英语人>词典>汉英 : 用武 的英文翻译,例句
用武 的英文翻译、例句


use force · display one's abilities or talents
更多网络例句与用武相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We shall use force only as a last resort.


He forged a peaceful alliance with Armenia, and forcible ones with Parthia and Bactria, stilling resistance to his campaign.


These,sir,are my reasons for not entertaining that high opinion of untried force.


It is not right to use force as the means of settling disputes.


With rice cultivars Yangdao 6and Wuyujing 3 as test materials, the effects of relatively high temperature (RHT, mean temperature 30 ℃) at grain-filling stage on the starch viscosity profile and magnesium and potassium contents of rice grain were studied in a phytotron. Four temperature treatments were installed, i.e., RHT at whole GFS, RHT at early GFS and optimum temperature at later GFS, optimum temperature at early GFS and RHT at later GFS, and optimum temperature (CK, mean temperature 23 ℃) at whole GFS.


BGLUAWML = Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket Launcher


Gentlemen in this respect will be led to their choice of means by their complexions and their habits.


更多网络解释与用武相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Phthalic Anhydride:酐

当时,石油公司嘉义溶剂厂已能用番薯淀粉发酵生产丁醇和丙酮,但酜酐(phthalic anhydride)则需外国进口. 因此,许巍文主任便要校长用萘(naphthalene)的气相氧化法试制酜酐. 耐的气象氧化用武氧化二钒做触媒,是一个高度放热的反应. 因此,

auspicious number:吉祥數字

atypical pneumonia 非典型肺炎 | auspicious number 吉祥數字 | authorize force, to 授權用武

Engler viscosity:恩氏黏度

黏度的测定方法甚多,公制者多采用运动黏度、动力黏度或绝对黏度. 过去我国与美国地区多采用赛氏黏度,日本与英国多用武氏(Redwood)黏度,德国用恩氏黏度(Engler Viscosity). 近年来,各国全力推行公制,多数已全部改用运动黏度或动力黏度.