英语人>词典>汉英 : 生粘液的 的英文翻译,例句
生粘液的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blennogenic  ·  muciferous  ·  mucigenous

更多网络例句与生粘液的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ceftazidime shows similar MIC on mucoid or nonmucoid strains in routine microbroth dilution test. In nonmucoid strains,both planktonic and sessile bacteria are sensitive to ceftazidime and 4μg/ml azithromycin shows little effect on the MBCs of ceftazidime while in mucoid strains, sessile bacteria in biofilms show high MBCs of ceftazidime and adding 4μg/ml azithromycin brings obvious reduction in MBCs of ceftazidime and enhance the sessile bacterial sensitivity to ceftazidime.


Any of numerous gram-negative, rod-shaped saprophytic bacteria of the phylum Myxobacteria, typically found embedded in slime in which they form complex colonies and noted for their ability to move by gliding along surfaces without any known organ of locomotion.


Any of numerous gram - negative,rod - shaped saprophytic bacteria of the phylum Myxobacteria,typically found embedded in slime in which they form complex colonies and noted for their ability to move by gliding along surfaces without any known organ of locomotion.


Under natural environmental condition, the achenes of Arternisia sphaerocephala and Artemisia arenaria were treated with different electric intensity, to probe the variation of achene weight when the mucilaginous layer holds sand particles, the hydration and dehydration of the achenes, and the germination situation of mucilage-intact achenes and mucilage-free achenes.


Enterogenous infection is highly related with depression of sIgA mainly owing to reduction of quantity and function of IgA-secreting plasma cells. It is beneficial to enchance the recovery of mucosal immunity and diminish incidences of entergenous infection.


The protein in raw eggs also contain a mucinous protein, it can also be combined and trypsin impede the decomposition of proteins.


Any of several nocturnal, burrowing, egg-laying mammals of the genera Tachyglossus and Zaglossus of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea, having a spiny coat, slender snout, and an extensible sticky tongue used for catching insects.


However, Grant does not favour Smits's explanation that the skew towards having a boy after trying for a baby for a long time is due to the Y-sperm being better at penetrating viscous cervical fluid.


更多网络解释与生粘液的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

planetary gravitational field:行星引力场

pituitary [解]脑垂体的;粘液的 | planetary gravitational field 行星引力场 | plant succession 植物演替;植生继续


mucidin 螺粘液杀菌素 | muciferous 生粘液的 | mucification 粘液化 粘液化


mucigengranule 粘蛋白原粒 粘蛋白原粒 | mucigenous 生粘液的 | mucigogue 粘液分泌促进剂 促粘液分泌剂

peripharyngeal groove:围咽沟

咽腔的内壁生有纤毛,其背、腹侧的中央各有一沟状结构,分别称为背板(dorsal lamina或咽上沟epipharyngeal groove)和内柱(endostyle),沟内有腺细胞和纤毛细胞;背板和内柱上下相对,在咽的前端以围咽沟(peripharyngeal groove)相连,腺细胞能分泌粘液,