英语人>词典>汉英 : 独木舟 的英文翻译,例句
独木舟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
canoe  ·  dugout  ·  piragua  ·  pirogue  ·  monoxylon  ·  pitpan  ·  canoed  ·  canoes  ·  dugouts

dugout canoe
更多网络例句与独木舟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I agree to abide by the constitution and by-law of the Union, which may refuse to accept this application without giving any reason therefore.


Nearby were two canoes in which they had cine to the island.


The Yakka can be set up in minutes: just unfold the hull sections, secure the center support and inflate the sides. For pack-down, simply deflate the sides and fold the hull closed. Once folded, its impact-resistant hull measures only 1.50m (59'') x 76cm (30'') and the inflatable bladders are protected by the durable and smooth PVC materials.

香港许多想玩独木舟的人士,但又苦於家裹储存问题因而却步,迟迟无法拥有自己的独木舟, Yakka 的革新概念和设计正正解决了这苦恼的问题,使独木舟活动更易接近和更具有吸引力。

All Gumotex Inflatable kayaks can be packed and stored in a dry bag or backpack and the weight is only from 7kg to 16kg. A simple foot pump can inflate most kayak in 5 to 10 minutes. These kayaks can be used from 20 years if they are being used and stored properly.


Well, it's a special technique we use to get the kayak upright when it overturns.


About a Year and half after I had entertain'd these Notions, and by long musing, had as it were resolved them all into nothing, for want of an Occasion to put them in Execution, I was surpriz'd one Morning early, with seeing no less than five Canoes all on Shore together on my side the Island; and the People who belong'd to them all landed, and out of my sight: The Number of them broke all my Measures, for seeing so many, and knowing that they always came four or six, or sometimes more in a Boat, I could not tell what to think of it, Or how to take my Measures, to attack Twenty or Thirty Men single handed; so I lay still in my Castle, perplex'd and discomforted: However I put my self into all the same Postures for an Attack that I had formerly provided, and was just ready for Action, if any Thing had presented; having waited a good while, listening to hear if they made any Noise; at length being very impatient, I set my Guns at the Foot of my Ladder, and clamber'd up to the Top of the Hill, by my two Stages as usual; standing so however that my Head did not appear above the Hill, so that they could not perceive me by any Means; here I observ'd by the help of my Perspective Glass, that they were no less than Thirty in Number, that they had a Fire kindled, that they had had Meat dress'd.


A canoe made from a hollowed tree trunk ;a piragua.


Have a working knowledge of some appropriate knots e.g. reef knot, sheet bend


He crossed a lake in a canoe first then took a ship to sail on the canal It was strange canal.


I was pleased to hear of the old log canoe, which took the place of an Indian one of the same material but more graceful construction, which perchance had first been a tree on the bank, and then, as it were, fell into the water, to float there for a generation, the most proper vessel for the lake.


更多网络解释与独木舟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abel Tasman:海洋独木舟

Blenheim 葡萄酒庄半日游 | Abel Tasman 海洋独木舟 | Abel Tasman 半日游健行

Algonquin Provincial Park:加拿大:阿尔冈金省立公园的独木舟

6. 美国:犹他州拱门国家公园 Arches National Park,... | 7. 加拿大:阿尔冈金省立公园的独木舟 Canoe on Pinetree Lake, Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada | 8. 加拿大:佩姬湾灯塔图片:Peggy's Point Ligh...


cane n.茎,引申为"棍,独木",顾名思义,独木舟(canoe)是由独木(cane)做成的舟,canoe中的"o"指的是做独木舟时独木上凿的"圆槽". 古罗马最早的交易是从盐开始,所以盐(sal)又成了买卖的代名词,构成了"sale 销售". turnip n.萝卜源自turn旋转,

canoe slalom:独木舟障碍赛

独木舟比赛 canoe racing | 独木舟障碍赛 canoe slalom | 风帆冲浪 windsurfing


以下摄影相片Photo (一): 道士湖是英国十九世纪建筑丽都运河之后留下的一个人工湖,夏天风和日丽的时候,我可在此划独木舟(canoeing)和玩风帆(sailing),冬天湖水结了冰之后就是溜冰(skating)滑雪(skiing)的好去処.


canoeing 划独木舟 | canoeist 划独木舟的人 | canon 教会法教规

canoeist:划独木舟的人 (名)

canoe 独木舟; 轻舟 (名) | canoeist 划独木舟的人 (名) | canola oil canola 油, 从 canola 植物种子提炼的食用油

canoe paddlen:独木舟划桨人

canoe paddle 艇桨 | canoe paddlen 独木舟划桨人 | canoe 独木舟

Ten Canoes:十只独木舟

在墨尔本举行的澳大利亚电影学会奖颁奖典礼上 <<十只独木舟>>(Ten Canoes)一枝独秀. 除了最佳影片和最佳导演外 <<十只独木舟>>还获得最佳原著剧本、最佳摄影、最佳剪辑、最佳音响等四个奖项. 该片导演洛夫.德.希尔表示 影片打动了众多观众的心.


黄昏酒吧坐落在码头通往以黄昏浴著称的娱乐:有固定开放时间,提供风帆(windsurfing),独木舟(kayaking)与帆船(sailing). 风帆与帆船因器材数量的教练人数有限,故需要事先登记,独木舟通常不用登记,可以直接使用.