英语人>词典>汉英 : 犹太 的英文翻译,例句
犹太 的英文翻译、例句


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I'd also add that in Brazil, which has a substantial Jewish population, a local tour operator went out of his way to say he had plenty of Jewish Brazilian friends and was not an anti-semite, but just couldn't stand to do business with Israelis.


H. R.: I do not claim that the Jewish mafia controls most of the international illegal drug trade, since there are no statistics on the subject, but it does not appear incredible to me, judging by all information I could gather. The fact is that from the Chinese opium traffic of the nineteenth century to the present day, this mafia has been quite active in this field. In the traffic of ecstasy, one can say for certain that the Jewish mafia holds a monopoly. Today, ecstasy is the drug that is most harmful to European young people. A pill of ecstasy gives a feeling of strength and well-being for a few hours, but it is above all a veritable chemical garbage bin. Its long-term effects are alarming because irreversible: memory loss; behavioral, sleep, and concentration problems; brain lesions in the children of druggie mother. The premier producer is Holland, but the big traffickers who were arrested ten years ago in France, Belgium, the United States, or Australia, all have Israeli passports. The business of ecstasy is 100% in the hands of Jewish gangsters, not all of whom come from Russia, since there are Sephardic traffickers as well. If you buy a pill of ecstasy, in every instance, you can be certain you are financing the Jewish mafia.


Martin Buber was an Austrian-Israeli Jewish existentialist philosopher. He was born in Vienna in 1878, broke with traditional Jewish religious customs at an early age, and joined the Zionist movement in 1898. He soon distanced himself from direct involvement when he joined the Jewish Hasidism movement, preferring the latter's spirituality to Zionism's politics; Buber posited a spiritual and cultural basis to the Jewish nation-state. He wrote his influential essay I and Thou in 1923 and, along with Franz Rosenzweig, translated the Torah into German. He resigned from his professorship in 1933 to protest Hitler's rise to power, and his Central Office for Jewish Adult Education worked to circumvent discriminatory Nazi legislation.


Shanghai Jewish Community consists of Sephardic Jews, Russian Jews and European Jewish refugees.


My attempt, to discuss the identity problem in the contemporary German-Jewish literature, would be great helpful to Identity study in China.


Especially on the American ones, who were surrounded by Jewish "advisers", and the immigration to the area increased enormously by the miraculous remedy of "Anti-semitism", combined with the support of jewish tycoons and western pro-Zionist leaders in the inter-war period.


Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel), the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora.


As one of the most significant figures in Jewish history, Herzl has always been greatly considered in the mind and respect of Jewish people.


It was due to its own organizing and leading core that political Zionism led by Herzl was distinct from the previous Zionism. It formed integrity in Zionist activities, created a new vista of new Zionism, and put Zionism in a special status in its history.


This thesis makes an attempt to bring American Jewish literature into a specified frame of the cultural contact of Jewish culture with the immigrating world in general and American society in particular by studying typical American Jewish literary characters in the following novels:Saul Bellow's Humboldt's Gift ,Bernard Malamud's The Fixer and The Assistant ,Isaac Bashevis Singer's The Magician of Lublin ,and tries to analyze the cultural connotation of American Jewish literature by focusing ...


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cabalist /犹太神秘哲学者/秘法家/ | cabalistic /犹太神秘哲学的/ | cabalistical /犹太神秘哲学的/


希腊罗马时期的犹太(Judaea)广义来说,它涵盖整个巴勒斯坦,包括加利利和撒马利亚;狭义的意思则只包括原先犹大的地区. 犹太地(Judaea)和信奉犹太宗教(Judaism)的犹太人(Jews),三者中文易混淆,需加区分.


这时在迦南北方的十个部落已形成部落联盟叫"以色列";在死海西南由"便雅悯"(Benjamin)和"犹太"(Judah)部落所组成的另一联盟就叫"犹太"(犹太). 联盟的首领曰"士师"(Judges),他被尊为"先知"、"统帅"和"救世主",是"上帝"选定他出来


Judaic /犹太的/犹太人的/ | Judaism /犹太教/犹太教徒/犹太主义/ | Jude /犹大书/犹太书/

rabbinism:犹太的法学博士的教导, 犹太的法学博士的语风

ilka 每一个的,各自的 | rabbinism 犹太的法学博士的教导, 犹太的法学博士的语风 | water press 水压机


rabbinism 犹太的法学博士的教导 | rabbinism 犹太的法学博士的语风 | rabbinist 信仰犹太的法学博士教义的人


Talmud 犹太法典 | Talmudic 犹太法典的 | Talmudist 犹太法典编著者


ventriloquism腹语术;口技 | Zionism 犹太复国运动;犹太复国主义;锡安主义 | Zoroastrianism 崇拜火教/琐罗亚斯德教

Zionist Congress:犹太复国主义大会

zionism;犹太复国主义;; | Zionist Congress;犹太复国主义大会;; | Zionist Entity;犹太复国主义实体;;

Zionist Executive:犹太复国主义党行政部

Zionist exclusivism;犹太复国排他主义;; | Zionist Executive;犹太复国主义党行政部;; | Zionist Federation;犹太复国主义联合会;;