英语人>词典>汉英 : 爱德华时代的 的英文翻译,例句
爱德华时代的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Edwardian culture; Japanese culture; the culture of poverty.


The Z Zegna conference theme is Edwardian Wan Ku children walking in the reinforced concrete of the underground world.

本次 Z Zegna 发布会的主题是爱德华时代的纨绔子弟走在钢筋水泥的地下世界。

The 800 reels will give an un paralleled visual record of late Victorian and early Edwardian British life.


As one of the most important novelists in Edwardian times, Joseph Conrad not only inherits the experimental and innovative tradition of the British novel initiated by Henry James, but also displays the distinct characteristics of modernism and the trend of internationalization of English literature.


Looney, who in 1920 proposed an Elizabethan courtier, Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.


In 1925, lured by the promise of getting rich through maize farming, the family moved to the British colony in Southern Rhodesia.


Of or relating to or characteristic of the era of Edward VII in England.


But the aristocrats, pallid though they were by Philippine standards, were less Edwardian buffers than mestizos of Spanish-indigenous or Spanish-Chinese blood, whose landholdings and feudal attitudes were reminiscent of nowhere so much as time-warped Pakistan.


But the aristocrats, pallid though they were by Philippine standards, were less Edwardian buffers than mestizos of Spanish-indigenous or Spanish-Chinese blood, whose landholdings and feudal attitudes were reminiscent of nowhere so much as time-warped Pakistan.


He also went to look at my old home in Twickenham, but said the street had become too smart, and anyway he'd already decided he wanted to use mock-Tudor.


更多网络解释与爱德华时代的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

British Consulate:英国领事馆

当年入主这些建筑的银行并非今天的这些银行,上海总会(Shanghai Club)的长廊酒吧(Long Bar)已经被人忘却,英国领事馆(British Consulate)也已迁到不太重要的地方,但在具有爱德华时代风格的建筑中,到处都郑重其事地穿插着令人羡慕的服装店、时尚设计公司和高雅的珠宝店.


面对蓝色的维多利亚内湾,帝后饭店(The Fairmont Empress Hotel)这座爱德华时代(Edwardian )的古堡风格建筑穿越百年时空,诉说着往昔岁月的辉煌和瑰丽. 常春藤沿着红色的外墙,直达蓝灰色尖顶;饭店前广场上,华丽的灯柱和精心修剪的园艺,


Edward 爱德华 | Edwardian 爱德华的 | Edwardine 爱德华时代


Edwardian 爱德华时代 | Edwardian 爱德华时代的 | Edwardsiella 爱德华氏菌属


Edward /爱德华/ | Edwardian /爱德华时代的/爱德华时代/ | Edwardsiella /爱德华氏菌属/

Edwardian Years: A Crisis of the State Contained:爱德华时代:控制国家危机

Old Liberalism, New Liberalism, Labourism, and Tariff Reform 老自由主义,新自由主... | Edwardian Years: A Crisis of the State Contained 爱德华时代:控制国家危机 | 'Your English Summer's Done' "你那英国的夏...

John Galsworthy:高尔斯华绥

班乃特先生当然是那位>(Old Wives Tales)高尔斯华绥(John Galsworthy)名之为"爱德华时代"的作家,她把福斯脱朱发扬,各时代皆产生了若干不朽的佳构.

Victorian era:维多利亚时代

维多利亚时代(Victorian era),前接乔治时代,后启爱德华时代,被认为是英国工业革命和大英帝国的峰端. 它的时限常被定义为1837年~1901年,即维多利亚女王(Alexandrina Victoria)的统治时期.


Edwardian 爱德华的 | Edwardine 爱德华时代 | Edwin 男子名


柳岸野生动物保护区(Willowbank Wildlife Reserve)有几维鸟繁殖计划和其它各种新西兰本土鸟类蒂马鲁(Timaru)拥有保护最完好的维多利亚时代与爱德华时代的城市建筑从基督城向北走,来到阿尔卑斯山太平洋三角游线路(Alpine Pacific Triangle Touring)的出发点.