英语人>词典>汉英 : 用耳 的英文翻译,例句
用耳 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与用耳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, perfect agreement of ages between structures (i.e., scales and otoliths) did not occur. Crappie length at age should be back-calculated using otoliths when more precise age estimates are needed and with scales when fish are too few to be killed.


Methods One-stage mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty with ossicular chain reconstruction using postauricular musculo-periosteal-bone flap was completed in 47 cases(47ears) of cholesteatoma.


Use of similar models in ageing other species, along with periodic validation to ensure that the otolith parameter age relationship has not changed over time, could simplify age data collection for population models.


I need to examine your ear with an otoscope.


Otolaryngologists use an otoscope to examine the eardrum and a laryngoscope (developed in 1855) to inspect the larynx.


Methods Oto-endoscope Computer Imaging System was used to evaluate 97 cases (104 ears) of tympanic membrane perforation.


Objective To study the curative effect of ossicular chain reconstruction with postauricular musculo-periosteal-bone flap.


Methods One-stage mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty with ossicular chain reconstruction using postauricular musculo-periosteal-bone flap was completed in 47 cases(47ears) of cholesteatoma.


The mean post- operative air conduction and bone conduction PTA were 36.59 dB and 24.23 dB, respectively.


Methods The operation was divided into two stages. In the first stage, the expander was implanted behind the ear, and was expanded. In the second stage, with autogenous costal cartilage or medpor materials, curve suitable framework, implant and suture it with remnant costal cartilage,overlap it by fascial flap behind the ear and expanded skin flap. Graft skin behind the ear.


更多网络解释与用耳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


auris | 耳 | auriscope | (检查耳朵用的)耳镜 | auriscopic | 耳镜的

curet:耳匙, 耳挖 用刮匙刮

curer | 治疗者, 治疗器 | curet | 耳匙, 耳挖 用刮匙刮 | curettage | 刮除术

ear curette:耳刮匙,耳用刮匙

ear curet 耳异物锐匙 | ear curette 耳刮匙,耳用刮匙 | ear defender 护耳器

Argon laser for otology, rhinology, and laryngology:耳鼻喉科用氩激光器

874.4420 耳鼻喉手动手术设备 Ear, nose, and throat m... | 874.4490 耳鼻喉科用氩激光器 Argon laser for otology, rhinology, and laryngology | 874.4500 耳鼻喉显微手术二氧化碳激光器 Ear, nose, and throat mi...

auricularis:耳肌, 耳神经

auricularine | 耳草灵, 耳草碱 | auricularis | 耳肌, 耳神经 | auricularly | 用耳, 用耳

auricularly:用耳, 用耳语

auricularis | 耳肌, 耳神经 | auricularly | 用耳, 用耳语 | auriculate | 有耳的, 有耳状物或耳状部的

auriculate:有耳的, 有耳状物或耳状部的

auricularly | 用耳, 用耳语 | auriculate | 有耳的, 有耳状物或耳状部的 | auriculoventricular | 心房与心室的, 房室的

biauricular:(有)双耳的, (有)双心耳的

biaural | 有两耳的, 两耳用的, 双耳声的 | biauricular | (有)双耳的, (有)双心耳的 | biauriculate | (有)双耳的, (有)双心耳的


2.耳镜检查(otoscopy) 当耳道狭小或炎症肿胀时,用漏斗状的耳镜(耳道撑开器)撑开狭窄弯曲的耳道,避开耳道软骨部耳毛,保证光源照入. 耳镜管轴方向与外耳道长轴一致,以便窥见鼓膜. 骨性耳道缺乏皮下脂肪,无伸缩性,故耳镜前端勿超过软骨部,

Startles your sleeping ears to hear:惊醒你的梦,用耳去听

牐燱hen a trembling distant voice, unclear /当一个战栗的、遥远的、含糊不清的声... | 牐燬tartles your sleeping ears to hear /惊醒你的梦,用耳去听 | 牐燭hat somebody thinks they really found you /有些人想真的找...