英语人>词典>汉英 : 爱因斯坦相对论 的英文翻译,例句
爱因斯坦相对论 的英文翻译、例句


Einstein theory
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World-renowned scientist and cosmologist Prof Stephen Hawking will discuss theories on the origin of the universe.


Although this experiment by the free-falling 30 meters to simulate the "high-speed" campaign, but is still in the inertial reference frame completed, the conclusion of "not slowing down" from a psychological point of Einstein's theory of relativity proved the first assumptions.


It reviews the physics development before the birth of special relativity at the beginning of 20th century, and gives the important reasons why many famous physicists, such as Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Henri Poincaré, failed to create a new theory, though they had already obtained some very important results, almost close to this great theory.


E=mc2 is Wrong - Einstein's Special Relativity Fundamentally Flawed by MStrauss Is Albert Einstein's Special Relativity incompatible with the very equations upon which science's greatest theory is built?


Today, Newtonian mechanics have become a special case within Einstein's theory of relativity.


At any rate, in a century of Einstein's relativity, of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (the very act of observing nature disturbs and alters it), of the enigmatic black holes ("Of the God who was painted as a glittering eye, there is nothing now left but a black socket," wrote the German Romantic Jean Paul), science is not the cool Palladian temple of rationality that it was in the Enlightenment.


As one of the four questions left by the theory of relativity by Einstein,the theory of unified field is still unsolved.


I sat up. Are you saying there's no Einsteinian relativity?


It explains String Theory (which attempts to unify Quantum Mechanics and Einsteinian Relativity); describes Fauvism (an artistic movement that paved the way for Expressionism and Cubism); defines Locofocoism (an American political ideology named after a "self-lighting cigar)"; and identifies and explores so much more.


But Lenard never forgave Einstein for discovering and attaching his own name to this law.


更多网络解释与爱因斯坦相对论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Einstein field equation:爱因斯坦场方程

爱因斯坦场方程(Einstein field equation)是广义相对论最基本的动力学方程. 它描述时空弯曲与物质分布的关系. 白矮星:白矮星(white dwarf)是高密度、小体积、低光度、表面高温的白色星. 一颗典型白矮星的特征性质为:质量1.034 M⊙,半径0.0084 R⊙,

Einstein theory:爱因斯坦相对论

Einstein shift 红移 | Einstein theory 爱因斯坦相对论 | Einstein 爱因斯坦

Einstein advanced the theory of relativity:(爱因斯坦提出了相对论的理论. )

3)The date of the meeting was advanced by two weeks.(会议... | 4)Einstein advanced the theory of relativity.(爱因斯坦提出了相对论的理论. ) | 5)As autumn advanced, the old lady became worse.(秋深了,老妇人...

Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity:爱因斯坦发现相对论

But he failed to convince us the origin of life但他没能说服我们生命... | Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity爱因斯坦发现相对论 | But he failed to explain the formation of universe但他没有解释宇...

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity:爱因斯坦相对论

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity爱因斯坦相对论 | 1. periodic table of (chemical) elements元素周期表 | 2. gaseous metal气态金属(gaseous气体的,气态的)

Einstein's general theory of relativity:爱因斯坦的相对论理论

A third class of experiments and observations 第三类实验和观察 | Einstein's general theory of relativity 爱因斯坦的相对论理论 | Special telescopes 专用望远镜


8.224 探索黑洞:广义相对论和天体物理 Exploring Black... | 8.225J 爱因斯坦、欧本海默、费曼:二十世纪的物理学 Einstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century, Fall 2002 | 8.231 固体物理(I) Physic...

special relativity:狭义相对论

'''狭义相对论'''(Special Relativity)是主要由[[爱因斯坦]]创立的[[时空]]理论,是对[[牛顿时空观]]的修正. 如果把[[相对论]]中的低于光速的[[洛仑兹变换]]中的[[光速]],设为无限大,刚好就是[[伽利略匀速切变变换]].

general theory of relativity:广义相对论

从第一代物理巨匠牛顿的经典力学理论,到第二代物理巨匠爱因斯坦的"狭义相对论"(Special Theory of Relativity)和"广义相对论"(General Theory of Relativity),现代的科学时...天气: 冻雪遍地 心情: 如履薄冰刹那芳华 (佛家时空观之一:时间篇)MarsMan按语:本文是对佛家时空观的直观阐述,

special theory of relativity:狭义相对论

从第一代物理巨匠牛顿的经典力学理论,到第二代物理巨匠爱因斯坦的"狭义相对论"(Special Theory of Relativity)和"广义相对论"(General Theory of Relativity),现代的科学时...天气: 冻雪遍地 心情: 如履薄冰刹那芳华 (佛家时空观之一:时间篇)MarsMan按语:本文是对佛家时空观的直观阐述,