英语人>词典>汉英 : 玩物 的英文翻译,例句
玩物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与玩物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

RSS applications pourraient avoir une description plus et même le journal chinois en chinois

能有更多介绍RSS应用的中文日志甚至是中文 blog 涌现,让RSS不再是GEEKer的玩物,正是我所乐见的!

We have become the reproach of our neighbors, the scorn and derision of those around us.


She had the god-given power to compel him and, because he'd rather die a free-willed man than a priestess's plaything, Shemsen had thrown down his weapon.


In other words, a woman dressing immodestly may delib erately elicit a sexual reaction to her body. And she may attract men to view her body as an object of enjoyment.


Across our street is Judson Baptist Church/Pre-school , which happened to be hosting a neighborhood block party, with huge plastic or rubber play structures, balloons, and all kinds of fun for young kids, and those young at heart.

我们家所在街道的对面是一家浸信会教堂。这一天正好是他们开 party 招待邻里小孩的日子。恺恩时差还没转过,迷迷糊糊的想睡。看到这些巨大的玩物,马上高高兴兴跟其他孩子玩去了。

A French physician decided to get rid of the wild rabbits on his own estate and introduced myxomatosis.


It was hard not to objectify men when I only interacted with them as hookups.


Accept certain alible truths: prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old and when you do, you'll fanaticise that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.


Freddie had proved to be nothing more than an innkeeper and ladies' man, the idiom for ladies' man untranslatable but connotating a greedy infant always at its mother's nipple In short, unmanly.


That "tried" the girl already the variation, because she still became the common people "the toys", the toys died thing, even if were the living creature, already putrefied, furthermore the toys were may momentarily pick up momentarily discard.


更多网络解释与玩物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


当然,正事还是要续续,记者会在DJ 邓尼斯(DENNIS)幽默的笑声中开场,新力公司的大家长崔震东为了奖励圣女天团在台湾的销售是全亚洲最好的地区,特地送写了'圣女天团'四个中文毛笔字的卷轴,让喜欢搜集中国古玩物的娜佳眼睛为之一亮,

or desperately:也许开心,也许无助

selling trinkets happily 兜售把戏和小玩物 | or desperately 也许开心,也许无助 | but expensively 但绝对代价残酷

Guinea pig:天竺鼠

普通家里和动物养殖所饲养的玩物,像金鱼、乌龟、金丝雀、天竺鼠(guinea pig),养在笼里的鹦鹉、安哥拉猫、巴儿狗(lap dog)等等都是些没趣的家伙,几乎不能带给你什么特别的生活情趣.

sexual molestation:性骚扰; 性侵犯

sexual identity;性别特性;; | sexual molestation;性骚扰; 性侵犯;; | sexual object;性玩物;;

And brought him strings and sealing wax:总是为他带来细绳和蜡油

Loved that rascal Puff挚爱着淘气的帕夫 | And brought him strings and sealing wax总是为他带来细绳和蜡油 | And other fancy stuff以及各种奇异的玩物


town 城镇,城 | toy 玩具,玩物 | track 轨道;田径


如福柯所言,康德描述的那些实践显示出"玩耍(Play)的含糊不清[游戏(game)=玩物(plaything)]和艺术(Art)的捉摸不定[技巧(skill)=诡计(trick)]". 巴尔特在60年代的狂热劲头背后的基本观点毫无新义,因为符号科学可能被应用于狭隘的语言学领域之外这个看法,

to wean from bottle to cup:从奶瓶断奶改用杯子

床上玩物 crib toy | 从奶瓶断奶改用杯子 to wean from bottle to cup | 大便 bowel movement; stool

It objectifies me:听起来就像我是个玩物

I hate that word. Do not call me that.|我讨厌那个词儿 别那样叫我 | It objectifies me.|听起来就像我是个玩物 | I'm a person, not an accessory.|我是活生生的人 而不是物品!

selling trinkets happily:兜售把戏和小玩物

catwalk on forum 轻舞的论坛之主 | selling trinkets happily 兜售把戏和小玩物 | or desperately 也许开心,也许无助