英语人>词典>汉英 : 用来表示 的英文翻译,例句
用来表示 的英文翻译、例句


be applied to
更多网络例句与用来表示相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The symbol used to denote an antiparticle is the same symbol used to denote its normal matter counterpart, but with an overstrike.


I do not care myself, in dealing with that expression, whether it is intended to be expressive of his individual sentiments on the subject or only of the national policy he desires to have established.


This was originally applied to all green gemstones, but later used only for Beryl.


A diacritical mark used to indicate stress or placed above a vowel to indicate a special pronunciation.


With past tense form. it can be used to express experience as well as the meanings mentioned in 1


CLEOPATRA: My salad days,When I was green in judgment: cold in blood,To say as I said then! But, come, away

当今,'沙拉日' 通常表示年轻人无忧无虑的年轻岁月,有时也用来表示成年后所受到的物质影响。

This frequently meant preventing commoners from imitating the appearance of aristocrats, and sometimes also to stigmatize disfavored groups.


There's a special phenomenon in compound sentence. The suppositive structure is used to express actual meaning, while actual structure is used to express suppositive meaning.


Borrowed from boxing,"straight from the shoulder" is used to describe a well-aimed, strong criticism and "below the belt" is used to describe an unfair one.


Paraphrase: It was an evening just as normal as other evenings when a car coming in the other direction was no longer manageable, broke through the guard rail and hit two other cars before hitting violently against his car front to front.

这是一个含有 when 引导的定语从句的复合句。句中 no 放在一个形容词的比较级前强调某事物的程度、大小或范围,有时用来表示惊讶、羡慕等情绪。no+比较级+than 结构表示&不比…更&,强调两者都不行。而 not +比较级+than 结构则表示&不如&。

更多网络解释与用来表示相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be a far cry from:与......相差甚远(一般用来表示水平或程度等的差距)

. have a crush on someone迷恋某人 | . be a far cry from...与......相差甚远(一般用来表示水平或程度等的差距) | . chew the cud好好琢磨琢磨

be used to do:表示"被用来做某事". 如

There used to be an apple tree here. 过去这儿曾经有棵苹果树. | (2)be used to do表示"被用来做某事". 如: | Wood is often used to make desks and chairs. 木头常常被用来制作桌椅.

ComboBox System.Windows.Forms:命名空间中的类,用来表示组合框

ListBox System.Windows.Forms命名空间中的类,用来表示列表框. | ComboBox System.Windows.Forms命名空间中的类,用来表示组合框. | PictureBox System.Windows.Forms命名空间中的类,用来表示图片框.

imperative sentence:[语]祈使句 (祈使句用来表示特殊语意, 用原形动词开始, 主语通常省略)

imperative sentence : [语]祈使句 (祈使句用来表示特殊语意, 用原形动词开始, 主语通常省略) | 1. adjective 必要的;紧急的;极重要的 | It is imperative to act now. : 现在必须行动起来.


Miller index ^ 米勒指数 | millier ^ 用来表示百万克的名称 | granule ^ 米粒 - 太阳

over yonder:在那边(在美国有些地区用这种非正式说法)

879 19 Oh, my gosh! 啊呀,天哪!(这句话用来表示惊奇) | 880 20 over yonder 在那边(在美国有些地区用这种非正式说法) | 881 21 passed away 死去,去世,逝世

something of:用来表示一种不确定的程度或没有完全的把握. 如

(3) She made a fire near the oil tank or something . --她在... | 3、 something of 用來表示一種不確定的程度或沒有完全的把握. 如: | (1) Arriving at the village , he found himself something of an honoured ...

Presentation Tier:表示层

您应更加注意认识到,我是怎样把应用程序安置到商业逻辑层(business logic tier)和表示层(presentation tier),是怎样把API放到商业逻辑层,以便它既可以被表示逻辑用来表示HTML或基于UI的客户,甚至也为遍布网上的Web服务指明入口点(entry points).

bite one's lip:用来表示极力克制自己不冲口而出,忍住不说会给自己招惹麻烦的话

No good building without a good foundation. 基础不好,建筑不牢. | bite one's lip用来表示极力克制自己不冲口而出,忍住不说会给自己招惹麻烦的话. | button your lip 意思就是闭口不谈.

Estar bueno:也可以用来形容男孩子帅气、性感,但不是只有这个意思,还可以是表示"身体状况好

estar buena 这个是固定词组,意指女孩性感. | estar bueno 也可以用来形容男孩子帅气、性感,但不是只有这个意思,还可以是表示"身体状况好". | ser bueno,a 好的,优秀的.