英语人>词典>汉英 : 独到之处 的英文翻译,例句
独到之处 的英文翻译、例句


hitherto unreached by anybody else
更多网络例句与独到之处相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Great inventor Thomas Edison's mother, Nancy Edison's education to cultivate, have an unique: Edison teacher teaching method by instilling, Edison very antipathetic.


This bistro offers a unique combination of traditional Chinese cuisine and American hospitality in a contemporary bistro setting.


I plant with outstanding engineering staff and experienced technical staff, the reflow of governance, rule of wave soldering, SMT has a unique governance Then, the design won a number of peer-to follow, and a variety of Goldfinger, block Tin of products承蒙all users willing to adopt, by all sectors of praise.


From the engine to the boot, find out exactly what makes your car unique.


Many special mechanical design and application such as missiles and was in the seismograph censer to wait all have originality.


Thermal hydraulics: feat systems, noesis agitate sending systems, anti-lock braking systems, cerebration gear, render shot systems, astir support systems, lubrication systems* Gas dynamics: pneumatics, propulsion, sterilization, expose and clean cycles, high-pressure gas, pedal transmission, adsorption, pedal form reactions, HVAC, ECS, multi-species aerosolized systems* Multiphase fluids: refrigeration, air-conditioning, status control, cryogenic piping networks, steam/water systems, or render systems with exotic, vaporific fluids.* Systems curb element and code assessment data acquisition distribution rates, anachronic communication, similarity and digital electronic filters, curb wrap enforcement rates, meshwork (CAN charabanc communication, etc.* Fuel cells: stationary or mobile.* Electrical systems: AC/DC machines, noesis electronics, batteries, etc. Flight dynamics, and curb systems of every kinds including digital filters

MSC Easy5的独到之处在于:其一,强大的控制系统仿真分析能力,可以建立各种复杂的控制系统模型,包含稳态分析、线性系统分析、频域响应、根轨迹分析等完整的控制系统分析类型;其二,多学科专业应用库,借助专业应用库中的预定义模型元件,向用户提供独一无二的建立系统级模型和研究多学科系统耦合问题的能力;其三,卓越的代码生成和求解器,可以由图形化系统模型自动生成相应的FORTRAN或C源代码,这些代码可以通过编译生成可执行程序,并可被用户调用;其四,高效的高级建模和二次开发功能,方便用户创建用户化模型元件,并可调用外部FORTRAN或C子程序;其五,与其它CAE软件良好的集成能力,可以将不同CAE软件所建立的模型集成到MSC Easy5中建立完整的虚拟样机,是真正的协同仿真平台。

In fact, PFN has its own features in some respects and is compensative to PMN in some dielectric properties.


In using integral equation, The author brought forth some new idea about the dissection of magnet. The author also made a thorough investigation and study of the fast convergence numeric algorithm of complete and incomplete elliptic integral. In order to make full use of the computer resource, the author considered the symmetry of the magnet structure.


From the"can explain", concept can be divided into three type: There is the abstract noun and the concrete noun on expression meaning; There is special noun, species noun and function noun on dividing quality; There is statement noun and indirect noun on the speech.


Through the living examples of water treatment, the specific characteristics of modern Carosel oxidation pond for dephosphorization and denitrification are analyzed and studied in this article.


更多网络解释与独到之处相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alternative medicine:另 類 醫 學

西医在外伤及急症的处理是相当突出的,另类医学(Alternative Medicine)的疗法在预防及治疗慢性病方面则有独到之处. 许多非主流的治疗及效果日益被认知后,现已逐渐被融入西医的治疗服务体系,而形成整合医学(Integrative Medicine).


(3) 清楚(Clarity). 题名要清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色, 明确表明研究工作的独到之处,力求简洁有效、重点突出. 为表达直接、清楚,以便引起读者的注意,应尽可能地将表达核心内容的主题词放在题名开头.


那个强大的操作系统是美国贝尔实验室六十年代发明的,然而它的开发却在别的地方. UNIX的独到之处在于干净利索. UNIX具有程序的观点,任何能做事情的东西在UNIX里面都是一个程序,此外还有文件及"创建子进程"(fork)的概念,它是UNIX的基本操作之一.

Besame mucho:再吻我一次

另一首大家耳熟能详的拉丁经典>(Besame Mucho)则将集中展现Kenny G处理慢板情歌的独到之处. 谈到选择拉丁音乐作为自己新专辑的创作素材,Kenny G解释说:"从音乐角度讲,这次作品与我之前的任何作品都不相同,是一次全新的尝试.

Night on Earth:地球之夜

>在1984年的法国戛纳电影节上得了大奖. 贾木许的独到之处,在于他能将低成本制作拍出特殊的韵味--冷漠疏离的意象,漂泊流浪的情结. 他的主要电影作品有:>(Broken Flowers)、>(Night on Earth)等


另 外还有两首歌至今还未正式出版过经汇聚了"讨厌鬼"、"绿河"(GreenRiver,后来分裂为"蜜浆"(Mudhoney)和"珍珠酱","泰德"(Tad)、"声音公园"(Soundgarden)、"妈爱用功生"(MotherLoveBone)等 乐队,但"涅盘"自有其独到之处.

