英语人>词典>汉英 : 瓣性心内膜炎 的英文翻译,例句
瓣性心内膜炎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与瓣性心内膜炎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods Re-operations were done in235cases with recurrent cardiac valve diseases from1985to2003.Aˉmong these patients,155cases had received closed mitral commissurotomy,12with mitral valvuloplasty,43with biologˉical prosthetic failure,6with mechanical prosthetic dysfuction,6with periprosthetic leakage,2with prosthetic valve enˉdocarditis,8with other valve disease after valve replacement,1with closed mitral commissurotomy and redo MVR,redo DVR,1with closed mitral commissurotomy and redo MVR,redo MVRand redo AVR.6cases received TVR and179with tricuspid valvuloplasty.


Sinus bradycardia or sinus bradycardia with arrhythmia,sino-auricular block,sinus stopping beat with junctional abnormal beat occurred in15cases;Sinus bradycardia with ST-T changes occurred in10cases,ab-normal excitation(including ventricular,supraventricular premature beat with tachycardia)occurred in6cases the cardiac function of9cases were checked up:stroke volume,cardiac indexand ejection timewere normal or on the low side.


Sinus bradycardia or sinus bradycardia with arrhythmia,sino-auricular block,sinus stopping beat with junctional abnormal beat occurred in15cases;Sinus bradycardia with ST-T changes occurred in10cases,ab-normal excitation(including ventricular,supraventricular premature beat with tachycardia)occurred in6cases the cardiac function of9cases were checked up:stroke volume,cardiac indexand ejection timewere normal or on the low side.The colour Doppler showed that excrescence in tricuspid valve of3cases and the diagnosis was infectivity bacterial endocarditis.


Other conditions that increase the risk of embolism include mitral stenosis (narrowing of a valve in the heart), and endocarditis (swelling of the heart chambers and valves).


And rheumatic valves also accounted for 70 cases (88.5%) of aortic stenosis plus insufficiency. The rheumatic valves was decreased dramatically as the cause of the aortic valve disease, aortic root dilation and degenerative valves increased significantly, while others had no significant changes.


The characteristics and changes of etiology were analyzed. All cases with aortic diseases were divided into single aortic stenosis, single aortic insufficiency, and combined aortic stenosis plus insufficiency group.


更多网络解释与瓣性心内膜炎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rheumatic endocarditis:风湿性心内膜炎

1.风湿性心内膜炎 风湿性心内膜炎(rheumatic endocarditis)常侵犯心瓣膜,其中二尖瓣最常被累及,其次为二尖瓣和主动脉瓣同时受累. 三尖瓣和肺动脉瓣一般不被累及. 腱索和左心房壁内膜有时也可被侵犯. 2.风湿性心肌炎 风湿性心肌炎(rheumatic myocarditis)主要累及心肌间质结缔组织.

mitral insufficiency:二尖瓣关闭不全

二尖瓣关闭不全(mitral insufficiency)也常是风湿性心内膜炎的后果;其次可由亚急性感染性心内膜炎等引起. 二尖瓣关闭不全时,在心收缩期,左心室一部分血液通过关闭不全的二尖瓣口返流到左心房内,加上肺静脉输入的血液,左心房血容量较正常增加,

aortic insufficiency:主动脉瓣关闭不全

主动脉瓣关闭不全(aortic insufficiency)主要由主动脉瓣疾病引起,可以是风湿性主动脉瓣炎,也可以是感染性心内膜炎及主动脉粥样硬化和梅毒性主动脉炎累及主动脉瓣,病变致使瓣膜增厚、变硬、缩短、弹性减弱或消失,引起瓣膜环扩张,致使主动脉瓣关闭不全.

Mitral stenosis:僧帽瓣狭窄

(A) 并非真正的发炎 (B) 最易发生在上肢静脉 (C) 其最可怕的并发症是栓塞 (D) 患部可见发红肿胀. ('97高考)(B) 12.后天性僧帽瓣狭窄(mitral stenosis)多半为哪一种病变所造成?(A) 梅毒性主动脉炎 (B) 慢性风湿性心内膜炎 (C) 亚急性传染性心内膜炎 (D) 瓣膜黏液变性.

Mitral stenosis:二尖瓣狭隘

[1] 一、二尖瓣狭隘 二尖瓣狭隘(mitral stenosis)大多由风湿性心内膜炎所致. 左心室内流入血量减少,心室腔一般无明显变化. 当狭隘非常严峻时,左心室可出现轻度减少. 临床病减肥产品半生缘好理联系:二尖瓣口狭隘,听诊时在心尖区可闻及隆隆样舒张期杂音.

aortic regurgitation:主动脉瓣关闭不全

主动脉瓣关闭不全(aortic regurgitation)的病因除先天性主动脉瓣发育畸形和马凡综合征外,最常见的是风湿性瓣膜病,其次为细菌性心内膜炎和主动脉夹层动脉瘤等.

rheumatic pancarditis:风湿性全心炎

风湿病时病变常累及心脏各层,故称为风湿性全心炎(rheumatic pancarditis). 1.风湿性心内膜炎 风湿性心内膜炎(rheumatic endocarditis)常侵犯心瓣膜,其中二尖瓣最常被累及,其次为二尖瓣和主动脉瓣同时受累. 三尖瓣和肺动脉瓣一般不被累及.

rheumatic mitral stenosis:风湿性二尖瓣狭窄

风湿性二尖瓣狭窄(rheumatic mitral stenosis) 风湿性二尖瓣狭窄是由什么原因引起的? 风湿性心脏瓣膜病是急性风湿热侵犯心脏后所遗留的慢性心脏病变,风湿热是变态反应性疾病. 常侵犯心脏引起全心炎,累及心包、心肌及心内膜. 的介入治疗近年来不断进步,