英语人>词典>汉英 : 独一的 的英文翻译,例句
独一的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与独一的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A single lovebird makes a better pet because it bonds to you rather than to another lovebird.


Myself as someone like Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. I always answer this question by saying


In the Quran, God describes Himself:Say, He is God, the One.


Painting and photography as well, are presenting an apprehensible visual language which is generalized from people experiences and historical denotation of medium.


Painting and photography as well, are presenting an apprehensible visual language which is generalized from people experiences and historical denotation of medium. Artists express their unique thinking and perspective through the two dimension canvas's area.


PVC Card - Business card printing 】Starting stage: toddlerwho Chinese modern business card printing and membership card technology has remained backward state, and the reforms and opening up huge domestic market demand, makes it possible for a large number of business card printing and membership card-making machinery manufacturing enterprise attention the " business card printing and membership card to make a fast, simple, flexible small initial investment," mechanical structure is relatively straightforward, as a result of small offset printing press from abroad or related technologies such as surveying and mapping of imitation, a group of home-made small offset printing press finally emerged on the market, although it is still a lack of quality, performance bugs such as too, but small offset printing press did meet the cultural Office and entry-level commercial business card printing and membership card industry a lot of business card printing and membership card making machine due to a shortage of market demand, for a time, and that a number of small DependsOn… an offset printing press manufacturer drivage won the first gold of the barrel.


Confirming this, a series of "triadic" passages link Father, Son, and Spirit together in the inseparable unity of a single plan of grace.


Confirming this, a series of "triadic" passages link Father, Son, and Spirit together in the inseparable unity of a single plan of grace.


His only son was in Long Kesh Prison.


"Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord" Deut.

以色列阿、你要听。耶和华我们神是独一的主。申 6:4

更多网络解释与独一的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


only:独一的 | begotten:从父而生的 | son:儿子

Confiteor unum baptisma, in remissionem paccatorum:我认使罪得赦的独一洗礼

Et in unam sanctam catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam 我信独一神圣大公使... | Confiteor unum baptisma, in remissionem paccatorum 我认使罪得赦的独一洗礼; | Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum. 我望死人...


但是对於一些不能确定的经文,只好作注解(footnote)说明. 例如,申6:4「耶和华我们的神是独一的主」,页尾注解「或作耶和华我们的神是一位主;或作耶和华我们的神,独一的主;或作耶和华我们的神,主是独一的」. 例如,

usr hp:转变HP选择的用户独一

pages.scp NPC的一些对话 | . usr hp : 转变HP选择的用户独一. | .usr mana : 转变选择的用户mana .

Kinda:仁慈的,友好的; n. 种类

365thrillern. 惊险小说 | 366kinda. 仁慈的,友好的; n. 种类 | 367singulara. 单数的,独一的,唯一的,非凡的; n. 单数

Tauhid Oneness of God:神的独一

Allahuamin O Lord 主 | Tauhid Oneness of God 神的独一 | Tauhid ar-Rububiyya Lordship 治理,统治


因此,唯一的可能是:一件是其自身存在的事物如果不是独一(una)的,就根本不可能存在. 这样,在每一件别的事物中,这件事物的存在是一回事,而它的本质或实质、本性、形式则是另外一回事. 所以,在理智实体中,除形式外还必定有存在;

universally unique identifier:通用独一识别码

universal Turing machine 通用杜林机 | universally unique identifier 通用独一识别码 | unknown 未知的

universally unique identifier:通用独一标识码

universal Naming Convention 通用命名惯例 (UNC) | universally unique identifier 通用独一标识码 | unknown 未知的

universally unique identifier:通用独一标识码 通用独一识别码

unique index 唯一索引 唯一索引 | universally unique identifier 通用独一标识码 通用独一识别码 | unknown 未知的 不明的