英语人>词典>汉英 : 焦炭炉 的英文翻译,例句
焦炭炉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Industrial residue is combined with coke dust to produce granular materials that is transferred to liquation furnace for high - temperature processing after automatic computation and proportioning , and the melt is processed to be fiber by fiber machine , then after containing dust , floatation deslagging, shot separation and modification processing , whitening and dehydration , which the fiber is pressed to inorganic fiber for paper making in vacuum condition and the product is weighed,packaged and put in storage automatically .


The miner, the builder of the furnace for smelting the ore, the feller of the timber, the burner of the charcoal to be made use of in the smelting-house, the brick-maker, the brick-layer, the workmen who attend the furnace, the mill-wright, the forger, the smith, must all of them join their different arts in order to produce them.


Coke properties has been studied by high temperature SiC oven、infrared gas analyzer and X-ray diffraction. First set forward the relationship between UPC and coke reactivity, strength, fine coke and coke graphitization, and creatively find the graphitization degree of coke tends to 100% when temp. reaches to 1350℃ UPC is profitableness to coke properties;②The effect of UPC on liquid slag distribution and flow functions in experiment oven has been studied by mathematics simulation The effect of UPC on taking shape and dropping of high titanium-bearing B. F. slag has been studied by using high temp. oven simulation cohesive zone and dropping zone of blast furnace.


The result showed when tail gas was burnt off, coke thermal reactivity was the highest, and the strength after reaction was the lowest, the burning of tail gas deduced with alcohol lamp was in the middle; when tail gas was bled, the thermal reactivity of coke was the lowest and the strength after reaction was the highest.

摘 要:研究了3种不同的尾气处理方式对焦炭热反应性和反应后强度的影响,结果表明,尾气在炉盖处大火烧掉时焦炭热反应性最高,反应后强度最低;尾气导出用酒精灯烧掉次之;尾气放散时焦炭的热反应性最低,反应后强度最高。

Based on the utilization degree of carbon in unconsumed pulverized coal and coke, the carbon proportion from unconsumed pulverized coal was determined by the microscopic analysis results of BF dust at large PCI.


ResultsThe major occupational hazardous factors in the project were coke dust, carbon monoxide, benzopyrene, benzene soluble matter and noise. The detection results showed that MAC of benzopyrene on coke pushed side, TWA of benzene soluble matter of two posts and noise level of coke griddle were overproof the rest were eligible.

结果 该扩建项目主要职业病危害因素是焦炭尘、一氧化碳、苯并芘、苯溶物、噪声等;检测结果示焦侧苯并芘的最高接触浓度、炉盖工、出炉工苯溶物的时间加权平均浓度及输焦振筛的噪声强度超标,其余检测点检测结果均符合国家职业卫生标准。

Producer gas: refers to the coal gas, mixed coal gas, water gas, single water gas and double water gas generated through vaporization in the gas producer using air and a small amount of steam or coke and semicoke.


I.S.P is the typical complex and continuous production process. Based on the peculiarity of I.S.P: physical chemistry reaction is quite complex, operation condition is comparatively rigid, the charging ration needs to be exactitude. Temperature variety of zones in furnace including: warm-up charging zone, re-oxidation zone, revivification zone, slag smelting zone, The soft point and soft zone are the key factors, which have an effect on the smelting of ISP and it is a comprehensive parameter appraising the quality of sintered aggregate.


Coke Oven Gas is made in by-product coke ovens by the distillation of the volatile matter from the coal.


A model for predicting the sulphur content in hot metal based on neural networks is introduced. Blast temperature, blast flux, top temperature, burden, coal injection rate, sulphur content in ore, sulphur content in coke, sulphur content in coal and silicon content of last tap were selected as inputs. The inputs were treated with time lag to improve prediction.


更多网络解释与焦炭炉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beehive oven:蜂巢炉

枫木 maple | 蜂巢炉 beehive oven | 蜂巢炉焦炭 beehive coke

beehive coke:蜂巢炉焦炭

蜂巢炉 beehive oven | 蜂巢炉焦炭 beehive coke | 蜂蜡 bees wax


cokernut 椰子 | cokery 焦炭炉 | col width 列宽


冲天炉(cupola)使用低硫、低灰分焦炭也可熔炼黄铜,但由于氧化性气氛与锌的挥发,过程控制困难. 坩锅炉是熔炼中、小批量产品最简单的熔炼装置,在30~120min内可熔炼100~500kg黄铜. 坩锅炉由小型垂直圆柱形炉室组成,

Kryptol furnace:碳粒炉,炭粒电阻炉,炭粒炉

peat bog 酸沼; 泥炭沼; 泥炭沼泽 | kryptol furnace 碳粒炉; 炭粒电阻炉; 炭粒炉 | coke blacking 焦炭粉; 涂焦炭粉

coke iron:焦炭生铁

coke furnace || 焦炭炉 | coke iron || 焦炭生铁 | coke mill || 焦炭球磨机

coke pig iron:焦炭生铁,煤焦生铁

焦炭炉,煤焦炉 coke furnace | 焦炭生铁,煤焦生铁 coke pig iron | 焦油 tar

coke tower:焦炭塔

焦炭洗气器 coke scrubber | 焦炭塔 coke tower | 焦炭坩埚炉 coke-fired crucible furnace

coke-fired crucible furnace:焦炭坩埚炉

焦炭塔 coke tower | 焦炭坩埚炉 coke-fired crucible furnace | 焦化设备;炼焦器 coker

crucible furnace; coke-fired:焦炭坩埚炉

坩埚炉 crucible furnace | 焦炭坩埚炉 crucible furnace; coke-fired | 坩埚座 crucible holder