英语人>词典>汉英 : 熔岩锥 的英文翻译,例句
熔岩锥 的英文翻译、例句


lava cone
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Cinder cone volcanoes are formed when magmas with high gas contents and high viscosity are blown high into the air during an eruption.


Lava spews from a new cone on Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.


Photo Gallery: Volcano Exploration Lava spews from a new cone on Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.


The island's most famous feature (it even got airtime in the movie, Master and Commander ) is actually an eroded lava formation called a tuff cone.


The scoria cones surrounding the fissure are black, as is the lava flow extending to the northeast.


A hornito is a small rootless spatter cone that forms on the surface of a basaltic lava flow.


With the different distances between fissures and Laoheishan volcanic cone and the types of lava flows (sheet lava flows or small sub-overflows), the tension fissures show the different features.


Scenic areas of geological heritage: the crater forest area, a scenic river of lava, waterfalls and Villa area, Jingpohu area, lava plateau area, a small North Lake area, toad pond scenic volcanic cone; of these particular crater forests, waterfalls Villa, lava River, Jingpohu four most famous scenic spots, is the heart of scenic geological park.


Hornito is a Spanish term meaning "little oven," and small lava cones like this one from Hawaii resemble old-fashioned outdoor wood-fired ovens.


The shockwave of the meteorite strike on the terrane of the surface passes the dynamic energy to the surface and forms the target terrane shatter cone; due to the fact that the terrane of stricken surface can not maintain the state of stress, a cluster of rarefaction wave was formed behind the shockwave to decompress terrane substances from high pressure state, this cluster of rarefaction wave ejects with high speed from the interface between the substances such as meteorite, surface terrane and lava, the shockwave compresses the target terrane substances, generating super-high temperature and forming a jet current of rock mass, rock powder, lava or rock fog with high pressure and temperature, the jet current lasted until the shockwave rebounded from the backside of rock, and the target of meteorite-stricken surface is formed on surface.


更多网络解释与熔岩锥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

driblet agglutinate:熔岩碎屑黏合集块岩

熔岩碎屑集块岩 driblet agglomerate | 熔岩碎屑黏合集块岩 driblet agglutinate | 熔岩碎屑锥 driblet cone; hornito

agglutinate cone:寄生熔岩锥

agglomerative factor 聚集因素 | agglutinate cone 寄生熔岩锥 | agglutinating antibody 凝集抗体

lava dome:熔岩穹

lava cone 熔岩锥 | lava dome 熔岩穹 | lava flow 熔岩流

driblet cone; hornito:熔岩碎屑锥

熔岩碎屑黏合集块岩 driblet agglutinate | 熔岩碎屑锥 driblet cone; hornito | 焦矾 dried alum

lava cone:熔岩锥

lava column 熔岩柱 | lava cone 熔岩锥 | lava crater 熔岩火口

lava cone:熔岩丘,熔岩锥

lava blister 熔岩泡 | lava cone 熔岩丘,熔岩锥 | lava dome 熔岩穹丘,盾状火山


cinder cone 火山渣锥 | pahoehoe 绳状熔岩 | maar 低平火山口

scoria cone:火山渣锥

scoria 熔岩渣滓 | scoria cone 火山渣锥 | scoria tuff 滓状凝灰岩

spatter cone:寄生熔岩锥

岩浆块 spatter | 寄生熔岩锥 spatter cone | 岩浆块堆 spatter rampart

hornito; driblet cone:熔岩碎屑锥

角页岩相 hornfels facies | 熔岩碎屑锥 hornito; driblet cone | 角岩;角石 hornstone