英语人>词典>汉英 : 狂躁 的英文翻译,例句
狂躁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与狂躁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although he then writes another version of the letter to give to Cecilia, it is the first that is inadvertently delivered to Cecilia via Briony, who reads it and is convinced, in her fertile imagination, that Robbie is a "sex maniac".


The thought of it m ade him so wild that he couldn't work.


Brash, I'll give her that.


My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer.


Though they draw from such diverse musicals styles as garage rock, soul and post-rock, the Crystal Antlers have found a specific blend of wildly thrashing drums, heavily distorted guitar and caterwauling alto vocals all of their own.

他们曲风来源纷繁——车库摇滚,灵歌和后摇。The Crystal Antlers把狂躁急速的鼓,扭曲的吉他,刺耳的中高音以他们特有的方式地糅合到一起。

This necessary docility is in the long run, a wholesome physic, because, if our apprentice has any gallantry of spirit, it will arouse in him an exhilarating irritation, that indignation which is said to be the forerunner of creation.


Uncontrolled anger can be a feature of a previously unrecognised depressive state, or, paradoxically, evidence of over- elation, hypomania or mania.


Marines on stims benefit from greatly increased speed and reflexes, but are subject to long-term side effects including and not limited to insomnia, weight loss, mania/hypomania, seizures, paranoiac hallucinations, internal hemorrhaging, and cerebral deterioration.


Lithium delayed time to intervention for manic/hypomanic/mixed but not for depressive events. At 18 months of treatment, interventions for depression were needed in 43% of patients on lamotrigine, 49% of patients on lithium, and 60% of those on placebo.


Manic depressives oscillate between depression and elation.


更多网络解释与狂躁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agonize vt. 1:使受苦(身体上) 2. 使苦闷(精神上)

agitate v. 1. 鼓吹,煽动 2.使激动,使恼怒;使狂躁不安;使焦虑 | agonize vt. 1. 使受苦(身体上) 2. 使苦闷(精神上) | agreeable adj. 1. (指计划等)使人愉快的,合意的 2. 容易相处的


Agitated: 狂躁不安的,焦虑的 | Agonized: 痛苦的 | Anguished: 痛苦的

I'm fretful:(狂躁)

I'm feeling low (情绪低 ). | I'm fretful (狂躁). | I'm moody (情绪化).

watch me as I gravitate:接受我的引导

Care bear bumping in the heart of this here 真怕受不了我狂躁的心跳 | watch me as I gravitate 接受我的引导 | hahahahahahaa. 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈




maniacal 发狂的 | manic 狂躁的 | manic-depressive 狂郁病的


fanaticism 狂热 | manic 狂躁 | sex appeal 性感

Some say he was a hotheaded fool:有人说他是个狂躁的傻瓜

Because he lived without fear, and slew Hector.|因为他生而无畏,宰掉了... | Some say he was a hotheaded fool...|有人说他是个狂躁的傻瓜 | ...who fought for himself and not the Greeks.|只为自己而战,而不是...

The Manic Street Preachers:狂躁街头传道士

<<氢自动唱机>> Hydrogen Jukebox | 狂躁街头传道士 The Manic Street Preachers | 菲尔.斯派克特 Phil Spector

June-Crazily is hottempered:狂躁

May-Despondent沮丧 | June-Crazily is hottempered狂躁 | July-Dispirited消沉