胺(tyramine),皂甙及游离黄酮醇. 8-氧黄连碱(8-oxocoptisine),四氢小檗碱(canadine)等生物碱.

methylamine hydrochloride:甲胺盐酸盐

甲胺 methylamine | 甲胺盐酸盐 methylamine hydrochloride | 2-辛炔 methylamylacetylene

methylamine hydrochloride:氫氯化甲胺,甲胺氫氯酸鹽

methylamine甲胺 | methylamine hydrochloride氫氯化甲胺,甲胺氫氯酸鹽 | methylammonium chloride氯化甲銨

p-methylaminophenol sulfate; Metol:对甲胺[苯]酚硫酸盐;密妥耳

甲胺[苯]酚 p-methylaminophenol | 对甲胺[苯]酚硫酸盐;密妥耳 p-methylaminophenol sulfate; Metol | 对甲大茴香醚;对甲苯基甲醚 p-methylanisole


苯甲脒 benzylamidine; benzamidine | 苄胺;苯甲胺 benzylamine | 对苄胺磺酸 benzylamine-p-sulfonic acid

benzenemethanamine; benzylamine:苯甲胺;苄胺

苯吲酮;变番红花酮 benzeneindone; aposafranone | 苯甲胺;苄胺 benzenemethanamine; benzylamine | 苯甲酸;苄酸;安息[香]酸 benzenemonocarbonic acid; benzenemonocarboxylic acid; benzoic acid

tetramethylthiuram disulfide, thiram:二硫化四甲胺硫甲酰基;硫兰

四甲琥珀酸;四甲基丁二酸 tetramethylsuccinic acid | 二硫化四甲胺硫甲酰基;硫兰 tetramethylthiuram disulfide; thiram | 四甲三胺三苯甲烷;胺苯双(二甲胺苯)甲烷 tetramethyltriamino-triphenylmethane