英语人>词典>汉英 : 熬夜的人 的英文翻译,例句
熬夜的人 的英文翻译、例句


night owl
更多网络例句与熬夜的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That night Kemp sat up to read all the newspaper accounts of the activities of the Invisible Man.


If you are a night owl, you should consider working out at night.


Even though I am totally a night owl,I have to get going now!


So far,more than 40,000 has died in the catastrophe,and lots of them are young students.cos it was during class when the earthquake happened.all of a sudden,buildings crashed,and walls fell down.it is almost impossible for them to run out for life.thousands were berried down in such a short moment.why was this happening to these innocent children?they just left us,with parents crying beside remains.


So far,more than 40,000 has died in the catastrophe,and lots of them are young students.cos it was during class when the earthquake happened.all of a sudden,buildings crashed,and walls fell down.it is almost impossible for them to run out for life.thousands were berried down in such a short moment.why was this happening to these innocent children?they just left us,with parents crying beside remains.

杂谈 为什么发博文的页面要把标题摆在前面呢,想记录点什么确又总是写不下题目,或者写下题目了之后正文又不断偏题,还好现在不是考作文,写完正文再总结一个题目或者干脆把题目留白都是允许的,人长大了可以随心所欲的做很多事情,比如在妈妈看来不干净的路边摊吃烧烤或者熬夜看球。

That one, keeps fine habits and customs , many person's blackhead all is to pay attention to because of the habits and customs lack lead to black-headed go to but recrudesce , always good for nothing, want to dislodge black-headed , will have to keep fine sleep, not staying up late, burning the thing, especially greasy thing that decot and fry burns , being able to not touch is not to contact it.


He slept on doorsteps in fine weather and in empty hogsheads in wet; he did not have to go to school or to church, or call any being master or obey anybody; he could go fishing or swimming when and where he chose, and stay as long as it suited him; nobody forbade him to fight; he could sit up as late as he pleased; he was always the first boy that went barefoot in the spring and the last to resume leather in the fall; he never had to wash, nor put on clean clothes; he could swear wonderfully.


When she looked at him, his eyes were still closed, and he looked as though hed fallen asleep again, but the blanket was now thrown off the empty half of the sofa, and the cushion hed been holding on to now sat up against the armrest next to the one he used as a pillow.

当她看他的时候,他的眼睛仍然被关闭,而且他看起来好像 hed 堕落的再一次熟睡地,但是毛毯现在走开被丢空人一半的沙发,而且抓紧现在的垫子 hed 紧邻那一个熬夜对抗扶手他使用如一个枕头。

更多网络解释与熬夜的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

break prison:越狱

在一句"如今没看过>(break prison)就会被鄙视"的刺激下,熬夜看完了越狱第一季共22集. 的确,有几点感悟,一是上阵亲兄弟,在风雨激荡的变革时代,提高生存能力的一种办法就是人多力量大,过往把中国人生很多孩子的现象归因于农耕时代为了获得更多劳动力,


月经周期可分为滤泡期、排卵期及黄体期三期,其中黄体期不管种族、国籍,只要排卵后卵子不受孕,九成的人此期都是14天左右. 如果您因生活压力、熬夜而导致经期延后,都是前面两期受影响造成的!月经周期的第一天是从月经(Menses)来的第一天算起.

He is a little punchy, he needs a cup of coffee to wake up:他有点没睡醒的样子, 他需要喝杯咖啡提神

comes in the way of 成为绊脚石 | He is a little punchy, he needs a cup of coffee to wake up. 他有点没睡醒的样子, 他需要喝杯咖啡提神 | He is a night owl. 他是个熬夜的人

a pain in the neck (idiom):惹人嫌,让人很受不了的麻烦

To burn the midnight oil (idiom): 熬夜工作 | a pain in the neck (idiom): 惹人嫌,让人很受不了的麻烦 | I'm broke:我身无分文