英语人>词典>汉英 : 煽动行为 的英文翻译,例句
煽动行为 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
demagoguery  ·  demagogism

更多网络例句与煽动行为相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whoever causes a person's injury, disability or death through 'beating, smashing and looting' and whoever destroys or forcibly takes articles of ppublic or private property, whoever, by violence or other methods, including the use of 'big character posters' and 'small character posters', publicly insults another person or fabricates facts to defame him, if the circumstances are serious, whoever, for the purpose of counterrevolution, incites the masses to resist or sabotage the implementation of the state's laws or decrees or propagandizes for and incites the overthrow of the political power of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the socialist system through counterrevolutionary slogans, leaflets or by other means and commits a crime in violation of the Criminal Law shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.


The Criminal Law stipulates that whoever disturbs public order so seriously that "work, production, business, education or scientific research cannot be conducted and the state and society suffer serious losses"; whoever assembles a crowd to disturb "order at stations, wharves, civil airports, market places, public parks, theatres, cinemas, exhibition halls, sports grounds or other public Places", or assembles a crowd to block traffic or undermine traffic order or resist "public security administration personnel of the state" or obstruct them "from carrying out their duties according to law, if the circumstances are serious";"whoever causes a person's injury, disability or death through 'beating, smashing and looting'" and whoever destroys or forcibly takes "articles of ppublic or private property";"whoever, by violence or other methods, including the use of 'big character posters' and 'small character posters'","publicly insults another person or fabricates facts to defame him, if the circumstances are serious";"whoever, for the purpose of counterrevolution," incites "the masses to resist or sabotage the implementation of the state's laws or decrees" or propagandizes for and incites "the overthrow of the political power of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the socialist system through counterrevolutionary slogans, leaflets or by other means" and commits a crime in violation of the Criminal Law shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.


All are entitled to equal protection against any discri mination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such dis crimination.


The character or practices of a demagogue; demagoguery.


Many in western Europe are predicting outbreaks of populist nationalism, demagoguery and social unrest.


The value of market esoterica to the consumer of investment advice is a different story.


The value of market esoterica to the consumer of investment advice is a different story. In my opinion, investment success will not be produced by arcane formulae, computer programs or signals flashed by the price behavior of stocks and an investor will succeed by coupling good business judgment with an ability to insulate his thoughts and behavior from the super-contagious emotions that swirl about themarketplace.


It is not necessary for a crime to have been committed for incitement to be proved.


During World War I, the Espionage Act and Sedition Act sent close to a thousand people to jail for speaking out against the war.


According to Zhu and Sitar, it is the hope of the central government that to create conditions for the next round of contact and consultation, the Dalai side would live up to their word and take credible action to stop activities aimed at splitting China, stop plotting and inciting violence, and stop disrupting and sabotaging the Beijing Olympic Games, the sources said.


更多网络解释与煽动行为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


restricted 受限制的, 有限的 | demagogism 煽动,煽动行为 | desaturate 使不饱和,降低(颜色等)的饱和度, 使增加褪彰


demagogicdemagogical 煽动群众的 | demagogism 煽动群众 | demagogismdemagoguery 煽动行为


demagogog /群众煽动家/ | demagogue /煽动者/群众煽动者/ | demagoguery /群众煽动/煽动行为/散布谣言/


demagogue 煽动者 | demagoguery 煽动行为 | demagoguism 煽动


demagogue /煽动者/群众煽动者/ | demagoguery /群众煽动/煽动行为/散布谣言/ | demagogy /煽动家之行为/方法/


demagoguerytalebearing 散布谣言 | demagogy 煽动家之行为 | demandaskrequestcoerceimportantvitaltowanttobegoingtomust 要


demagoguery /群众煽动/煽动行为/散布谣言/ | demagogy /煽动家之行为/方法/ | demandable /可要求的/可请求的/

demagogy:煽动; 煽动主义; 煽动家的方法与行为 (名)

demagoguery 煽动; 煽动主义 (名) | demagogy 煽动; 煽动主义; 煽动家的方法与行为 (名) | demand satisfaction 要求赔偿; 要求道歉; 要求决斗


instigate教唆,怂恿,煽动 | instigation教唆,怂恿,煽动 | job犯罪行为(尤指偷窃)


demagogic /煽动群众的/ | demagogical /煽动群众的/ | demagogism /煽动群众/煽动行为/