英语人>词典>汉英 : 生油的 的英文翻译,例句
生油的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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One can also place a capful of the herb water in their bath along with the regeneration oil.


It is indicated that these hydrogen-rich macerals are main material to generate oil in the Jurassic coal measures.


In some oil cells,the cupule can be observed,but the occurance of lysis cavaties from oil cells reported by the other authors is not found.


Therefore the high-wax crude oils is derived from special kerogen in special evolution stage.


Commonly used methods on evaluating the productivity of oil-producing lake have been reviewed and take the Paleogene Lake in the Dongying depression, Shandong Province, as a case study.


The predicted sand bodies are distributed in north-cast and approximately north-south orientation. The sandstone reservoir, which is getting thin and pinch out to the high west-north structure, is easy to form the lithological trap with sand body updip pitchout and the structural lithologic trap. Lens sandstones developed and are distributed in source rocks, It is easy to form lithologic traps.


The authors suggest that the environment in which subaqueous volcanoes erupt during the deposition of the source rocks is also very good for accumulation of high-quality source rocks.


Maturity of Lower Cretaceous source rock, researched by the authors, is closely relative to the deposition thickness of the Tertiary and the Quaternary. It shows that source rock at the depth of 4,000-4,400m is low mature, and 4,400-5,200m is in the peak of oil generating. Correspondingly, the source rock of the Zhonggou Formation is immature; the Upper Xiagou Formation is low mature; and the Lower Xiagou Formation and the Upper Chijinpu Formation are in the peak of oil-generating; and the Lower Chijinpu Formation is at the stage of generation of condensate-wet gas with high maturity. There is no source rock reaching the overmature stage of dry gas at present.


The abundant resources of continental oil and gas originated from continental oil-source rocks which are characterized by their wide distribution in space and full development in time, with four main oilgenerating periods, namely, the late Permian, late Triassic, early Cretaceous and Palaeogene.


This rocks have high content of organic carbon, low content of chloroform"A"and potential hydrocarbon-forming which indicates the original hydrocarbon source rocks of lower Cambrian were better oil-forming rocks, but the actual oil-forming potential are poor.


更多网络解释与生油的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


但操作上需接触机械油等的工作容易发生油痤疮(Oil acne)则是事实.就结构而言,XML文件包含逻辑以及实质的结构.就实质结构而言,XML文件是以实体(entity)组合而成的,它以一个根结点做为启始,指向其他的结点实体(entity).而逻辑结构则包含宣告(declaration),元素(element),

in the absence of oxygen:缺氧的环境

sedimentary rocks 沉积岩 | in the absence of oxygen 缺氧的环境 | source rocks 生油岩

peanut oil:生油

他指出添加脂肪可改善其嗜口性,添加脂肪的结果不一,可能是使用的油或脂肪的形态不同,或采食的速率不同,如使用同量之牛油(Tallow)及花生油(peanut oil),其饲料采食量及饲料转换率的结果不一.

sirloin steak:沙朗牛排

1-3月4-6月7-9月10-12月(4)583 沙朗牛排(Sirloin Steak)是牛体的哪一部位?前腿部腹部后腿部背肌部. (3)588 下列何种油脂适用於油炸食物?沙拉油花生油酥油(Shortening)牛油. (3)590 粉(Breaded)炸食物的裹衣通常有几层处理?一层二层三层四层.


oleate 油酸盐 | olefiant 生油的 | olefin copolymer 烯烃共聚物

Pachira macrocarpa:马拉巴栗

马拉巴栗 (Pachira macrocarpa)木棉科瓜栗属,别名发财树、瓜栗、中美木棉. 常见栽培的有大花叶发财树等. 多年生常绿小乔木,茎干基部肥大,如浑圆的萝卜头. 幼茎柔韧,一般三五株编成辫状. 枝顶着生油润翠绿的掌状复叶. 树姿幽雅奇特,


oil-forming shale 可燃页岩 | oil-forming 生油的 | oil-free fluid 无油液体

oil-forming shale:可燃页岩

oil-flooded 用油冷却的 | oil-forming shale 可燃页岩 | oil-forming 生油的